Sunday, August 27, 2023

ALWAYS hungry now…

Started my weight loss journey (M29) on Jan 9th of this year. Started at 264lbs and am currently down to 167lbs.. Not sure what my body fat was at when I started but recently bought a machine and seems I’m at aroun 14-15%. Was mainly doing cardio with little weights. Started incorporating a lot more weight training on July 1st until now. About 1 hour of cardio and 1.5 hour of weight training 6x a week.

Since I’ve started doing resistance training and spending more time at the gym… I’m ALWAYS Hungry!! What used to keep me full for hours, barely keeps me full anymore. I’ve upped my food intake so I’m not in as big of a calorie deficit as before but it doesn’t seem to matter. I’m eating about 2000-2200 calories a day. Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/BountyHunta93
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

my appetite has gone away and i am no longer able to hit my calorie or nutrition goals

F19/5'10/SW:240/CW:205 For context, I aim to eat 1250 calories a day. Hi all! This is a post I never thought I'd be making during my weight loss journey! I've been losing weight for six months and have lost 35lbs

Recently, due possibly to my medication? I have absolutely no appetite at all and no desire to eat anything when I'm not hungry. Like, I can go a week without eating an entire meal (just small snacks) recently because my body isn't telling me to eat. I feel weak, and I think it's because I'm low on certain nutrients?

Has anyone ever dealt with something like this? Do you know of any foods or drinks that are denser in certain nutrients?

I know I am trying to lose weight, but this rate of weight loss is not something I want at all. I have only ever gained weight most of my life so I'm not even sure if this is just what losing weight does to you.

submitted by /u/xxbabymerlot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can losing weight make you look prettier?

I(22F) am 5'6 am weigh 330 pounds and just started my weight loss journey yesterday. I have always been extremely insecure about my appearance because I have always been overweight and people confused me as a man my whole life. I want to know if I lose a certain amount of weight or start doing a certain diet can I look more feminine and pretty. I don't want to do any type of cosmetic work and I looked into ways for me to change my appearance but the only things I saw was cosmetic surgery and hormone therapy(but it was for trans people and I am not trans).

submitted by /u/Proper_Egg_3310
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, August 26, 2023

seemingly plateau-ing?

18M 5’10, started my weight loss from 197 lbs at the very end of January/start of February, I now weigh around 147 lbs. My weight has not been changing for the past 3 weeks, even though I have been consuming between 1000-1300 calories per day depending on how hungry I feel, with a minimum of 115 grams of protein per day while also lifting weights in gym around 3x a week.

Is this normal, or at least has this been experienced by some of you? Do I have to restrict my caloric intake even further? If I do, I don’t think I can do this anymore. I’m so tired of eating tuna, chicken, low cal protein shakes etc… Lowering my intake would mean cutting out any food that I enjoy in order to reach my protein goals 😬😬

submitted by /u/Guidance-Distinct
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I break out of a super long plateau?

Hey guys, any help/suggestions are appreciated. I (28f) started my weight loss journey in January of 2022. At that point, I weighed 207lbs. I started seriously tracking my food and ate around 1500 cals a day and continued showing up to the gym 4-5 days a week and it seemed to work….at first. I was able to get my weight down to 185lbs, which is where I’m at now but for the life of me I can’t lose any more weight. I’ve been stuck at 185 for 6 months now.

I still eat around 1500 cals a day which should still be a deficit for me and while my activity levels have decreased since I really was seeing the scale moving my weight won’t budge which is incredibly discouraging. For the last month I’ve worked really hard to increase my activity levels but nothing changed.

I’m honestly ready to give up at this point. I can’t imagine why working so hard and being consistent and dedicated isn’t helping me get any closer to my goal weight. It really seems like continuing isn’t worth it - I don’t want to feel that way, but it’s difficult to work as hard as I am and not see the results.

If anyone can give any advice on how to get over this plateau it’d be greatly appreciated. I’m just at a loss of what to do.

submitted by /u/mustangdreams22
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Someone noticed my weight loss this early?

For the first time, at about 88.9kg down from about 98~kg, Someone, unprompted, has said I've lost weight.

At first I thought he was joking and played it off as such but then he was like "no, I'm serious you're looking well"

I've been keeping it low-key this whole time except for my brother because I don't want it to be "a thing"

Based on other people's posts of Similar height and SW, I thought it would start noticable at more 85kg

I've had mixed feelings about the whole process My moon face was kind of cute and cherub in it's own way and I miss it but I'm also glad I don't have it full time

Before he came in, I was just trying on this dress I bought second hand online that was too small for me. It's starting to fit more, maybe an inch or so and I'll be there. Maybe I'll post the picture of me wearing it one day here and my before pictures

Thanks for reading Please share similar experiences about mixed feelings and stuff if you relate or just something nice and supportive

submitted by /u/stabby_coffin_salt
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Dating Experiences?

Wondering if anyone else has been in this situation. I (32F) am recently divorced and have just entered the dating pool. I have lost about 80lbs overall and am about 50lbs lighter than I was at 21 when I started dating my now ex husband. When/do you tell people about your weight loss? I’m not at all used to being seen as attractive, and it feels like I’m somehow hiding something from partners who think I’ve always looked like this. I’ve got loose skin on my stomach and upper thighs so on top of every other thing making me nervous about dating, I’m worried about how that might affect things further down the line.

submitted by /u/Run_from_reality
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from loseit - Lose the Fat