Saturday, June 8, 2024

Advice needed on weight loss journey

Hey there I've been in a caloric deficit of on average 1100 calories in per day, I started my deficit around April 20th, it's now June 8th, below is my weight loss, on average I burn 3500 calories per day (according to my fitbit) I'm 18 and I'm 6'0, any reccomndation or if I'm on course would be helpful thanks :)

April 18th: 265

April 25th: 263

April 27th: 259.2

April 28th: 258

-- New Month --

May 4th: 256.6

May 8th: 255

May 9th: 254.8

May 11th: 252.2

May 19th: 253.4

May 23rd: 250.6

-- New Month --

June 8th: 246

I try to take my weight once a week but sometimes I forget to or I'm really busy.

submitted by /u/ExternalBig2645
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, June 7, 2024

Losing faster to fit the dress... OK or not OK

I'm so proud of my weight loss in the past 5 months. I've gone from roughly 205lb to 172.4 this morning!! My final goal is about 160lbs - I want to be about a size medium and 6-8 (US) and fit. I'm about 175-176cm. I think that's when I've looked best. I'm not into the model thin thing on myself and not sure I could attain it.

I have a wedding to attend in 1 week. I bought a cool dress for it online. My measurements were slightly between medium and large and I decided eff it and went for the medium. It was pricey and came in from another country. Much to my delight, the medium does up!! But, it kinda rides up. I think if I was a bit smaller it would look better and fit perfectly and not ride up at all. When it rides up it creates a funny bulge on the hip that would annoy me. I can try to get it tailored but that'll be even more $, there's not much fabric to let out, I'll be screwed if I don't like it and want to return it... plus, if I wear it again I hate the idea of tailoring it bigger when I'm losing weight 🤦‍♀️

I've been losing weight in a really healthy way. About 1800 calories daily and 3 workouts per week, I don't eat more to make up for the workouts.

Should I do something to supercharge my weight loss and lose 5lb in a week or something?

Drop to 1600 calories and workout daily?

Cut out salt?

What would even work? (If so how many days? I adore pickles)

I don't want to mess up my metabolism or derail myself or whatever but I really wanna slay in this dress and not worry about pulling it down all night. I've worked so hard!!

I tried my Spanx, but they aren't THAT compressive now that I've lost weight... any miracle cheap shapewear to try?

Thanks all 🙏🏼

submitted by /u/G3N3RICxUS3RNAM3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

43lbs in 10 months - does this sound sustainable?

Does this sound like sustainable weight loss?

I’ve struggled with gaining the weight back plus more the last time I lost a substantial amount of weight. I’ve decided to set myself a time period of 10 months to lose 43lbs which adequate to 1 pound weight loss a week. I’m thinking of eating 1400 calories a day - I am sedentary but I do plan on slowly upping my exercise.

The last time I ate 1200 calories and I did lose weight but I’m now thinking that this must have been an unsustainable calorie intake.

This is mainly because I want to be at my goal weight for my birthday in just under a years time.

For context I am 5, 8 and currently weigh 183lbs and my goal weight is 140lbs as that is when I felt and looked my best.

Thank you 😊

submitted by /u/sertralinesister
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone have success after switching to copper IUD from hormonal birth control?

Been on birth control for years, definitely have put on weight, and am struggling to lose any despite being a lot more conscientious about diet and exercising consistently.

I have other reasons besides weight loss for wanting to switch from my current method (depo shot), and am debating between a hormonal and non hormonal IUD. So I’m curious if anyone had lost weight after getting the non-hormonal copper IUD after being on hormonal birth control.

I’m 5’4-5’5, 31f and weigh roughly 160, give or take.

ETA: i’m prediabetic and recently saw a study linking insulin resistance and hormonal BC which makes me curious if switching to copper would have an impact

submitted by /u/obviousthrowawyy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Losing 40 + pounds in 10 months

If you guys don't mind I'd like to share a video I made on youtube on losing 40 lbs in 10 months:

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to share a bit of my journey and hopefully inspire anyone who might be feeling stuck. Over the past 10 months, I managed to lose 40 pounds, and I want to emphasize that this journey was about so much more than just the number on the scale. Like many of you, I battled mental anxiety, depression, and a crippling lack of self-confidence. What truly helped me was the decision to keep going, no matter how small the progress seemed. In a world where instant gratification is the norm, it’s easy to get disheartened when results don’t show up right away. But I’ve learned that the real victory lies in the consistency and dedication we show every single day. The small, seemingly insignificant actions add up over time, and that’s where the magic happens. So, if you’re feeling down or stuck, remember: keep pushing forward. Celebrate the small wins, stay consistent, and trust the process. Your efforts are paving the way to a healthier, happier you, even if the results aren’t visible yet. Keep going, you've got this!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I just want you to know that if you're struggling with weight loss you're not alone in this journey. :)

submitted by /u/CrispyPatalim
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight Loss Victory! (Trigger Warning: SA)

I (17/m) was a victim of SA when I was 8 and ever since then I've had a lot of trouble with comfort eating (eating for emotional reasons, not hunger). Due to my trouble with this, my parents/therapist, over the years, have kept me on a pretty healthy diet but I admittedly have snuck/hid things or overindulged sometimes when I was away from the home dinner table with friends, and I do have some extra pounds. Now that I'm older I've been kind of given more freedom (not 100%) to make my own choices, but it kind of worries me, because, for example, when I'm an adult soon and move out of the house, no one will be there to menu plan/grocery shop for me and I'm on my own. It's been a little more difficult with more freedom to not snack and I worry I will lose my will power with complete freedom.

With that said, I've decided to go on a diet and start exercising once and for all, and really learn about healthy eating, and stick to it before that time!

I'm really happy to report that I've lost 5 pounds so far! It makes me feel so happy to go down on the scale not up! I've decided that I want to for myself and simply for the fact that my abuser cannot affect my life in that regard any longer! It feels like a victory for me and AGAINST him. I also would like to feel more attractive for my girlfriend, even though she would accept me any way I come, I still feel it's important for my hopefully long life with her!

I just wanted to share my victory with people who may understand the unique struggle we face. This isn't the end, though, and this isn't just a diet but a complete lifestyle change! :)

submitted by /u/Artistic_Dalek
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The Real Reason For My Journey

For a long time, I was focused on the idea of a specific number as far as weight loss or reaching specific look but, after watching a few movies recently, I realized what my real goal is. I always see scenes where people have to climb, crawl, fight, carry something, etc and I'm like, "Damn, I'd be dead. I'm too fat for all that."

I want to be life ready. I want to be able to handle any situation life throws at me (with the exception of those that might require special skills).

While that's not a very specific goal and I'll probably still weigh myself from time to time, I feel like it has more of a purpose than just a number on the scale.

submitted by /u/thegreatestmeicanbe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat