Monday, September 9, 2024

“Inconvenient” Non-Scale Victory 😂

I just recently learned what a NSV is. I don’t like to track my weight loss via scale (I get obsessive), so I love the idea of the NSV.

I’ve noticed I’m more “boney” in my hip bones, collar bones and oddly my wrists. But one that I did notice was then when I go out to eat and place my napkin in my lap, I’m not able to secure it by lodging it underneath my belly anymore 🤣 I was so frustrated going out to eat the past few times and couldn’t lift my FUPA to place the napkin and it kept falling lol!!!

What are some of your Non-Scale victories??? :)

submitted by /u/aggpri22
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Fear of Falling Off Again

Hey everyone!

Being honest my (M20) journey with weight loss has been complicated. Last year around summer I had been successful in dropping from a starting weight of 277 IB, the heaviest I’ve been in my entire life, to 251 IB; however I hit an emotional slump and gained it all right back in the following months.

I’m making an attempt again as I’m at a starting weight of 265 IB and I really want to reach my goals this time. My biggest fear right now is that I will run into the same condition and lose any potential progress out of self loathing/poor self image.

For my successful friends here, is there any advice/quotes/mindsets you’ve utilized to help you succeed?

submitted by /u/MrMunchMan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

1000 Calorie Deficit and weight loss journey

800-1000 Calorie Deficit

33M/175cm - Below are my weight loss recording after just starting my journey. Even though it does not show on scale much but I lost inches from all over the body. I do heavy weightlifting 5-6 days a week and walk about 6000-8000 steps a day after workout. In addition to fat loss I also noticed a lot of muscle mass growth

Should I continue or change something 🤔? Any suggestions greatly appreciated. You guys are much more knowledgeable than me being a beginner

Weight Aug 2 91.6 Aug 9 91.2 Aug 18 90.4 Aug 23 90.3 Aug 24 89.8 Aug 29 89.5 Aug 30 89.3 Sep 8 87.6

Thank you everyone in advance ☺️

submitted by /u/Fall-Usual
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

When you started did you believe you could make it?

When you started your weight loss / fitness journey how sure were you that you'd really be able to reach your goal? The picture in your mind you'd deem the best case outcome.

Lately I (f,40) wonder a lot about the mental side of things. Sure, it is really important goals are realistic but I feel defeated.

Why even make changes if I can't get to where I want to be? Like I can't expect to feel like when I was at my best im my mid20s - levels of energy, strength, endurance, lack of pain (I'm chronically ill). It is not even about looks or weight per se.

The world keeps telling me I'll be in perimenopause soon and then everything supposedly goes to shit. I want to get out of this funk.

submitted by /u/Salt-Hurry8094
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Walking vs lifting?

I (25F) have been walking for almost 3 weeks. I have hit 15 days out of 20, and have walked a total of 60.5 miles. I aim to hit 4 miles a day. Some days I do a little less, and some days I do a little more. Just depends on how life is that day.

I am looking to incorporate weight lifting into my working out routine. I try to workout 6 days a week (I did take a 3 day break last week but I had another health thing going on). Let’s say I can realistically workout 5 days a week. How many days would you walk vs weight lift? I absolutely hate treadmill walking, so I’m not looking to do an even split on gym days. I like to walk in nature or around the neighborhood. I do not have access to any weights at home, so they would have to be different days. Gym days are for weights, walking days are out in nature.

I am afraid my lifting days will interfere with cardio days, and slow down weight loss progression. Right now I am doing 16:8 fasting, but not actively counting my calories. I am mindful of what I eat and what the calorie intake looks like, but tracking it leads me to a weird mental head space. Drinking only water with the occasional Diet Coke for caffeine. Focusing on fruits, veggies, and protein.

So all of that being said, what percentage should I walk vs lift weights do you think? I am 5’5, 181 pounds (down about 5 from starting) and wear most of my weight in my stomach, breast, and arms.

submitted by /u/yeah_yea_ye_y
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

i’m so frustrated!! why is no one noticing my weight loss?

i’ve lost 30 ish pounds in like 6 months and not one single person i’ve known (friends, relatives, etc) have told me i look different, i’ve lost weight, or i look healthier. i know it doesn’t matter what other people think but it kinda strains my mentality towards myself bc i start having the thoughts of “i didn’t try hard enough” “i still look the exact same with losing 30 pounds of fat” it’s crazy. it’s also bizzare because not even family members comment which is crazy because they are always so truthful on your appearance than anyone else. i even asked a friend this summer if i’ve changed at all or if they think i look different and they legit told me “u look the exact same” so i’m like??? okay… and for reference i am F, 5”4, i weighed 176 and now i’m at 138. it’s just frustrating because i want to see the progress and i also want other people to see it, yet that doesn’t seem the case yet as everyone is still treating me the exact same, im still getting ignored by people, and all this talk of “people will start to acknowledge or treat u differently when losing weight” is non existent in my world. sigh idk how to cure this or let myself just do me without caring what other people think. just a rant… idk if anyone’s experienced the same thing here

submitted by /u/Illustrious_Ad_1830
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What are you all eating, especially for breakfast?

Hello all! I've recently started taking weight loss seriously, and this community has been a huge source of inspiration and knowledge for me. I started tracking my calories, not really to reduce yet but just to get a sense of what I was eating....and I was shocked.

800 calories for my normal breakfast?! 1500 for dinner?! Not even including my kids snacks that I finish off while I'm clearing plates - no wonder I'm at the heaviest I've ever been. This is the first time in about 4 years that I haven't been pregnant or breastfeeding, so my sense of normal portion sizes is completely fucked.

My partner and I are excellent cooks (part of the problem lol) and most of what we eat is homemade. What are you cooking/eating that's lower calorie but also filling? How do you meet your calorie goals without feeling hungry all the time?

submitted by /u/beet_queen
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from loseit - Lose the Fat