Friday, November 2, 2018

My Journey, pt 2

36 F. SW: 320. GW: 165. CW: 265

My previous thread has been archived, but still viewable, so I’m making a new one.

Over the past year, many things have occurred and it was mostly not good. My weight shifted so much, but never more than 320 pounds.

I tried to do what I’d previously done, eat better, lower calories, no/low carbs, but none of that worked. I was so distraught. It didn’t help that I was in the middle of a divorce at this time last year and my sleeping habits had gone from bad to worse.

Once the house was sold, and I’d lost my job, I finally had the time to sleep and get back on a normal eating schedule. That didn’t help. So, I just stopped letting everything bother me and the weight loss has been great. I still have 100# left, but I’m feeling confident that I can make it happen.

submitted by /u/Carmekino
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My International BMI journey story (with pictures)

I started my journey at 76kg/168lb five months ago. My first goal is to hit 60kg/130lb with some significant milestones along the way like 30in waist size, fitting into certain clothes, healthy fat %, etc.

One of the milestones was to be a healthy BMI. If anything weight-related ever became the topic of discussion anywhere, I wanted my statistic to reassure me that I was healthy.

So I started with my 76kg and BMI of 27, counting the kilos as they dropped off and rejoicing when I hit 70kg with a BMI 24.9 . My foot was finally in the door of the Healthy club that I had dreamed of for so long! I was so happy that I made that particular milestone and celebrated here on /r/loseit .

However, the very next day after this victory, I find out that I am pushed out that very door because I am Asian. Asians had a different scale. You guessed it right - A LOWER SCALE.

I found out that my a BMI of 27 according to the Asian standard was classified as obese. This made me so sad-mainly because I was not aware that I was obese when I started. Therefore, one day after my so called healthy victory, there I was, still overweight. Such a piss off. So with a lot of anger and hate at the Asian scale, I propped another milestone into my weight loss journey- to hit an IDEAL ASIAN BMI.

I was not throwing away the perfectly good milestone I had earned. I just added another one to my list. After a big plateau of two months, mainly due to eating at maintenance, I recently made good progress and inched towards 64.4kgs.

Yesterday, I hit 64.3kg and FINALLY a Healthy Asian BMI of 22.9!! Yay!

Here are two pictures to commemorate this special moment:

These are my old jeans that were too tight to button up when I started my journey.

These are my brand new pair of Asian BMI jeans that I inaugurated yesterday.

Full disclosure Bonus Story: Yesterday, I ate two 6" pizzas that I hadn't really planned for. I didn't feel good before, during or after this process, it was a bad decision. The binge was not even BMI or victory related. I ordered food it because I wanted to celebrate being alone at home. I never get the whole house to myself. I kept fighting so bad to not order but then I finally ended up trying the new app that had some coupons. It was a bad decsion mainly because I didn't enjoy anything of the process. I was dreading stepping on the scale this morning and I was still at the same weight so yay!

Tl;Dr: It took me ONLY FIVE MONTHS to go from from obese to healthy WITH two months of plateaus!


submitted by /u/CurlyMope
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[F/18/123kgs - ??? kgs] Long-time lurker looking for an accountability partner. :)

Hi there! I’ve recovering from disordered eating and a mental sort of dependency on food since December last year. Problem is I have a hard time structuring my day, with me having too much free-time and being in my gap year and all. Lately things have been hard. I either eat so little for a period of time I can feel my body tear down from malnourishment, or go back into my old habits. I don’t know what foods are healthy anymore necessarily, and even though I live at home I want to learn how to cook for myself, and I want to work-out properly and become buff as fuck my dudes. Anyway I’m looking for someone I can text throughout the day so we can tell each other what we’re eating, what we have achieved and how we’re feeling, and to tell each other about our progress. Maybe someone I have some familiar hobbies with so we can share those too!

Anyway my name is Mari! I like videogames and I mostly play Overwatch on ps4, but I love rpgs a lot. I am Dutch and in my gap year after finishing high school. I have no idea what to do with my life but I like learning about languages and literature. I dream of writing at least one story in my life. In terms of weight loss. I’ve never been skinny, and that gave me a sort of egocentrical obsession with achieving beauty and not being happy with progress because it’s not the end-result. Anyway, if you’re interested comment under this thread or PM me, tell me about yourself. Who knows maybe we’ll be really good for each other. :)

submitted by /u/fromsnackingtoasnack
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, November 1, 2018

How to not feel impatient/discouraged when you have a lot to lose (150lbs total, 75 left)

I see so many people on the progresspic page that started out so much lower than I did and have so much less to lose, that it just makes me feel so discouraged, overwhelmed, and impatient sometimes. I know I shouldn't compare my journey to others (and obviously there are plenty more people who have/had more to lose than I do/did) but it just makes me feel like it's just such an insurmountable task considering how much more I have to lose than most.

I started at ~260, and I'm down to ~190, but it was a hellava struggle to get here. Despite an insanely strict diet (like I weigh/record everything- even things like garlic powder got measured and recorded- and I keep my daily calorie allowance low), I lost weight slower than online calculators estimated (and I had put my exercise level at sedentary too)!

I went and got my BMR medically tested and found out that my BMR was quite a bit lower than it should have been considering my size and so that was a big hit to my motivation. It just made that UGW seem even further and further away. Like everything was stacked against me to lose weight. I'm still at it, but I have about 75lbs to go to reach my goal weight and it's just such a long long ways off. Even if I stick diligently to my diet every single day, and exercise diligently every day, it's still going to take me forever. I try not to focus on the big picture, but the small goals just seem so worthless- even with the 70 lbs I've lost so far, I've hardly noticed many physical changes and I know the losses are going to keep slowing down from here.

I just want to get back to the weight I was at years ago (I know that's when I looked my best) but 75lbs is just so much to go, especially since my weight loss is slower than most (due to the bmr issue). I'm just so impatient to get there and when I hear about other people that only have 30lbs to lose to get to their goal, while I'm happy for them, it seems to stupidly, make me feel worse about my own situation. I know I'll get there eventually, but how do I keep the motivation going when my UGW feels so far off and I have SO much to lose?

submitted by /u/Kanganew
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Friday, 02 November 2018

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Let's make some abs (Diet review)

So I've been struggling to lose weight for a while now and for about the past 8 months or so progress has been really slow. Everytime I make a step forward, I end up another step back somewhere else. Now, there's always things I can't control and that's part of life but I want to review some of the things I can control. So I'd like to hear some areas I can move some things around, make some tweaks and continue pushing forward.

Current stats:

Age: 31

Height: 6'1

Weight: 225-230

Goal Weight: 187

Activity Level: Sedentary

Gym Level: 3 days week (Lower Body, Upper Body, Conditioning)

11AM: 1/2 cup Oatmeal (bobs red mill old fashioned) 32g Peanut Butter (Kirkland Signature)

2PM: 2 Hard Boiled Eggs

4PM: RX Bar

5PM: Handful of cherry tomatoes or an RX Bar or another Hard Boiled Egg, Skyr (One of these, not all)

7PM: ~16oz Chicken Breast, 6-8oz of basmati rice, depending on hunger levels

That's a pretty ordinary day for me. I try to keep that most days and that should give me a large enough deficit to lose weight.

I've played with a TDEE calculator before and that says my daily caloric need should be around 2300 for maintenance. Last time I went over 2k I literally start gaining 1 lbs per day. Honestly, the biggest boon to my weight loss was going to burning man, where I put my diet on hold and ate whatever I wanted because I figured surviving was more important. So ate everything I wanted for 10 days and lost 10 pounds. That's how I ended up at 225.

So any thoughts to help improve this? I'd really like to hit my goal weight before next summer.

submitted by /u/ghostoutlaw
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why does weight gain/loss have to be so uneven? :(

So I've always been generally pretty skinny, but lately I've gained about 69 pounds over a 6 month period and it just.... bummed me right out. I am painfully aware that even when I was skinny I had some jeans-destroying thunder thighs (to the point of every pair of jeans I owned were worn out right on the seams of my inner thighs from them rubbing together all the time). When I lost like 15lbs, I could see it disappear from my stomach and my calves, but my thighs got bigger as I lost the weight. And now, I've gained back the 15lbs plus a few more and now my stomach is where all the weight is going and it's just so confusing when the fat goes to different places each time it comes back.

Any suggestions for some work out songs they jam out to when they're feeling really low and out about their weight loss journey? I'd love some new tunes for the "let's do this" gym trips.

submitted by /u/detrimentaltacos
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from loseit - Lose the Fat