Friday, May 3, 2019

About a month ago I started losing weight with a starting weight of ~156Kg/~343.92Lb (1.87M/6.13Ft)

Hi, this is my first post here so if the font is weird then i'm sorry in advance :").

Well I'll start of with telling who I am, I'm an 24 year old guy living in the Netherlands being quite content with the weight I have/had until one month ago instead of a weight value my scale quite literally said no or to much weight.

This in combination of having to wear 4XL clothes and size 64 pants made me snap it made me realize how much I weigh and it was my first motivation on losing weight.

Besides that my whole father's side of the family has Diabetes type 1/2 and a number of Heart and Vein diseases, considering all these things I've decided to do something about it.

Currently It's may 3rd and starting off from last month I lost 15Kg / 33.0693Lbs my goal will eventually be 90Kg/198.41Lb.

The journey will be hard and I will definitely have some setbacks but because of the support of my friends and family I'll manage.

Currently I'm doing a combination of the old fashioned Less food and exercise more combined with a low carbs diet.

I eat yogurt with fresh fruit for breakfast another batch for lunch with maybe one sandwich tops, I eat a lot of chicken and salads for diner and I force myself not to give in to the feeling of hunger when I definitely don't need it.

My friends and family support me so much and it's super motivating to hear about people being proud it almost brought me to tears at some point because I was so done with being this fat.

I'll keep you guys posted on updates on my weight loss and will be happy to answer any questions.

submitted by /u/weirdowszx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, May 2, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Friday, 03 May 2019

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Embarrassed of weight loss

Well kind of...does anyone else get embarrassed to say how much weight you’ve lost for fear of people knowing how fat you really were/are?

Let me start by saying the only time I’ve ever stated my weight (other than medical professionals knowing, which I avoided for quite a few years, only went when pregnant) is here on Reddit. I said it once. It was liberating bc no other person knows. My husband has asked me how much weight I’ve lost. I told him about 20 lbs and that I have another 15-20 to go. In reality I started my journey at 267 back in Nov/Dec. I’m down to 194 in about 6 months and my goal is 160 (I’m 5’9 so that will put me at a normal weight). If I actually tell him this he’ll know that I was over 100 lbs overweight. That’s mortifying!!! I wouldn’t even tell him my weight while pregnant (around 240-250)...I wrote it down in a notebook so I could tell the hospital upon admitting, just so I wouldn’t have to say it so he could hear me!! In these last few days I’ve had other people ask me how much weight I’ve lost, my parents, colleagues, friends, clients and I just can’t bring myself to do it. I’m embarrassed. I had a friend even get mad at me bc I wouldn’t tell her!!!

Am I alone feeling like this??

I should note, like many of you, I also don’t see it. I know so bc of the scale and the fact none of my clothes fit, but it seems my mind either never realized how fat I was, or how much healthier I look now.

submitted by /u/LegallyRubia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Struggling to lose last 5-10 lbs :(

Hey everyone!! I’m 5’7 & I weigh 130 lbs and while that’s not overweight or anything I feel most comfortable when I’m around 125-120! I feel like I just look the best and I’m happy with my body.

I’ve been counting my calories for about 5 months and I try to eat around 1300 a day. I lost like 10 lbs in a few months, but I’ve hit a plateau. I also just recently started hitting the gym again so I’m hoping that will kickstart more weight loss. But I haven’t lost any weight in ~2 months. I don’t know what to do :( If anyone could offer advice that would be amazing.

current progess

submitted by /u/littlekittenxox
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm 14, I've made my own weight loss plan, will it work?

Right off the bat, I'm not anorexic. My BMI says that I'm overweight and before you say that "it could be muscle" I don't exercise much. My plan is:

Weekdays: I eat no breakfast, a lettuce, ham, turkey, and cheese wrap for lunch, and then a bowl of cereal, after this point I can eat as many veggies or as much oatmeal as I need, these foods were selected because they take up a lot of room and aren't calorie dense. During the week I can have 1 high calorie meal (this ranges from 800 to 2000 calories, 2000 if I go to cicis or something, but that's not often, and I only eat 2000 calories if somethings really fucked with my body)

Weekends: One high calorie meal (this time closer to 1500) and as many veggies or oatmeal as I want. If food is made for other meals (it often isn't in my house, I do most of the cooking) I can eat it, but not tons.

I know, I know, huge meals are bad. But I used to take ADHD meds that suppressed my appetite, making my body used to one massive meal per day. This means that if I try to eat 3 small meals a day... I just eat 3 massive meals a day. That is actually how I got to my present weight! I figure that, at least temporarily, it's best to let my body do it's think with the one-meal-a-day. Is there anything I need to change? Anything that won't work? Am I just stupid? Please tell me so I can fix it!

submitted by /u/suicidemeteor
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


I have noticed a few things in the past month or so that have made me really do a double take and then after confirming my findings, do a little happy dance. I don’t really talk with anyone about my weight loss so I thought I’d share my NSVs here.

  1. Putting sunscreen on my back. I used to be able to reach around and get my whole back but hadn’t been able to the past few years. I tried again a couple weeks ago and was SO surprised that I was able to reach the whole way. (And also very happy that I won’t be getting sunburned 😎).

  2. I was washing my face the other day and saw my collarbones peak out for the first time in about 4 years.

  3. This past weekend I wore heels and walked around in them and didn’t lose my balance or have to take them off.

  4. I put on a pair of shorts that were too tight on me last summer and they were pretty loose. They actually started to fall down when I put my phone in one of the back pockets!

  5. Only my close friends and family know I’ve been trying to lose weight, and even then I don’t talk about it with them unless they ask. Well, 7 or 8 unconnected people I see regularly have said something within the last week. It’s kinda funny to me that all the comments started around the same time - I’m really curious what specifically changed last week that was significantly noticeable lol.

I never thought I’d be able to do this and keep it up. I started and gave up so many times before, but the little changes are really, really motivating. More-so than the scale, that’s for sure.

To be specific, all the weight I’ve lost thus far has been from eating a mostly keto/carnivore diet. I am about to start an exercise regimen now that I have the energy, so we will see what new NSVs I gain from that!

SW: 255 CW: 210 GW: 180

submitted by /u/cold_bananas_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Changed to keto, down 65 lbs.

I've been dieting since the end of February. I started by estimating calories, then moved into actually counting them. Then I started weighing everything and tracking macros. Each change has brought me closer and closer to my weekly weight loss goals.

Two weeks ago I started keto, and once the keto flu was over things went really well. Today was my weigh in, and I've lost 11.5 pounds in the past two weeks; 65 since February. I still have a very long way to go before I reach my goal weight, but I believe that the keto diet along with my new gym habit are going to get me to where I want to be. This is the most successful I've ever been, and I think it's been because I've made small changes over time that have added up into big changes. I'm excited about what the future holds, and I'll chime back in once I lose my first 100!

submitted by /u/throwawayobesedude34
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from loseit - Lose the Fat