Thursday, May 2, 2019

Embarrassed of weight loss

Well kind of...does anyone else get embarrassed to say how much weight you’ve lost for fear of people knowing how fat you really were/are?

Let me start by saying the only time I’ve ever stated my weight (other than medical professionals knowing, which I avoided for quite a few years, only went when pregnant) is here on Reddit. I said it once. It was liberating bc no other person knows. My husband has asked me how much weight I’ve lost. I told him about 20 lbs and that I have another 15-20 to go. In reality I started my journey at 267 back in Nov/Dec. I’m down to 194 in about 6 months and my goal is 160 (I’m 5’9 so that will put me at a normal weight). If I actually tell him this he’ll know that I was over 100 lbs overweight. That’s mortifying!!! I wouldn’t even tell him my weight while pregnant (around 240-250)...I wrote it down in a notebook so I could tell the hospital upon admitting, just so I wouldn’t have to say it so he could hear me!! In these last few days I’ve had other people ask me how much weight I’ve lost, my parents, colleagues, friends, clients and I just can’t bring myself to do it. I’m embarrassed. I had a friend even get mad at me bc I wouldn’t tell her!!!

Am I alone feeling like this??

I should note, like many of you, I also don’t see it. I know so bc of the scale and the fact none of my clothes fit, but it seems my mind either never realized how fat I was, or how much healthier I look now.

submitted by /u/LegallyRubia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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