Saturday, June 29, 2019


Hey guys and girls, im a guy and currently im 5’9 and 225 pounds. My graduation ceremony for university is on the 18th July and i was planning months in advance to try get to 185 pounds which is my goal weight.

Unfortunately ive just been gaining weight ever since. Now i know its too late to reach my goal target which feels abit crappy but im okay with it. I just wanted some advice on how I can actually lose weight. I actually do not know what to do and im so confused.

I was wondering if people could comment suggestions that have worked for them so that i could try them. And if possible id love a weight loss buddy that could keep me on check and vice versa. So if anybodys interested in being my weight loss partner, let me know!!

submitted by /u/User_483
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

To hell with it all, this is my declaration God dammit!

I've been on the chubbier side for YEARS now, not morbidly obese and fat is debatable. I've never been to self-conscious to go outside, and I don't have any modelling jobs coming up, but it's still bugged the ever-loving s**t out if me, yet I can't seem to find it in me to do anything about it.

I have been far too loosey goosey with every single one of my weight loss plans, and my lenience has led to every single one failing. It's not that I made excuses, it's that I'd fall back on one excuse... "Well, so long it doesn't get too bad, I can just lose the weight when I leave home, when I get more freedom it'll be easy" Now perhaps this is true, but I'm fed up of it now.

This is me loudly and obnoxiously shouting to some strangers that this will be the time, I won't be too lax, I won't fall back in a tired excuse, this is me finally using my chubby fist to plant my flag in the ground. This rambling nonsense is here in the hope that it will help me to not give up on this now I've publicly announced it, even if it is to some random internet people.

Maybe it's stupid, maybe it'll come to nothing, BUT THIS IS MY DECLARATION!

submitted by /u/lemonsarefruits
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Am I even losing weight?

F 5’ 5 24 years old. My starting weight was 245.8lbs and I’ve gotten down to 215.6lbs.

So I’ve managed to lose a lot of weight just by eating less calories. I am struggling to move around such as walking anywhere or exercise. I have physical and mental problems where I just don’t ever feel like doing anything, I can pretty much just stay sat down for the whole day.

Basically, my question is. Am I even losing any weight or is it just muscle I’m losing. I don’t even see the point in trying anymore I just feel so down all the time and if it’s not real weight loss, what’s even the point?

I was originally happy at my weight loss but now I’m not even sure it’s real and it’s just fake. I want to exercise but I just feel like I can’t move anywhere, even walking is painful.

submitted by /u/RemiReed
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost 70 pounds in three months and I’m terrified.

[M/19/6’4”] When I started my weight loss journey I was about 356 pounds, this was in late March and now it is almost July and the scale reads 285. I am amazed and scared about my results because I see videos and articles about how loosing that much weight could be potentially dangerous and can lead to the weight being gained back again and that is something I certainly do not want happening. Throughout the week I go to planet fitness six times a week, I use an elliptical machine for an hour and then I occasionally lift weights, 4 sets of 10, this is after my shift at work that usually starts at 5:30. I fast for the day until 2:00 pm and that’s right after planet fitness, for lunch I either have a chicken breast with broccoli, or fish with asparagus. After, I usually take a nap and sort of just lay around. At night five times a week I go for a 2-3 mile run without stopping, after that I go home to eat something for supper. What I usually have is a Caesar salad without dressing but with a chicken breast, or scrambled eggs with vegetables. Then I go to bed at around 11 and the cycle repeats. I seriously have no idea how I lost this much this quickly it’s a miracle to me, but I don’t want my progress going to waste. Is there anything I should change about my routine or diet? Let me know please

submitted by /u/MoortothHondocksoup
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I really love baking, what do I do?

Hello, I’m not really new to weight loss but I’ve recently discovered that I really like baking and I’ve been getting discouraged because all the things I want to make have so many calories. Today I was planning on making brownies, eating one or two, and then giving them to a friend, but I was adding up the calories and 1 brownie came out to about 300 calories, which is the same amount I usually eat for breakfast. I know there are healthier recipes out there but sometimes I just have my heart set on making a certain thing (I really wanted to try one of the brownie recipes from Basics with Babish on youtube) and when I see how many calories are in it I just don’t want to make it anymore.

And I know that indulging every once in a while is fine, but I’m new at baking and I keep finding recipes that I want to try like every week. What can I do?

submitted by /u/nikolaname
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A question about ‘safe’ calorie deficits

Hi r/loseit, FTP, LTL here, and I’m hoping some of you lovely people can help me with a dilemma I’m facing that google’s not being particularly helpful with.

I’m in the stubborn ‘last 10lbs’ phase of my weight loss. I’ve managed to lose weight thus far by just adjusting my diet, as the job I have at the moment is pretty sedentary.

It was rather easy at first, but now I’m so close to my GW the amount I’m eating to even lose 1lb a week is around 1400kcals. It can be a struggle sometimes, but I’m managing.

Now, I’m fine with a loss of 1lb/week, however I’m not achieving this consistently which makes me wonder if the calculators I’m using are a bit off for me personally (I know I’m not under-logging food, I’m meticulous about that). I certainly don’t want to eat any less than I already am. This daily intake already puts me below the recommended 1500kcal minimum for men, but I figured I’ve got quite a small frame so that 100kcal wasn’t gonna kill me.

I’d really like to shift these last 10lbs at a slightly faster rate, so I’ve kept to my 1400kcal intake and started exercising, and not eating back the calories to increase my deficit. I’ve been feeling a little sluggish but don’t know if it’s down to the deficit, the fact I’ve just started exercising after years of doing nothing, or another factor like tiredness (I’m quite busy at work at the moment)

So, my question, and the TL;DR:

Is it safe to eat at the 1500 (1400) kcal minimum for men, and then exercise below it? Or is this just as unhealthy and could be causing my sluggishness?

Many thanks.

submitted by /u/Mattb77xps
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I seem to have hit a plateau, so I made a spreadsheet to track my calories.

I'm 5"3" and 216 pounds, female. The last couple weeks, I seem to have lost no weight. I wasn't sure I was doing things right, so I looked at five different TDEE estimators online and took the lowest estimate, 1800. Then I plugged in my numbers. I'm eating all packaged foods, so the calorie counts have to be accurate. According to the sheet, I can only have lost up to three pounds in those two weeks - and water weight can fluctuate by five pounds. So I may not see any results for at least three more weeks. I have to just be patient. I will continue to plug in my real numbers and accept that weight loss happens sslllloooooowwwlllyyyyyyyy.

submitted by /u/G_Ramsays_crappy_egg
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from loseit - Lose the Fat