Friday, July 5, 2019

I killed it this week!

I am so proud of myself for what I accomplished so far!

A bit about me as I am new to the community, I started taking my weight loss seriously after being in total blind denial about my eating habits and letting my cravings control me for years until I finally bit the bullet and started meal prepping 3 weeks ago. Now I only eat what I portion out to myself and track it all. I am also training for my first 5k that is taking place at the end of July. I started at 176 lbs and could barely run for 2 consecutive minutes.

This week I ran a full mile not once, but twice and felt great after! I also walked about 5-6 miles yesterday, and have broken 169 lbs! It’s not super obvious yet or anything, but I am having so much fun getting my body back in shape. I feel in control for the first time in my life!

submitted by /u/Salty_Blueberry
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Settling into the grind?

I’m reaching the end of my “beginner’s whoosh” (down 16 lbs in the month and a half I’ve been doing CICO), which I knew was going to happen eventually. But with around 100 lbs to lose ultimately, I’m in this for the long haul. And now that my loss is slowing down, that’s starting to really hit me. It’s pretty discouraging to realize how, well, big of an undertaking this actually is, even though I’m sticking to small, sustainable changes.

I guess my question is: how do you cope with the fact that weight loss is a slow process, especially if you want it to be sustainable? How do you handle the shift from that initial surge of excitement/motivation to realizing that this is a long-term lifestyle change?

submitted by /u/_ser_kay_
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M/29 Goal to Lose 70 Pounds

Hi everyone! I'm hoping someone may have some good suggestions for my situation.

I'm a 29 year old male, currently at 250lbs. I need to get down to at least 185lbs. Ideally in less than 6 months.

Now I started at 259lbs 2 weeks ago. I got a membership at my local civic center, dropped soda and nearly all sugar, and have been eating far better and drastically limiting my calories. By doing this I've been able to drop 9lbs.

My daily workout typically consists of at least a mile on the elliptical, then either a brief arm or leg workout.

Any suggestions on what type of workout may give me faster/better results? I know my current weight loss is pretty extreme, but I want to keep it coming off just as fast. The earlier I can hit my goal the better.


submitted by /u/Gokussj5okazu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How much weight is in a "flesh ring" after rapid weight loss?

I'm a 5' 10" 40ish WM who's lost about 120 lbs in the last 9 months - 330 lbs to 210 lbs (via stopping drinking (illness, hospitalization(s)), calorie control, change of diet).

Of course because of the rapid weight loss I have several fleshy areas of just skin around my body - best illustrated by my midsection:

I've been wondering how much weight is in this flesh? My doctor says "about 15 pounds", but I curious if there's anyone who could put a better number on it... I can't have it removed (medical reasons), so I'd like to know how much to subtract to get my "true weight".

Thanks everyone.

submitted by /u/The_estimator_is_in
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost 50lbs since January and I don’t feel any better... can anyone relate?

Hi, guys. I’m new to reddit, I’m not sure how to use it but I’m gonna share my feelings towards my weight loss journey and hopefully find someone who feels the same way I do.

I gained 88lbs due to a depression I’ve been going through since 2015 and only in January 2019 I’ve been able to start doing something about it. So I started exercising, running, weight lifting, taking the stairs, dieting, cut soda and sugar from my life and all that.

I used to think that once I started to look like “my old self” I would feel like my old self (like I was before depression). And that did not happen. AT ALL. I was shocked and also very disappointed.

I thought that my mood would improve with exercise... People always say that running is the best antidepressant there is and I just don’t feel a thing. The only thing I’ve noticed to be improved is my body’s health, especially my breathing. I don’t snore anymore, I’m not out of breath anymore, I can take the stairs and not have and asthma attack lmao. But other than that I’m still so freaking miserable :/

I mean, I still have 20-25lbs to lose, but I’m looking like my old self already. I’m definitely prettier, getting more attention from guys now, but I just overall feel like shit.

I had the idea in my mind that weight loss would make me realize I’m capable to do great things and overcome obstacles, but nope. I don’t even feel proud of myself lol :(

I just can’t stop feeling miserable, I miss food so much (I’m not gonna give up on my weight loss journey though but ugh). I hate exercising and I still go to the gym everyday anyway, hating it haha.

I guess I just thought that weight loss would magically make my life 100% better and that didn’t happen, so I just feel... disappointed 😔

Oh and also I lost hair like crazy during the weight loss, which made me kinda sad hahah

Can anyone relate to this feeling post-weight loss? Has anyone been through something similar? How did you overcome the feeling?

Ps.: please excuse me if I made any grammar mistakes, English is not my first language.


submitted by /u/jupiter_theplanet
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How Do You Combat Swimsuit/Gym Anxiety When You're Large?


I apologize if this post sounds a bit too formal for reddit, I've never made my own post before, and certainly not on a topic that I'm sensitive about. I'm very fearful of rejection and such, even with online anonymity, so unless I'm feeling brave, I don't tend to leave my comfort zone much. Speaking of leaving my comfort zone...

I'm a 28 year old female and I... weigh 340 pounds. Sometimes its 345, sometimes its 335. I try not to weigh myself much. I struggle with suicidal ideation, mostly because of my weight. I grew up in a very neglected household, and until I was removed, I was skeletal. So when I was finally able to eat, I just kept putting it away. My weight finally stabilized around 300 pounds in high-school and I've been in this range since. That, combined with a different, crappier home-life lead to severe burn-out and depression. I lost myself, for a long time, and that included all my hobbies. All I really did was sleep and eat for nearly a decade. Somehow in the midst of that, I managed to find someone who liked me and wanted to help me. He knew I was depressed but it wasn't until a few months ago that he realized how serious it was. After trying to lose weight and failing again, I got really depressed and started setting up a plan to end my life. I got sloppy and he found the will I left out to get notarized so he could have my stuff. He panicked and cried. I'd never seen him cry; no one had ever cried for me before. I thought everyone would be happier if I stopped wasting space. I felt really bad and guilty. Angry, that he was being selfish and keeping me here longer, but he said I was being selfish by taking away something he loved, too.

So I got help. Started seeing a therapist. I'd seen some before but they just kind of slapped me on pills that didn't work and would ask 'how are you' every day. Frustrated with no progress, I'd leave and my depression would seemingly get worse. This time, we talked about things I liked, and one of my favorite things to do as a kid was swim. Given my weight, she thought that'd be literally the best thing I could do, and I... had to agree. The pros of swimming are just too numerous. I'd rekindle a very dear hobby of mine, my brain would produce stuff it needed to produce to make me happy, I'd have a reason to leave the house and go get sun, get more fit, have more energy, it'd curb my desire to eat, I'd feel more confident, blah blah blah. So many, many good things from just one activity. And I got really excited, and then remembered 'Oh...'

Like I said, I have a terrible, irrational fear of rejection. I was also severely bullied in high-school for my weight, and even out of it. Riding a bike, and some stupid boys through their drinks at me and yelled about my 'ass-cheeks hanging over my bike seat' and I've never ridden my bike since, despite it being another thing I loved dearly. I'm am terrified that if I go to the pool in the gym, someone is going to make fun of me, or laugh at me, or tell me to leave because my fat body is grossing people out. I have a very small frame, so my fat does not look good at all and almost all of it is in my tummy. No one wants to see that. And I'm really scared that if something like that happens while trying to swim, I'll give up on swimming entirely, just like I did biking. I don't want to lose this. The water is the one place I feel really, really happy and peaceful. And sadly there aren't any lakes close by where I could swim in secret and I'm not rich enough or rude enough to buy out a pool for an hour.

But even despite that fear, I really want to try. I've already changed my eating despite how hard its been and the fact I haven't seen much progress yet, and while I could just do just that and probably lose weight, I'm impatient and want the other results too. I want to do something I really love again.But I can't get over that fear long enough to commit to going. Closest I got was putting a suit on to see how I looked, and then getting even more sad about it because of all the skin that was hanging over the edges. And I've heard the usual tips. 'Don't worry about what others think' and 'people who are jerks don't deserve your concern' and I know those types of things are true, but they don't really... help much when your fear of rejection is completely wild, you know?

So does anyone have... I guess a situation like that? Where they were mortified about the gym/their skin and it turned out okay? Or I guess even turned out badly, but it was okay in the end? Any other advice to help that isn't just 'get over it?' Like I said I know that's the best advice, but... yes. I just. I need this activity, especially for weight loss and positivity, but I don't know how. Sorry.

submitted by /u/mysiaca
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My first time here! Want to share my story and would like to update my results here regularly.

Hi :) hope everybody is doing well :) I'm 24 years old (Female), 5'10" . I have been struggling with my weight since years now. I've been overweight since birth. Its hereditary. I gain weight very quickly. On top of that in the last 6 years I've probably got addicted to unhealthy food. 4.5 years ago i was 115kgs when my parents got really scared about my weight and motivated me to lose weight. I had got a 6 months back from college that time so i was at home. I did lose weight. I continued even after i went back to college. I eventually reached 78kgs and i was wonderful. But in college i lost that motivation and started eating again and over the years i gained more than i lost i ended up being 135kgs by the time i was done with college. This was 1.5 years ago. After that i was back at home for 6 months before i left for my masters study. I tried again and i reached 110 kgs. I came for my masters last year September and lost the motivation again and the unhealthy food got out of control. I would have phases of eating healthy and exercising but still mostly i was just eating . I gained weight again and was 121.2 kgs till 15 days back. But then i have got very very scared now and want to change my lifestyle. Since 15 days I've been eating healthy and walking as much as i can and started little exercise as well. I've lost 4 kgs but thats mostly the initial water weight i guess and the weight loss will get slow in a few days. I hope i can stay motivated this time and change my habits for life now !

submitted by /u/Sparkles1994
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