Saturday, July 6, 2019

What DIDN'T work for you? Which diets did you try and say "stuff this!"

Everyone seems to have an opinion on the best way to lose fat, and we spend a lot of time talking about what DID work for us, but we don't often talk about the things we tried and said "stuff this!" What are the diets that you hate, and why? What were the solutions to those problems?

For me, it was fasting and keto. I seem to have an unusually low threshold for fainting if I don't eat. If I don't eat breakfast, I'll faint by lunch time. Similarly if I don't eat lunch, I'll faint by dinner. The solution to that was switching from 3 main meals to six small meals per day. I also HATE the feeling of being hungry. Can we please take a moment to acknowledge that it's pain? My tolerance for pain is pretty low, particularly hunger given it's voluntary. Intermittent fasting was never going to work for me, and I'm glad I ignored other people's recommendations and did what was right for my body.

The other one was keto. I never intended to try keto, but I LOVE meat, and cutting down on calories meant that I unintentionally without realising it cut out carbs for days at a time. There were a few times I got sick, and my doctor eventually realised it was from not eating carbs for a week (the so-called "keto flu.") Now I make a conscious effort to eat a small amount of carbs every day to prevent a repeat. I have a friend who is heavily into keto, and is trying to convince me that keto is the only reliable way to maintain weight loss. I am so sad for her; she is missing out of the joys of carbs for a reason that just isn't accurate. I'm glad I've never followed her advice.

submitted by /u/16car
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Suggestions for workouts from home?

I have an interesting situation: high anxiety keeps me at home a lot of the time. I don't drive, but I do love to go on walks; however, there are no gyms within a reasonable walking distance of me, and I'm not sure I'd be able to overcome my anxiety enough to make going to a gym a regular thing.

A little about me: I have moderate PCOS. I feel like PCOS has been more of a blessing for me health-wise than a curse, because my body is incredibly sensitive to the kind of food I put into it, so I try to be more aware of my eating habits... but I'm still an obese gal. In the MFP app, I have to set my calories at what they call 1.5 pounds lost a week in order to lose half a pound -- or at least, that's what it used to be. I went through a stressful situation which resulted in a dramatic lifestyle change and some poor eating habits for a few months, put all the weight I lost back on, and now that I'm back on track with healthier eating and calorie management, I'm finding the weight comes off even slower than before. I do OMAD or IF 16:8 most days along with CICO now, and I'm not gaining anymore, which is great! But progress is so slow that I'm losing motivation: i was stuck at 222.2 for weeks and it was a frustrating time. (and yes, I was counting everything: every cracker snacked, every tsp of oil used for cooking -- even ketchup! And all with my trusty food scale.)

I compared my lifestyle from when I was first losing weight to this time and realized my physical activity was a lot less than what it used to be. I tested this during a long weekend trip I took last weekend: I switched to OMAD + a snack and a coffee and I walked everywhere, averaging about 15,000 steps a day as opposed my usual 3k. A few days after I got home, I checked my weight: 220! As of yesterday, I'm at 219!

I love walking, so I'm trying to do it more and even started up my Pokemon Go account again. I also signed up with Daily Burn. It was integral to my weight loss regimen the last time I worked on myself; I love that app. Normally I go with the beginner workouts, and those are pretty cardio heavy, but I enjoy cardio a lot.

However, I have PCOS, and that introduces some added complications. Cardio every day isn't recommended for people with PCOS, and that's primarily what I use Daily Burn for; I intend to continue cardio workouts once or twice a week with walking as much as I can, but I need something else in there, too. Strength training is recommended, but I don't know what equipment I need for it or what workouts to follow! Yoga is also recommended, and Daily Burn has plenty of that -- I'm off to get a new yoga mat today.

What workouts would you recommend? What equipment? Any advice helps, and if you have PCOS specific advice, that's even better!

submitted by /u/its_called_life_dib
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[NSV] Sticking to Diet on Vacation

I've been off-and-on a weight loss journey for years, but I started taking my weight loss goals really seriously just over a month ago. For reference, I've been on Tim Ferriss' Slow Carb diet, so for 6 days a week, every meal consists of beans, veggies, and meat, and then I get 1 cheat day a week to eat forbidden foods.

For the last week, I've been on a family vacation with about 50 relatives who I'm not particularly close with. Last week, my initial rapid weight loss was starting to slow up a bit and I was losing steam, so going into this week, I was really worried.

Today's the last day of vacation, and tomorrow is my cheat day, so at the risk of jinxing myself, I think it's safe to say that I made it through the thick of it. After tonight, this will be the first time in my life that I've ever taken a vacation without throwing healthy eating to the wind.

I feel really proud of myself for not letting external circumstances break my determination. I can't wait for some carbs tomorrow, but it will feel better because I think this is the first cheat day that I had to work so hard for that I've earned it :)

A few things that I noticed over the last week:

  1. Vacations are for self care. Part of taking care of yourself is eating right. Coming back from vacation having eaten right for the past week, I'm going to feel much more refreshed than if I'd eaten poorly.
  2. I was worried that my relatives would take offense or be skeptical. I was pleasantly surprised to find that everyone was intrigued, supportive, or impressed.
  3. It wasn't a big deal. Everyone tends to overestimate the extent to which other people think about them, and I'm no exception. Half of everyone didn't notice, and it was an amusing tidbit for everyone else. Everyone was thinking about what's on their plate, not what's on mine.

If I could offer one piece of advice for future dieting vacationers:

  1. BRING AND COOK YOUR OWN FOOD. I cannot stress this enough. Have zero expectations of group dinners / meals other people are making. There were plenty of times where I could eat a group meal made for everyone, but that was a pleasant surprise, not the general rule. If you're eating different from everyone else, make sure to take the work that comes with that on yourself - don't expect your friends and family to accommodate different eating styles.

Go forth on your summer vacations, and keep your eye on your goals! :)

submitted by /u/pattoyourcatto
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I was not feeling it today. But I did it anyways.

(Just a little background, I’m about halfway into my weight loss goal (down from 345 to 268) and usually work out every day at lunch, Monday through Friday.)

Well, with this being the week of the 4th, I planned for one cheat afternoon, but it quickly turned into two days before I realized what was happening. So not only was I going to miss my Friday workout (leg day), but I was drinking/eating like crap more than just one meal; hell, more than even one day!

So this morning I reminded myself of my golden rule. “Something, anything, is always better than nothing.” So after I ate a healthy breakfast I went downstairs and did 20 pitiful minutes of cardio and a leg workout that left a lot to be desired. I feel like crap, which is a great reminder that drinking/eating like crap consecutively is much worse than just the random (or planned) cheat meal.

Now I’m going to enjoy some couch time with my family and Stranger Things. So if you’re like me and feel like doo doo after the holidays, just chug some water and go for a walk, or whatever small activity tickles your fancy. Because in the end, something, anything is better than nothing.

submitted by /u/Neidermeyer519
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is weightlifting stalling my weight loss?

Hi everyone! For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been consistently weightlifting for 3x a week. I also do HIIT at least once a week. I’m also calorie counting and keeping my calories at around 1600. Recently I’ve been frustrated because while my bra band has gone down a size and my clothes fit better, I’m still stuck at 217 lbs (in February I weighed 225) . I’m obese so I thought this would be enough to make me lose some weight. Talking to some people, they said water retention from weightlifting can sometimes mask weight loss, especially since I’m new to lifting. Is this true? I don’t want to make excuses for myself I just feel stuck. I don’t want to quit lifting because it’s the only exercise I’ve consistently stuck with and loved, I’m just frustrated. Also, I would like to mention that the other day randomly I weighed myself at my friend’s house and I had dropped to 209 and then two days later was back to 217. Does anyone have any tips or reassurance? Should I just be patient?

submitted by /u/bemnistired
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hello, introduction, weight loss journey the past year.

Hi. My first post here, and I hope this is okay, but I wanted to share a little bit of what I've been doing, going through, and see if anyone had any advice or tips. First of all, I'm a middle-aged man, having just turned 53, although it seems surreal. I've struggled with weight nearly my entire life, after a series of surgeries on my feet and legs when I was young which prevented me from PE classes and most sports. I've also dealt with depression since at least 12, although I've never sought formal treatment.

My weight and activity level has fluctuated greatly over the years, but it really took a hit a number of years ago after a hiking accident--where I shattered my left ankle and broke both the tibia and fibula--followed by a botched surgery (mostly healed now but there are occasional complications). I gained quite a bit following that, and while I tried keeping somewhat active it wasn't enough. My biggest downfall, I believe, was a tendency to eat quite a bit at night, especially since my job entailed sitting at a computer every evening.

My wake up call to just how bad I had gotten came in May, 2018. I knew it was terrible, but I saw a photo of me from the back. I volunteer with a disaster relief organization, and a journalist took a photo of me on scene, and ouch. I also went to a doctor a little afterwards, got on the scale, which was 440lbs. So I really began working on dieting and getting in more exercise.

For the first few months it was a struggle with mixed results. I was trying a Mediterranean-style diet, but I was still a bit too tempted by pasta, deli meats, bread, potatoes, eating in the evening, and the like. (I live with people for whom these are staples). In October I tried Keto, as my sister has had success with it. I had okay results, but I felt physically and mentally terrible and had serious difficulty controlling my depression.

So in February I switched to a Mediterranean diet, but really went into it, along with meticulously writing down everything I ate and counting calories (staying under 1,000 a day which may be too limited). I've also limited meat. I've had fish or shrimp a couple times a week and some chicken maybe once a month. The results have been much more dramatic, my mood has improved, and with the weight loss I have been able to exercise more. Among general exercises, I often walk at a local park and/or ride a stationary bike each day. My current daily goal is three-mile walks or at least 30 continuous minutes on the bike. I'm now at 312lbs.

So where to go from here? I'm thinking of also joining a gym to use more equipment and have a place to exercise at odd hours and when weather's bad (I live in a rainy place with long winters), but I'm not sure if I'm still too large for the equipment. I've broken exercise bikes I've had in the past after extended use, especially since my left foot never fully straightened, so I twist it a bit. Hopefully gym-level machines would be more sturdy, but I don't want to damage them. And even with the "everyone's welcome" marketing of the one I'd likely join I don't know what the reality is.

So, hi. Thanks for reading that, and I hope this is acceptable, but I haven't spoken with anyone about this and wanted to share somewhere. As for goals, I was hoping to be under 300 by my birthday, but I missed it by 12lbs. I'd like to be under 250 by year's end.

tl;dr, Outrageously obese a little over a year ago, now quite obese, trying to get to not too bad.


Anecdote while helping people after their house burned down. I tripped and almost fell.

Client: Careful! You're big. You fall down I don't know how we'll get you up. I mean, that's a lot of dead weight.

Me: Well, it's not all dead just yet.

Client: But damn, I doubt all of us could get you up.

Me: You could just hand me a rope and tie the other end to your SUV.

Client: Oh, well. We wouldn't do that.

submitted by /u/jazzynoise
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Last night, my (now ex) bf said it's difficult to be attracted to me because of my only makes me want to work harder.

28F/5'9/CW: 239. GW:170. My apologies, it's a long post.

The last year and a half has been a roller coaster for me in terms of my health and my personal life. In June 2018, I was diagnosed with T2 diabetes at an A1C of 16. This came after I had lost 40 lbs in about 3 months due to how high my blood sugar was - I thought I was living a healthy life for that weight loss to happen, but I was not healthy. I had to be put on insulin and medication right away.

In July of that year, I met my (now ex) bf (29M) through mutual friends. He was (and is) going through his own weight loss journey. He met me when I was a lower weight and newly diagnosed. I did not hide my health struggles from him.

With the diagnosis, i began to work hard on my health. By January 2019, my A1C dropped just over 50%, bringing it to 7.9. (As of June, it is 7.5). I no longer needed to be on insulin, but just on one medication. At the same time, I had gained about 20 pounds in the process, since my body was getting back to running on a lower blood sugar. It did not matter, however, I wanted to pursue some fitness goals. I signed up for my first 10K and completed it in May. Right after, I signed up for my first half marathon, happening this October. He said that he was supportive of me in through all of this.

Cut to last night (NSFW).

I was at his apartment and we had sex, but he did not orgasm (He always has had some trouble in this area) and was being quiet. I asked him what is wrong and, eventually, he admitted that he is finding it difficult to be attracted to me because of my size, thinking that is why he is not able to orgasm easily. He has been feeling this way for at least a month.

I am really hurt by that, especially since it's only when I asked that he told me. He kept saying that he is sorry and that he was a horrible person for feeling this way. After talking this through, I decided to end the relationship. I did not turn to comfort food after, like I tend to do. I had a good cry and some tea.

This morning, I am more motivated than ever to reach my goals and to be healthier. With my A1C coming down and my half marathon in a few months, I am going to work hard on getting fitter and losing this weight in a healthy way. It doesn't matter what he thinks or what anyone else thinks, I am going to do right for me.

TL;DR: Last year, diagnosed with severe T2 diabetes, making me lose 40 lbs in 3 months. Ex-bf met me a month after diagnosis. As my A1C is going lower, I gained 20 lbs in the course of year, but have completed 10k and now training for half marathon. Ex bf told me he is not attracted to me due to my size. Broke up with him, going to kick ass for myself.

submitted by /u/gm_canachieveit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat