Wednesday, September 4, 2019

I lost 10lbs with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

14M 5’10 SW: 210 CW: 199

I started 2 months ago, and I absolutely love it. Now, i’m not a really fat guy. I have a lot of muscle. Earlier today, one of my instructors (who i love) said i look 160. Now, i was wearing all black, so that could be it. However, now only have i lost weight, I’ve gotten a lot stronger. I used to weight lift and I thought I was strong. Well, I am, but through BJJ I have a different kind of strength. It’s not only physically, but also mentally.

I have so much confidence now. Like holy shit I can walk around not ashamed of anything. This last weekend I went to the beach for the first time, and walked around shirtless like it was nothing.

Anyways, I highly recommend it, as long as you also do some conditioning right after you do BJJ. I can do a lot more pushups and my cardio is better and I just feel great.

What about the diet? It’s pure garbage. I eat school food at 10:30 and don’t eat again until 7-8, but i don’t watch what i eat at all. Now, i do only drink water and sometimes gatorade, but after I stopped drinking soda, i think it’s disgusting.

My weight loss “may” be attributed to my age and puberty, but either way it’s great.

submitted by /u/throwaway183026499
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Barely losing with a decent deficit?

I've been sticking to a diet of about 1000 calories, occasionally raising to 1500. I track everything I put into my body that has calories. I enjoy exercise, and like to walk every day in addition to other workouts some days. I thought I'd be losing at least a pound a week, after calculating my BMR and finding that I have a deficit of 500-1000 but I only lost half a pound over the last week. I was losing much more a few weeks ago.

Could this be my metabolism slowing down? Could this be due to my consumption of teas? Or maybe it's my low-calorie energy drinks? I'm really not sure why my weight loss has slowed down so much.

submitted by /u/oblivious_pan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Fear surrounding weight loss?

Context: I'm a 19 y/o F and this is my first attempt at losing weight. I lost ~70 lbs in ~6 months and have been maintaining around there for the past ~5 months. My all time goal is to get down to 150 lbs which is another ~80 lbs to lose.

I want to lose more weight, really I do, but I think I'm also terrified. I have always been a bigger kid. I still remember the day when I was in seventh grade and my muffin-top started hanging out of the bottom of my shirt and I was embarrassed and ashamed and my mom said I could just wear my jeans on my hips instead of my waist and then my muffin-top would be tucked in.

There was a pair of shorts that I have from that time when I was about 12 years old and I pulled them out a couple months ago and they fit. They were snug, but they fit. All I can think is how crazy that is. I couldn't have been older than 13 the last time I wore them. They are a size US14. All I can think is that I was probably around 190 or 200 lbs around that time as a kid. I was a couple inches shorter then, and I just can't help but think...

I've never been this weight before at this height. Every time I lose weight, I'm not going back to some place that I've been before, rather I'm a new version of myself, someone I have never been before. And that's terrifying. I want to lose weight, but I'm a little afraid of the feeling I had after losing weight so fast that I didn't recognize myself as me in the mirror. I love the change and the feeling so much lighter. Of being able to move more freely and easily than in my whole life, but it's terrifying and I don't know what to do.

I want to lose more, but lately every time I get on track it's like I sabotage myself because I'm not sure I'm ready to deal with the full time job of thinking about my food and weight again and the feelings of fear surrounding my sense of self that has previously always included being overweight possibly becoming an association I no longer have? I'm holding myself back over these things and I know it, but I don't quite know how to move past it.

submitted by /u/lambcow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting again

Hi all. This is an accountability post more than anything. I'm officially restarting my weight loss project today. Last year I lost almost 50 pounds, and I found this community tremendously helpful. I took a break for most of this year, did okay at maintaining my weight, but lately I've gained about 10 pounds due to travel and other stuff.

I've resumed counting calories, and will start going to the gym again once I'm fully recovered from a recent surgery (which went very well, btw). My new goal is to hit 215 lbs by April 1, 2020 (0.85 lb / week). Here's my full progress graph for anyone who's interested. I'm feeling good because I did this before and I know I can do it again!

submitted by /u/kmc_v3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My plan for restoring my body and health

This weight loss thing is really going well, I have already lost my first 9 kgs in the past months. I would like to become stronger, healthier and better than ever, and I am fully confident that I will make it. This is my plan:

  1. Losing weight. Will weight less than 80 kg before November, and will reach my target weight of 75 kg before the end of this year.
  2. In November, I will buy a lot of new clothes. My old ones won't fit anymore, and I want to upgrade my wardrobe, to dress better.
  3. In the meantime, I am growing my hair long, time for a new style. I've been at this for 2 months already, and I already like it.
  4. When I am done losing weight, I will maintain for a while, and then I will start building muscle, planning to get 5-10 kgs extra. I hope my new clothes will still fit after that ;).

What I will do throughout this whole time, and after it, is to improve my lifestyle and mental health. I will learn to relax better, improve my diet, make my exercise routine more challenging and fun, etc. I wish to participate in triathlons again, go on rock climbing weekends, go on long ice skating tours if this winter is cold.

I am very grateful that I am able to do this. My life overall is improving, as I am letting go of my bagage, all the struggles in the past, and I am accepting myself how I am and from that point I am doing things that are good for me, and for the people I love.

Wish me luck! I hope you have such a good time as me too!

submitted by /u/herculeos
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Real Tips to Make New Friends

Hello! I’ve been asked ‘How do you make new friends as an adult?’ a several times since starting RER. And while I joke that I only have 1 friend (it’s Skinny Runner always and forever even though she moved to Alaska and doesn’t return my calls or emails or cries for help)… I’ve recently realized […]

The post Real Tips to Make New Friends appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

Thoughts from My First Month of Progress

Hi! I wanted to check in with this subreddit that I have thoroughly enjoyed lurking in each day as I preserve my motivation to keep going. This morning, I’m exactly a month into what I hope will be a lifelong change. In the last month I’ve lost exactly 6.6kgs (15 lbs). My life has changed drastically for the better since I began to adopt different eating habits and to exercise regularly. Although I feel like I’ve learnt a lot about myself, my body and weight loss in the process, I’m sure there’s a lot more for me to learn as I begin to navigate month 2. My main motivation to lose weight might be a little unusual - I’m most of the way through my second year of university studying anatomy and embryology; I will be applying to medical school next year. Earlier this year, I finished accruing all the necessary academic credentials to get myself the coveted final step interview at my target medical schools. That interview will take place in late July 2020, a little under a year from now. It is my sincere hope that when that day arrives, I won’t need to consider the negative biases that comes with my being overweight. There are already enough uncontrollable things that don’t work in my favour in an interview setting - for one, my blatant “gay voice” and concomitant gesticulations usually gets me classified as a ditsy queen who couldn’t possibly perform a surgery let alone apply a band-aid - I can and should work on things I can control.

My strategy thus far has been cookie-cutter: I do 16/8 IF each day and 18/6 wherever possible. I track my calories in MFP shooting for anywhere in the 1500-1800kcal range, I wear a fit-bit to monitor my daily movement and do weights 3-4 times a week to try and preserve fat free mass. This isn’t my first rodeo at any of these strategies but I can confidently say the difference this time has been an overwhelming well of motivation. In addition, I’ve tried to apply endless random details from uni lectures to my dietary intake - this degree has to be useful for something right?

My findings and realisations thus far:

  1. It is okay if today is not a perfect day. This month my best friend was in town for the first time in a year, we went out to eat and drink alcohol quite a few times. I did a debating tournament one weekend where I ate chips, ice cream and pizza. I didn’t exercise at all one week because my partner was out of town. I still lost quite a bit weight over the month. I’m not saying that it’s perfectly okay to routinely have bad habits nor am I suggesting to pencil in regular cheat days. My main feeling is that as long as you don’t go absolutely crazy on those random social occasions and otherwise do really well with diet and calorie tracking when you have those “ordinary” days, that is basically A OK. Rome wasn’t built in a day and the goal should never be to have no social life.
  2. Weight loss is effective self care in almost every way. Exercising genuinely elevates my mood. I feel better for having eaten veggies with fibres and fruits with vitamins and other micronutrients. I am less bloated and more sharp in those dreaded morning labs. I smile more because I’m doing something for myself. This month, I felt empowered to start a really exciting new relationship. More than even that, because I’m losing weight, I feel like I have more of a buy-in to my own appearance. Things like skin care and assessing which of my clothes look better than others never went through my head before, but are becoming important parts of my daily routine.
  3. It’s okay to make big changes but staggering them is perhaps most effective. In the first week, I tried to eat under my maintenance but was still eating calorie-dense foods that didn’t fill me up like peanut butter sandwiches. In the second week, I started to eat more veggies and nuts, in the third week I tried to eat less red meat and more poultry, and in the fourth week I started intermittently fasting in earnest. I hope to add things like yoghurt, salmon and avocados (foods I don’t eat) to my diet soon. I hope to start C25K in the coming weeks to supplement my weight training and to reduce my resting heart rate. Surely if I had implemented all these changes initially it would have been overwhelming but taking them one by one and getting used to each one is important if this is ever to be a lifestyle change.
  4. Talking helps. This is perhaps more personal because I know lots of people try to keep their weight loss journeys as private as possible but for me, talking about it with my friends and family has been important. It continues to keep my motivation high and I feel like I have many people behind me, willing me to succeed.

Hope this meets the criteria of being a helpful post. I’m keeping progress photos and a whole lot of statistics but I’m hoping to save those for a later post. Keep on keeping on everybody :)

submitted by /u/teddyio
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