Sunday, May 10, 2020

I’ve lost all motivation to keep the weight off.

First post ever on Reddit, so I hope I’m doing this right. I’m a long time lurker on this and other weight loss subs so first I want to say thank you for helping me lose almost 90 pounds. For context I’m a 21 6’1 male sw 280 cw 192 I started losing weight for the sole purpose of looking good. I know that sounds bad and we’re suppose to be doing this for our health but it’s why I lost weight. Ever since I can remember I’ve always hated the way I looked and I always thought it was because I was fat. I just started college a little over 2 years ago and I decided enough was enough, I was 19 never had a girlfriend ( I had friends that were girls in school but never asked out anyone and never got asked out) and I started homeschooling in 10th grade because my family moved to an area where there wasn’t good schools and from that point on I didn’t really have any social interaction beyond family and got really depressed and gained even more weight. So like I said I didn’t start losing until I hit college. It took me awhile to get going but eventually I lost 45 pounds and honestly it should have felt great but it didn’t. Girls still really didn’t notice me, I didn’t feel like I looked any different. But for the first time I tried putting myself out there. I tried 3 popular online dating apps and within 3 months I got 0 likes or matches. I even paid for the premium to see the few likes I got and they were all fake accounts. I also asked out a girl I became friends with in my algebra class and got very politely rejected. That hurt really bad because I honestly thought she really liked me. She asked for my number and constantly told me how I was really funny. So after that i said well it must be because I’m still fat. So after my 21 birthday last October I started doing keto again which I had some success with in the past and I dropped another 48 pounds between then and now and i think I look even worse. My body has stretch marks everywhere. 9 month pregnant women have less stretch marks than me. I also have really bad man boobs and while they have gone down some they haven’t gone down as fast as my stomach. So it just makes my moobs look even bigger. I also have a lot of saggy skin. I also have a huge forehead and a receding hairline ( think Peyton Manning but if he had a weight problem in the past). With quarantine I haven’t had in person classes in awhile and I’m to scared to try online dating again because I’m only 2 pounds overweight for my height so if I don’t get any matches now it’s not because I’m fat but it will be because I’m just ugly. I’ve honestly lost all motivation to keep losing and I’m about to just give up and eat what I want. I’m still just as miserable thin the only difference is I can’t eat food to make happy. Food was literally the only thing I had. I have no real friends, no girlfriend. I feel stupid because I spent 2 years going to community college to transfer and got a 3.7 gpa only to get rejected from the only university I can afford in my area. I’m not really sure what’s the point of this post, I guess I just needed to vent. I don’t want to gain my weight back. So I guess I’m just wondering how do I stay motivated when I might never like the way I look anyway. Also sorry if the formatting looks weird, Like I said it’s my first ever post and I’m on mobile.

submitted by /u/bestloser1012
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 40 pounds since February! I have a long way to go but I'm starting to see some progress!

I started my weight loss journey on Feb 5th and I've lost just a little over 40 pounds. My weight has fluctuated 50 to 100 pounds off and on for most of my teen and adult years. I'm now 33 and I feel like I finally have a handle on my food intake. I'm enjoying the food I'm eating and I'm losing weight while doing it. Right now I'm eating around 1200 calories a day, I'm not really watching my carb intake or anything, just eating whole foods which means lots of cooking, but I'm really falling in love with it. About a month ago I started walking about 1.5 miles every day and I'm seeing a ton of progress in how I feel physically and mentally. Finally I'm able to see it in how I look, just a tad. I'm also starting to hear compliments from family (mostly about seeing my weight loss in my face). I can't lie, it feels good.

Four months ago I remember feeling like I could never do this. I felt defeated and I was always in physical pain. Waking up hurt, walking hurt, life in general hurt. The other day I picked up two 20 pound weights and I couldn't believe that all of that was inside of me not too long ago.

I hope this motivates someone out there. Even though I have a long way to go, the end goal is finally visible to me, where as before it seemed impossible.

submitted by /u/florencelove87
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’ve made it to one-derland and hope to stay awhile

I’m 35 yo female. 5’10.75”. SW 216.8 Today’s weight 194.4

a year ago and today

Was exercising regularly prior to lockdown. Have been eating way less to help control my diabetes and kidney disease. It’s a struggle but it’s working. Hiking and doing yoga during the quarantine for now. There aren’t many people in my life I can share this with because there’s a lot of social justice types who talk about being proud of weight loss as “fat shaming” or “fat phobic.” I’m really tall, and I don’t “look” obese. But 40 lbs overweight isn’t good for anyone. I should be around 170. Getting there!

submitted by /u/pancreative2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Maintenance Monday: Compare and Contrast

Reached your goal weight and in need of a space to discuss your maintenance journey with others who have gone or are going through similar experiences? Welcome to the weekly Maintenance Monday thread, for weight loss maintainers! Whether you're new to maintenance and don't believe your TDEE can be that high or wondering how to increase your calories, you've been around a while and want to get advice during times of struggle or the holidays, or if you're keeping on as normal, this place is for you! (If you're losing weight, community threads are posted daily and weekly, linked in the side bar, as well as the daily US and European 30 Day Challenge.)

Do you find yourself comparing how easy or difficult you find maintenance to losing weight, and has this changed over time? How much, and how, do you tend to compare yourself to other maintainers (if at all) and, was that always the case?

Anything else on your mind pertaining to maintenance? Is your diet going effortlessly, or have the last few weeks been more of a struggle? All questions, remarks and worries are welcome topics of conversation!

Previous Maintenance Monday threads can be found here.

submitted by /u/satisphoria
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It’s just so hard right now

I’m a 38 year old software developer, and mother of 3 young kids. I’ve struggled with my weight all my adult life. I’ve successfully lost plenty of weight over the years with CICO. I am not new to weight loss and lifestyle changes, healthy habits, etc. I struggle with emotional/stress eating. I’ve been in therapy for 6 years, my depression and anxiety are (were?) mostly well controlled. I know exactly what I need to do.

But I’m doing the opposite. My husband and I are lucky to still both have our jobs, and they are both jobs that we can do from home. But do you know how stressful it is to try and get any work done with 3 little kids at home? We’re drowning in work, schoolwork, parenting, housework...we’re exhausted, overwhelmed, and it feels like this will never end.

I buy healthy foods, but I don’t have the time or energy to cook them right now. Ingredients sit in the fridge until they spoil. I’m eating chocolate lucky charms and ramen for lunch half the time. I want comfort food, I want convenience food, I want fast and easy. Plus 2/3 of the kids are crazy picky and I don’t have the energy for constant food battles on top of everything right now. So much pizza and chicken nuggets.

Oh yeah and let’s not forget the huge increase in alcohol consumption right now. I’m only 5’3” so any amount of ‘letting myself go’ results in rapid weight gain. I haven’t been in the scale in over a week but I’m up at least 15lbs since March. If I can find any motivation to not eat like garbage it only lasts a day or two before the reality of life just beats me over the head so much that I give in and eat a half a bag of chips alongside 3 beers after the kids are finally in bed.

Guess I’m just looking for other parents of littles who might be in similar situations right now. This weight loss thing is hard for -everyone- especially during the pandemic. But it seems like so many people have MORE free time on their hands right now, whereas I have significantly less than I used to, and that makes it hard to put any time or energy into healthy eating. I feel stuck.

submitted by /u/femalien
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

10 Ideas for a Happy and Healthy Mother’s Day

While giving a thoughtful present is a great way to show your love, there’s nothing quite like the gift of creating memories. Spend this Mother’s Day having fun, getting healthy and bonding with the important women in your life. Whether it’s your mom, grandmother or mother-in-law, there are many ways to celebrate this important day.

Our health and wellness experts at The Leaf have put together a list of 10 unique activities that promote well-being, happiness and just having a plain old a good time. We know you don’t want to show up to mom’s house empty handed, so we’ve also included thoughtful gift ideas and some delicious and healthy holiday recipes to go with each creative adventure. Your mother will love the fact that you’re spending valuable time with her and she will surely appreciate your loving efforts!

4 Healthy Pancake Recipes for a Healthier Mother’s Day

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Celebrate Mother’s Day the healthy way with these 10 activities and gift ideas:

1. Life is a Picnic


Bring to life some healthy picnic ideas at the park! Put together a meal that’s complete with the works. Fill up a basket with some yummy and healthy picnic foods, snacks, sandwiches and beverages and grab a comfy quilt to sit on. Don’t forget to pack plates, napkins, utensils and bug spray! Find a nice spot under the shade and enjoy the springtime breeze combined with great conversation and quality time.

The Leaf Gift Idea: Surprise mom with these healthy, homemade snacks and desserts that are portable, picnic-ready and delicious. Check out the recipe ideas below for some tasty wellness inspiration!

2. Move with Mom

Healthy Mother’s Day Ideas and Gifts

If your mom is into fitness, schedule a fun total body workout class that you can take together. Group workouts are a fun way to strengthen your bodies and relationships. Break a sweat and have fun at a power yoga class, spin class, Zumba or aerobics. Dancing is another great low impact activity that many mothers enjoy. You could head to a community line dancing class and learn something new while you create memories.

The Leaf Gift Idea: Gift your fitness-loving mom a new colorful yoga mat, reusable water bottle or a new set of dumbbells. Get inspired by our list of Must-Have Fitness Gear! >

3. Spoil Her Shopping

Healthy Mother’s Day Ideas and Gifts

Take a trip to the mall and shop ’til you drop! In addition to spoiling your mom with some new stuff, you’ll both get exercise as mall walkers, trekking from store to store. Make the day all about mom and let her choose where she wants to shop. If you’re not the best at picking out gifts, this will allow her to choose exactly what she wants.

The Leaf Gift Idea: Let mom explore the mall and pick out a new purse, piece of jewelry or outfit. You could also treat her to a gift card to her favorite store.

How to Spring Clean Your Way to Weight Loss

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4. Munch on Brunch

Healthy Mother’s Day Ideas and Gifts

Is it even Mother’s Day if brunch isn’t involved? Hit the road and head to mom’s favorite restaurant to grab a bite to eat. Just make sure to check out our Breakfast Dining Out Guide before you order! If your mom’s feeling lazy (she’s allowed, it’s her day!), treat her to a healthy breakfast in bed. The Leaf Weight Loss Blog is filled with healthy breakfast ideas that are worthy of a fancy brunch. She will love our recipes for Loaded Omelet Muffins, Cauliflower Breakfast Hash and Churro French Toast Rollups. You can even make her a warm stack of flapjacks with Nutrisystem High Protein Pancake Mix!

The Leaf Gift Idea: While she’s digging into her breakfast in bed, give mom the gift of comfort with a new weighted blanket. According to Healthline, weighted blankets may help to relieve stress, pain and insomnia.

5. Get to Work

Healthy Mother’s Day Ideas and Gifts

Now is the perfect time to complete all of those projects your mother has been asking about! Do her spring cleaning by scrubbing the bathroom, washing the windows and organizing the pantry. Paint that old bathroom she’s been wanting to redo and fill the house with fresh flowers. Speaking of flowers, plant some new ones in her garden and get the yard ready for spring. You can also help mom plant some healthy vegetables and herbs in the backyard or indoors in pots.

Learn more about the surprising benefits of gardening and exercise your green thumb with mom this Mother’s Day. You can also try other outdoor activities for a fun and productive home workout: Mow the lawn, rake the leaves and finish any other tasks she needs done. You’ll get a good total body workout and mom will be happy with her freshly cleaned home!

The Leaf Gift Idea: If she’s got a green thumb, treat mom to some new stylish gardening equipment for tending flowers and vegetables.

6. Tea Time

tea time

Catch up with mom over a cup of hot tea. Head to a local teahouse and sip on some chai with biscuits or grab grandma’s favorite antique teapot and brew your own at home. In addition to enjoying a tasty beverage, tea provides many health benefits. According to Medical News Today, green tea has been shown to decrease the risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Learn more about why you and mom should drink green tea this Mother’s Day! >

The Leaf Gift Idea: A new tea set with a beautiful design is the perfect gift for a tea-loving mom. She’ll be brewing up her own healthy tea at home and inviting you over for weekly tea time.

How to Have a Tastier Tea Time

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7. Farmer’s Market Fun

farmer's market

Pick up mom and head to the local farmer’s market! Treat her to some of her favorite items and get some exercise as you walk around shopping. Let her pick out some new fresh flowers for the garden or porch. Fill up a basket of fresh, local produce for her weekly meal planning. Keep your eye out for other unique, locally made goodies and crafts like candles, wreaths and other seasonal décor. Find out how to know what produce is in season this spring! >

The Leaf Gift Idea: Before you get to shopping, gift mom a new shopping tote bag to fill with her farmer’s market finds! While you’re there, buy her favorite flowers, fruit and anything else she shows interest in.

8. Self-Care Sunday

self-care sunday

Don’t underestimate the importance of self-care. Drop mom off at the spa for a Mother’s Day filled with massages, facials and relaxation. Take her to the salon to get her hair done, followed by a mani-pedi. She will love getting pampered and spending time with you.

The Leaf Gift Idea: Create a self-care gift basket filled with face masks, soaps, essential oils, candles, a new book and a plush bath robe with matching slippers.

9. Explore the Great Outdoors

Healthy Mother’s Day Ideas and Gifts

Take advantage of the springtime weather with a fun hiking workout, walk at the park or bike ride. You could even head to a local botanical garden or arboretum to gaze at the beautiful flowers and trees. Get active and create memories with an outdoor adventure that you both enjoy.

The Leaf Gift Idea: Help mom stay active with a new activity tracker! This will allow her to track her steps and activity with an easy-to-use tool that promotes health.

How to Ride a Bike the Right Way

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10. Dinner Date

Healthy Mother’s Day Ideas and Gifts

Cook a healthy meal together and enjoy some quality time this Mother’s Day. Try some of these easy, healthy and delicious dinner recipes with mom! > If you both aren’t in the mood to cook, head out on the town and dine out at your mom’s favorite restaurant. Check out our Dining Out Guide to ensure you make a healthy choice and don’t forget to pick up the check at the end of the night!

The Leaf Gift Idea: If your mother loves to cook, treat her to that new cooking appliance that she has been eyeing. Maybe she wants to try out an air fryer or whip up quick and easy meals in an Instant Pot. She will love the gesture and new addition to her healthy kitchen.

Looking for more wellness and lifestyle tips this Mother’s Day? Look no further! Our lifestyle and weight loss experts at The Leaf are here to help you and mom achieve your weight loss goals and overall health and happiness this spring!

The post 10 Ideas for a Happy and Healthy Mother’s Day appeared first on The Leaf.

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Superfood Saturday: All About Acai

Let’s start with the most immediate question. How do you pronounce acai? Say it “ah-sah-EE.” If you’ve never heard of acai or aren’t sure what it is, that’s no surprise since the South American fruit is a relatively new introduction to the U.S. food market. Acai has quickly achieved “superfood” status for many healthy eaters because of its potent nutritional content and versatility. Acai also has been hyped with unsubstantiated reports about its miraculous powers to cure diseases and aid in weight loss. While those claims remain unproven, we can say for sure that acai can give a boost of beneficial nutrients to your Flex meals and snacks.

Here’s what you need to know about this uncommon fruit:

Acai is a berry-like fruit that grows on palm trees in the Amazon rainforest, where the natives have been harvesting and eating it for centuries. The trees grow in the wild there. They’ve now been planted in Hawaii to meet the growing demand for the fruit, but they’re not adapted to growing in the continental U.S.

The fruit is similar in size and shape to blueberries. Acai berries have dark, purple skin with yellow pulp. Inside are large pits, like you find in olives. The pulp is juicy, and its flavor tends to be bland or faintly bitter. The fresh fruit is highly perishable, so it must be processed quickly or it becomes inedible. 

In the 1980s and 90s, acai “bars” serving smoothie-like drinks and breakfast bowls became all the rage in Brazil’s cities, where the fruit was discovered by visiting Americans. Acai first became available in the U.S. in the 2000s as an ingredient used at juice bars to pump up the nutrient content of freshly made drinks. Now acai is also showing up in a wide range of food products sold in grocery stores.

7 Easy Ways to Eat More Protein

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Nutrition Highlights

acai powder

Acai has been labeled as a “superfood” because it has a high concentration of vitamins, fiber, antioxidants, and essential fats. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), an ounce of acai puree gives you about 20 calories, 1.5 grams of carbohydrates, 1.5 grams of fiber and almost no sugar. It is also a rich plant source of omega-3 fatty acids, which help protect heart health.

The component of acai that has drawn the most attention from nutrition researchers is anthocyanin, a micronutrient with powerful effects on our health. It’s an antioxidant, which means it eliminates “free radical” cells in our bodies that are linked to a wide variety of ailments. Cherries, blueberries and red wine are high in anthocyanin. Consuming acai nearly tripled the blood levels of antioxidants in the subjects of a study published in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry.

Health Powers

Acai berry

Among the indigenous people who eat acai as part of their traditional diet, the fruit has long enjoyed an almost mystical reputation as a cure-all for major and minor health problems. While many claims made about acai’s benefits have not been verified, scientists studying acai in the laboratory have reported that it has “anti-inflammatory activities in colon cancer cells and can be effective as natural colon cancer preventative,” according to a research paper in the Journal of Nutrition and Cancer.

Some online research has been touting acai’s ability to rapidly burn fat and spur dramatic weight loss. Be wary of any such statements. Instead, trust in the proven fact that real and lasting weight loss comes from eating appropriate portions of nutrient-dense foods—that is, your Nutrisystem plan. Acai can be a part of that, but it is not better for weight-loss than the many other healthy foods you’re eating.

Superfood Saturday: All About Avocados

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Buyer’s Guide


Fresh acai is not found in the U.S., but the frozen pulp is now sold in many supermarkets. Acai juice is available alone and blended with other fruit juices. The fruit also is used as an ingredient in smoothies and other nutritional drinks, jellies and desserts. Before purchasing any of these products, check to see how much actual acai is included—sometimes it’s a very small component—and look at the sugar content to be sure you’re getting the nutrients in the fruit and not a lot of extra calories.

Acai tablets are sold online and in health-food stores. The powdered acai they’re made from may have some of the nutrients in the fruit, but it has none of the valuable fiber. Though, just taking capsules is never the best way to get the important weight loss benefits of eating fruits and vegetables. 

Fresh Ideas


The two most popular ways to enjoy acai are in a smoothie or a bowl. You can include the frozen pulp with fresh berries and a banana, blended with a vanilla shake from Nutrisystem, to make a super-nutritious smoothie that gives you one PowerFuel and one SmartCarb. Here’s a simple recipe we love that can include acai in place of some portion of the other berries >

Smoothie bowls let you incorporate whole fruit and crunchy ingredients such as nuts or granola that don’t work in drinks. Before you build your bowl, blend acai pulp with non-fat yogurt or milk, then add more tasty ingredients to make a breakfast that will keep you fueled up all morning. We show you the ins and outs of making smoothie bowls here >

The post Superfood Saturday: All About Acai appeared first on The Leaf.

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