Friday, September 4, 2020

Halfway to my weight loss goal

Back around mid January, I weighed myself for the first time in years. I always thought I was under or around 300 lbs for the last few years, so it was to my surprise when I stepped on the scale and it said 346...after that moment I knew what I had to do.

I started dieting and experimenting with various supplements seeing what works and what doesn't (I still don't exactly know, I just know I'm shedding weight). I managed to be on a steady decline of 1-3 pounds a week. I set a goal for myself to be 220 or under. I haven't seen 220 since high school (I'm 6'4 so that could almost be considered a normal weight). As of this post, I'm now at 279.6 pounds and halfway to my goal. I lost almost 2 pants sizes and a shirt size.

I always thought I lacked the discipline to lose weight like this because I've always had an issue with controlling my eating habits, and to see progress of this kind is truly amazing. If you're on the same path, stay vigilant and focus. You can do it, I have all the faith in the world on that.

submitted by /u/Castille_92
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to do the Sept Speed Challenge to Run Faster

Run Faster with the September Speed Challenge. Get the Running Calendar and join us! How to do the September Speed Challenge: Want to run faster? Need a goal to keep you motivated? Love a fun fitness challenge – without feeling like you’re comparing yourself to others? Take this month’s SPEED CHALLENGE!! It’s a running challenge where ... Read More about How to do the Sept Speed Challenge to Run Faster

The post How to do the Sept Speed Challenge to Run Faster appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

SV: Lost 10 kgs!

Hey everyone. I'm 17 (M),5 ft 9. SW:90 kgs/198.4 lbs CW:78.7 kgs/173.6 lbs GW:70 kgs/154.3 lbs

It took me 4 months to get here,but I was finally able to reach my goal halfway. I was able to lose 11kgs/25 pounds.

It was hard, but what got me through it was this community. I haven't posted a lot here,but anytime I felt down or discouraged,I came here and saw many people working really hard. Just knowing that there's a community I can ask questions and share with, made me feel at ease.

I started my weight loss journey when I realized I had gained 10 kgs in a year. It didn't feel good. So,it meant a lot to me to get back to my weight from a year ago.

Now,I'll talk a little bit about how I got here. I had to change my eating habits first. I cut out rice and shifted to Indian bread (rotis). I couldn't do the diet always cuz I'm undergoing braces treatment as well,so I had to eat soft foods like rice and mashed potatoes for 2-3 days.I wasn't able to completely avoid sugar,especially because I made a dumb decision to start baking as a hobby. But, I still restricted my sugar intake as much as I could.

I also started intermittent fasting 2 months ago,but I'm just skipping breakfast and lengthening my fasting hours at night. I started drinking green tea as well.

I looked for low calorie alternatives for snacks. So far,I've only discovered Popcorn and Greek Yogurt. I occasionally have salad as well. I'm trying to eat healthier, but sometimes have a little bit of non healthy stuff like Coke.

Another thing that helped me lose weight was exercise. It really works. I sometimes had to stop working out cuz I get this small swelling in my lower back (tailbone). But besides that, I work out at least 5-6 days a week. I take a rest day once in 4 days,so that helps me to not slack off on exercise.

So,yeah. That's been my life since May. And I feel happier that I've taken control of my life,and that I'm really trying to get healthier.

Also,please leave tips that helped you,they might help me too. If you've gotten this far,thank you so much for reading! It means a lot to me.


submitted by /u/myloseit_alt
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Down 47 pounds in 3 months for a weight loss competition

3 months ago on June 1st I started a weight loss competition challenge. I initially weighed in at 234.4 pounds. I started a diet of only meat, fruit, and veggies right at the beginning, and stuck with it the entire way through. My liquids were black coffee and water. The challenge just ended; on September 1st I weighed in at 187.6 pounds and won the competition. I lost a total of 46.8 pounds. In addition to the diet, I worked out extremely hard, lifting weights for over an hour a day 6 days a week with 1 rest day, and sometimes would do a water fast on my rest day.

submitted by /u/daycabbage
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally 154.8 lbs!!

I’m 5’5”, wavered around 160 after quarantine began.

For over 3 YEARS, I’ve ALWAYS weighed over 155 lbs. The lowest I’ve ever gotten to was 155.4 lbs, and then I’d always give up there, thinking I could never go lower, because I never have.

Not this time though!

I’ve finally hit less than 155 lbs! It sounds insane but I haven’t seen “154” for YEARS!! And this time, I know exactly what’s been working for me so I can just keep going without guessing, judging myself, getting frustrated and giving up!

Ahhh!! I’m just so happy! I’ve been blessed with good proportions so nobody would guess I weigh what I do, but holy crap!! I’ve never been this excited about weight loss in my life!!

Thanks for reading - I just needed to share!! :)

submitted by /u/killbillvolume3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV I did a great finish time on the rower today - something I thought I’d never accomplish!

Stats: 29 F SW 89.1kg CW 77.6kg GW 70/72kg

So I started my weight loss journey in early Feb. weight loss as such wasnt really my goal, but wanting to focus on getting my PCOS in check, alleviate my knee issues, and generally get healthier - of course with this comes weight loss.

My PT started me off on weight training initially with minimal cardio, but after about 4 weeks he told me I needed to focus on cardio (in conjunction with) to lose more weight around my midsection, and generally build endurance / become fitter.

FYI, I HATE the rowing machine. Never enjoyed because after 10 seconds I’m dying out of breath. The machines we use has a lot so stats on the screen, but the main one is how long it would take you to finish 500m. A super fit guy at the gym does it about 1.20mins - lol not for me babe.

When I started using the rower, I was averaging about 2.40mins, and wouldn’t be able to do any long than 30 seconds at that time.

Weekly I would do the rower approx 3 times, and since my first time would average about 2.20mins for just under a minute then slowing down a bit - I was pretty happy with that.

TODAY THOUGH!!!!! I did 2.08mins for a FULL MINUTE!!! I was so estatic!!! I couldn’t believe I’d done that! And best of all, I wasn’t as out of breath as I thought I would be!!!

On the screen there’s also the average speed over the course of that work out - did 10 mins on the rower and averaged 2.15mins! I couldn’t believe it!!

Sorry for the rant and such a long post, I was just so super excited and didn’t know where else to share this haha Thanks for reading y’all - hope everyone has a fab weekend!!

submitted by /u/adventurousmango24
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling so discouraged by slow weight loss

I’ve been on this “journey” for over 12 months. I started working with a dietician at the beginning to get away from my prediabetes diagnosis. I was 223 or so when I started working with her. I weighed everything and strictly ate the diet plan (while I wasn’t counting calories, I was counting macros- but when I’d get curious I was eating somewhere between 1000-1200 calories). Even with being exact it took me like 2 months to lose 5 pounds. That just wasn’t great for me mentally because I become obsessive about the whole thing. I worked with her from aug 2019-March 2020 (stopped when covid started and just never went back).

I am down to 193-196 (depending on the day) and I’ve been stuck here for months. I started to gain a little bit but for the life of me I don’t want to gain back what has taken me sooo long to lose(which I did get back to eating better- covid got me off track for a minute). I track what I eat, but I’m not measuring and weighing because it doesn’t seem to matter. I don’t lose or gain either way. I don’t drink soda, rarely have sweets, do IF... stay within my calorie range and a big fat nothing.

I started working with a doctor on the advice of my dietician. He did tons of blood work and different things to see what’s going on. He suspected my thyroid was affecting things, but nope. Not that either.

I haven’t given up. I know I’m eating better than I ever was so I know I will be healthier for it. I’m just so dang frustrated with putting in all this work and still have this giant stomach and sore knees and all the rest. I had to stop looking at progress pictures on here because those get me so depressed. Especially the ones that are like “I lost 50 lbs in 6 months!”. I can’t even lose that in a year! Anyway. Thanks for reading my whining if you go this far :)

submitted by /u/anothergoodbook
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from loseit - Lose the Fat