Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Confused about deficits and exercise and "starvation mode"

Some backstory is necessary I think. I'll try to keep it short. October 2019, Male, 5'8, 17 years old, 300 lbs. Started dieting and exercising. Today, (Almost) 5'9, 18 years old ,187 lbs.

My methods of losing weight have changed drastically since the beginning. I started with a program called "The 6 Week 20lb Challenge". It's a program at this cross fit gym called "The Camp - Transformation Center". You follow their plan and do their workouts and you lose 20 lbs in 6 weeks. You have to pay 500 bucks up front, but they give you tons of supplements and you can come to their gym for free while you're on the challenge. The important thing I got from it was the meal plan. They gave you a list of proteins, carbs, and vegetables that you're allowed to eat on the plan, and you would eat 6 oz protein (4, for females), 3 oz of carbs (2 for females), and unlimited veggies. Every 2 and a half hours after a meal you'd drink a protein shake. This way you don't get hungry between meals. This plan worked for me insanely well. I lost around 85 lbs doing it until I didn't make the deadline of a challenge.

From that point on, around 215 lbs, I started doing things my own way. Standard CICO + regular exercise. However, while at The Camp they did a full body scan of me which told me my BMR. I misinterpreted what a BMR was and thought that to create a caloric deficit, I had to start eating less than that number of calories per day. Fast forward about 6 months and here I am at 187 lbs having stuck to 1500 a day. I seem to have reached a plateau, so I decided to do some research. What I'm seeing is that I think I've put myself into "starvation mode". Every BMR calculator I can find says I should be eating around 2600 calories for maintenance and 2000-2200 for weight loss.

I'm a bit confused on whether I should start eating more or not. I'm leaning towards yes. Also should I eat EVEN more on days that I work out? Like 2k on rest days and 2.2k on workout days?

TLDR: Male, 18, 5'8. Lost a ton of weight, started tracking CICO but with too low of a limit, lost more weight, but now I'm probably in starvation mode, should I eat more per day?

submitted by /u/tobyk8
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Maintenance after weight loss goal is achieved

hey everyone, I'm over halfway from my goal weight and i'm thinking about my diet and lifestyle after i have reached my goal. i will have a new maintenance / tdee but should i increase my calories by 200 per week until i reach the maintenance level or should i just start eating at the maintenance level? is there any chance i will gain the weight back? im still going to be calorie counting and my relationship with food has improved so i won't really creep back into any old habits.

also i do 10k steps and burn around 300 calories - should i eat this back when i am maintaining? i don't really want to lose any more weight after i have reached my goal weight but i would still like to do 10k steps atleast 5 days a week to make sure i'm no longer sedentary and moving around / being active

thanks for the help :)

submitted by /u/skincre222
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3teqCz3

Just not losing it

Current stats: 32F, 198lbs, 5'5"

I've been very hesitant to post about my weight loss journey because I'm worried that I'll receive harsh criticism instead of support. I've never been the type to respond well to "tough love" or "harsh truths" but I do understand fair criticism when it is needed.

I have always been over weight, and my weight has fluctuated. The highest I've ever been is 240lbs, the lowest I've ever been was 120 (I was on adderall for a year in high school and lost weight due to no appetite). I've tried diets, keto, mediterranean, etc, nothing has ever worked long term.

In late 2019, I had a baby, and went right back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 187 as soon as I was out of the hospital. I hovered around that weight, at one point getting as low as 183, until the beginning of this year when we moved. I was sick of the inactivity and joined a gym, and I have been working out 6 out of 7 days out of the week non-stop since 3/1.

But I haven't lost any weight. I started at 194 and I'm now at 198. I understand that muscle weighs more than fat but I see literally no difference in the pictures I took at the beginning to now. My clothes don't fit any different, in fact some clothes I can't even wear any longer. I feel disgusting.

I don't eat like a hog but I don't keep a strict log of everything I eat either.. I don't want to have the anxiety of having to track every single macro for the rest of my life to lose weight. I eat breakfast and lunch, a few small snacks, and rarely dinner. My days of keto dieting still have me avoiding most sugar and carbs. I don't drink soda, I don't have caffeine, I don't drink milk or any other sugary drinks or alcohol so no drinking "empty" calories. I'm well hydrated with water, I even bought a giant 64oz water jug that I fill up a few times during the day.

I do have an IUD and I'm also on another medication that can cause weight gain through appetite stimulation, but another medication that suppresses appetite. I don't have a ravenous appetite so I don't believe it's the medication causing me to gain. Maybe the IUD? I'm not sure.

I just don't know how I could have been working out for nearly 2 months straight and see no difference.

My workout routine is mainly machines. I see profess in the amount of weight I am able to handle. For instance, I started out on the leg press at 70lbs and it was a struggle. Now I'm at 160lbs. I also just started to add more cardio into my workout, so when I'm finished on the machines I'll either wall the track for 20-30 minutes or I'll get on the treadmill. Some days I'll only do a few machines and dedicate the rest of the time, generally about 45 minutes, to the treadmill, where I can burn about 400 calories according to my Fitbit.

Maybe this is all over the place. Like I said, I was very hesitantly to post in the first place. Maybe I need an outside perspective on what I'm doing wrong. I feel so defeated whenever I get up in the morning and I see the number on the scale has not changed. Whenever I look in the mirror and still see the same fat body even though I feel so much stronger...

submitted by /u/3catmafia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3eWULOb

Why does everyone keep telling me not to lose more weight

I've been on my weight loss journey for around a year now (a lot of stopping and starting) and I've lost around 30 lbs, I'm current 5'6 and I'm 160 lbs. I'm still overweight on the BMI scale and would ideally like to lose another 25 which would put me around the middle of a healthy BMI but literally everyone in my life, family and friends, are constantly telling me I'm being unhealthy trying to lose the weight, saying I don't need to lose anymore. It's really starting to get to me, when I tell them I'm still in the overweight category on the BMI scale they tell me BMI is stupid and I shouldn't pay attention to it, when I tell them I want to lose weight to feel better about myself they tell me that it's an unhealthy mindset. They are constantly trying to discourage me from my goals. Why do people do this ? I just don't understand why you'd want to discourage someone who just wants to feel healthier and more comfortable in their body.

submitted by /u/No_Caterpillar_6324
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3ehC1ty

Uncontrollable hunger and cravings standing in the way of my weght loss. Needing help.

Im almost 22 and im 5' 7" weighing 110 kg. The last 3 hears i have gradually put on weight and over the past year it has increased drastically. I have been fighting my weight for almost over half a decade now. The only time i was able to lose weight was over a couple years between 16-18 i lost alot but i never really done anytbing to merit the weight loss.

Every week start with attempting to eat healthy. I have a good brrakfast or lunch on the monday. Then as the week porgresses i gradually get sloppier and sloppier. Eventually culminating in a bing on a friday, saturday and sunday. Even on days i do well during the day. I have immense feeling towards food later on in the eveningz. I can see me snacking into the late hours most days.

I am seriously doubting myself to ever be able to lose this weight and it is bevoming an extremely heavy burden on my mental health. All other aspects of my life are almost how i would like them to be.

For cont3xt, I attend a crossfit gym so regularly exercise. This has not been available to me obvuiosly over the past year. I am now back into the gym routine so i am looking for some advice on people who may have similiar issues. I have treid numerous strategies and techniques such as IMF. I feel this may work but i struggle. I love drinking coffee. This adds to my calorific sum everyday. I struggle mostly with snacking. Small snacks here and there and then at night i binge on lots of small snacks.

Any help would be appreciated. I am really at my end with weightloss.

submitted by /u/creddi201
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3vHpfdC

My mum told me to buy a weighing scale and said that I’m “letting myself go” (TW/CW)

hello everyone, i’ve been struggling with my weight since was practically 9 years old. there was a lot of bullying in school to a point where i felt the need to self harm and my body image was completely shattered. where i come from, most of the people i know have a very unrealistic standard about the way a person should look and in my family, weight gain is something that is completely frowned upon. i moved to another country a couple of years ago for my education and have been living on my own since. in these five years, i’ve lost a ton of weight in the beginning to such a point that i could no longer distinguish between dieting and an eating disorder. i started dating my partner in 2019 and put on a few “healthy relationship pounds” and after quarantine happened, i gained a lot of weight. somewhere between 40-50 pounds. there were other factors affecting this too like my use of birth control, etc. but a huge factor was lack of proper diet and exercise. today, i am at a point in my life where i do want to lose weight but without any restrictions or binges. i am happy with the way i look NO matter what. i have even started wearing clothes that i wouldn’t wear earlier and have made peace with my body.

fast forward to today, my mother who herself has struggled with her weight because of a disease, knows exactly how it feels like to be teased about your weight. don’t get me wrong, she’s supported me her entire life and has never commented on my weight. however, today she asked me to get a weighing scale and start weighing myself because she thought i have let myself go. she even compared me to one of my cousins who is considered very fat and unhealthy by her and most people in my family. this has really hurt me and i don’t know how to deal with it.

what did you do when people (especially someone so close to you) commented on your weight and you were peaceful in your body? how did you deal with it and not let it ruin your weight loss/gain journey?

submitted by /u/KeepingUpWithMyself
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3nOnqc1

no noticeable difference after a 20 lb weight loss?

note: just want to preface this by saying I’m no longer at my lowest weight (I’m actually hovering near my highest now) and am much healthier currently (at my lowest I had fatigue, dizziness, weakness, extreme hunger, etc)

a few months ago I lost 20 pounds (BMI 21.7 to 18.3 as a 5’4 female) and it doesn’t look noticeable at all (I’ve been told this by many other people—even when comparing a side by side photo in the same clothes/pose). I feel that at my weight and height 20 pounds should have made a big difference but…it doesn’t

does anyone else have a body type like this? I feel like I gain and lose weight evenly (ie lose an inch around my waist, around each thigh, around each arm, around my ass, etc) instead of all my fat accumulating in one area. I can’t decide if this is a good thing or not…but I feel like it’s weird to look almost the same at a BMI 18.3 and a BMI 21.7…then again I probably lost some muscle in this process too…

also if anyone really wants to see the pictures, I have an Imgur link but they are NSFW sooo I’m nervous about posting it but if you do let me know and I’ll consider it

submitted by /u/tears_of_an_angel_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3xO5gMr