Thursday, July 8, 2021

NSV - My Engagement Ring Fits Again

I know this might be an overdone post, but I really never thought I would achieve this and am incredibly proud of myself. It was an emotional surprise as over time it felt like it wasnt getting any closer to fitting, then yesterday I came upon it and it fit!!!

I wanted to share this mini victory and some tips along with it, saving the deep dive for a properly thorough post once I reach my goal (:

These are some tips that really helped me, but it really is a personal journey for everyone so they might be terrible for you!

  • HYDRATE lmao this is #1. I feel like every time i hit a plateau it's either because im not drinking enough water or my period is coming

  • Dont exercise for weight loss, do it for your health. This one was great for me because I put off losing weight until this year solely because I'm extremely lazy and thought i would have to get my ass off the couch and be active. You definitely should never try to outrun your calorie intake because thats setting yourself up for failure. I want to start being more active in hopes my brain function will improve, that is all.

  • Eat whatever you want, just learn self control (aka portions) and be wise about how many calories youre consuming

  • Hunt down those mysterious extra calories you might be consuming because they add up (hello olive oil)

  • Keep track of your loss consistently but dont obsess. I weigh myself every morning and feel alright even if the scale goes back up the next day (spoiler: it does constantly). Some people would be discouraged and it's really not worth it. Success could be no scale at all, and instead measure yourself or take progress pictures

  • Take the starting progress pictures. I have barely any from my starting weight because I hated myself and felt even worse when I looked at a picture, but I really love having the few i do and wish so much that i took more.

  • Look forward to and document the "little" victories! My progress pics dont look very different to me, but wow my clothes fit so much differently!!! And my engagement ring fits now! I find that fitting into a dress i couldnt squeeze up my thighs a year ago feels better than the number on the scale decreasing (:

Thats all i can come up with. I hope this at least gives someone some ideas for their own journey. Its incredibly slow, but success tastes soooo good!!!

My stats: F 5'4, SW:220ish GW:125 CW:153

submitted by /u/the_burrito415
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Exercise is Better Together! 5 Partner Workout Ideas to Try This Week

A lot of things in life are better when you do them together, with a partner. Whether it’s a friend, roommate, sibling, companion, spouse or your child, many life experiences are more enjoyable or even more successful when they’re shared. The same is true for getting healthy and losing weight. In fact, a British study of more than 3,700 couples found that when both partners made a healthy change, they had better results than when only one did.

This is exactly why we’ve created the Nutrisystem Partner Plan. There are so many benefits to having an accountability partner when it comes to staying on track.

In terms of exercising, it can be more fun when you work out with your partner. You’ll be more likely to pass the time, push yourself and possibly even have a more enjoyable experience. There’s a social aspect to it.

If you’re on the Nutrisystem Partner Plan, you might be looking for some exercise buddy workouts. Here are some effective ones to try.

Accountability Partners: How Losing Weight with a Partner Can Improve Results

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1. Medicine Ball Workouts

couple doing a medicine ball ab partner workout

A medicine ball, which is a weighted ball for exercise, can be a great tool for strength and endurance training. When you add a partner to your medicine ball workout, you can add in some tossing. According to the American Council on Exercise (ACE), the “Side Shuffle with Medicine Ball Toss” works as partners stand four to five feet apart, shuffling laterally while tossing a medicine ball back and forth. Try to toss the ball at chest height. This raises the heart rate and burns calories while improving agility, balance and power.1

Planet Fitness recommends trying the “Overhead Pass with Squat” exercise with a medicine ball. Stand a few inches apart from your partner with your backs facing each other. Hold a medicine ball over your head, then pass it backwards to your workout buddy. You should both do a squat as your partner moves the ball down onto the floor, rolling the ball back to you between the legs. Return to starting position and switch places with your buddy after a few reps, says Planet Fitness.2

Another great medicine ball workout is a “Sit-Up Pass.” Planet Fitness explains that you and your partner should get in sit-up position with your backs on the floor, knees bent and feet flat. With one of you holding a medicine ball extended overhead, you should each do a sit-up at the same time. Pass the ball at the top of the move and lower back down to the starting position. Tap the medicine ball on the floor behind the head and repeat the move, passing the ball back and forth.2

In general, a medicine ball can be a great tool for partner workouts, even if you’re taking turns using it and encouraging one another. There are many different medicine ball workouts that you can find online and try. ACE lists many different suggestions on their website and blog.

2. Stability Ball Exercises

Exercise stability ball and mat in Gym

Just like a medicine ball, a stability ball can be a great exercise tool and is worth the investment. There are many partner exercises using a medicine ball—or you can encourage one another as you take turns using it. It’s also nice that it’s a relatively inexpensive piece of “equipment” that can be used at home.

Another great partner workout suggested by ACE is a “Stability Ball Squat Walk.” With a stability ball between you, each partner places their right hand on the ball at shoulder height. According to ACE, this engages the core and stabilizes the arm. Working together, lower yourselves into a squat simultaneously. You and your partner will then squat walk laterally in one direction. Switch arms and squat walk in the other direction.1

3. Body Weight Workouts

couple doing a partner workout outdoors

Unlike the first three, body weight exercises don’t require any equipment, making them easy to do anytime, anywhere.

Planet Fitness suggests several variations of common workouts that you can do with a partner. The “Push-Up With Shoulder Tap” starts with you and your partner facing each other in a high plank position. You should each do a push-up at the same time. When you get back to the starting position, you should each reach out and tap each other on the left shoulder with right hand. Repeat the move, alternating hands and shoulders.2

You can also make squats a partner workout by doing a “Body Weight Squat.” Stand facing your partner and grip each other’s forearms. Place your feet a little bit wider than your hips, then perform a squat together. Hold the squat for a second once your thighs are parallels to the ground, then repeat the move.2

ACE provides a great variation on the plank that allows both partners to get a great workout. They call it “Plank Tire Runs.” One person goes into plank position with their legs shoulder-distance apart. The second person completes a “tire run,” by jogging in-between the planking person’s legs—much like you would in a tire run. Complete the desired number of reps back and forth and then switch positions. The runner should go into plank position and the “planker” should become the runner.1

Recipes for Two: 18 Flex Dinners for the Nutrisystem Partner Plan

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4. Battle Rope and Resistance Band Exercises

couple doing a resistance band partner workout outside

If you have access to a battle rope either at a gym or at home, this is another great tool that can be incorporated into partner workouts. You and your partner should stand on each end of the two ropes. One common workout is to “create waves” while you each alternate your arm movements.

But ACE suggests using the “Anchor Waves” exercise to switch things up a bit. One person serves as the “anchor” in plank position at the end of the battle ropes while the other person creates waves. Then switch positions and repeat.1

You can also use resistance bands in your partner workout routine. The “Squat Jump” utilizes two resistance bands. You and your partner will face each other holding one the end of one band in your right hand and the other in your left hand. Straighten your arms out to add tension. Perform a squat together, then jump up together, landing softly on your toes before repeating.2

5. Jog, Walk or Try a Class with Your Partner

couple hiking together in the woods

Of course, any exercise can become a partner exercise when you bring your workout buddy along. It can make the experience so much more fun! Whether you’re going for a walk, run or hike—or maybe you’re trying out a fitness class—consider pairing up. You’ll be surprised at how much harder your push yourself as well as how much faster the time flies.

With many more people working out at home, you can include your partner in an at-home workout, too. That workout video will be so much more fun with your partner doing it along with you. Whether it’s yoga in the backyard or a dance cardio routine in your living room, you’re likely to get more out of it together.

5 Tips To Support Your Weight Loss Partner

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The post Exercise is Better Together! 5 Partner Workout Ideas to Try This Week appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

helth (1 month update)


26F, 5'5" SW: 392 CW: 375 GW: 140

The last pound I've been waiting for to win my first mini weight loss challenge fell off today! I needed to be at 376.1 to win, three days ago I was at 376.4, then it fluctuated a bit as is normal, but it was literally the worst time for that to be happening as I needed my weigh out by the 11th or sooner. But I didn't freak out and stayed on track, and this morning I weighed in at an even 375! Which set me up with a nice round number for my next challenge: I need to be under 360 by August 12th. Coincidentally this is also the magic number that will get me out of the super-super morbidly obese category (BMI over 60), which I only recently found out is a thing.

What's been working:

I did a "go out and get whatever food you want whenever you want even if you're just bored" detox by only taking the bus and walking for two weeks. Yeah I still ate some things I shouldn't have, but they felt more like choices I guess? Rather than mindless impulses. Also the bus was very fun! I might try that again.

I've been thinking a lot about that concept of choice. The reason I gained so much weight in the first place is I didn't have control over my life and especially my food and I just went off the deep end once no one could tell me what to do. I've been realizing I didn't have control over my current habits either. I decided it's time to start making real choices about what I put in my body--not my parents' choices, and not just whatever pops into my head, but calm decisions about what's good for fuel or if it's time for a snack.

I was still eating mostly junk food at first, just less of it. After a week or two the fake fullness of empty calories wasn't cutting it anymore because I didn't have as many, and I started seriously craving real nutrition. It's honestly shocking how satisfied I feel on 1200-1500 calories a day of real food. Literally I do not get hungry at all unless I decide to do some dumb shit like save most of my calories for dinner and then realize there's no way I can stuff 800 calories of vegetables down my gullet. Obviously I am still tempted by junk foods, but like I said I'm in sort of a detox phase, trying to retrain myself so that physically and psychologically, a moderate amount of junk foods will also feel satisfying and I can treat myself without binging.

Keeping workouts separate from eating. I don't track my workout calories or eat them back, although I will eat up to 2000 if my body needs it, which is still in my deficit as of now. Working out is for fun and heart health and mental health; my food choices can take care of the weight loss.

submitted by /u/teal_mc_argyle
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What was it like to finally reach your goal/ideal weight after always being the fat/chubby kid?

Most of you, if not all of you, will know. You grew up being ostracized, teased, or bullied in a way that singled out your weight and physical attributes. Whether it was by family (in my case) or by peers. I want to hear of your stories and how it changed your life and the perception of those around you, particularly those who contributed to the uneasy mental state you carried.

I also want to know how you feel about yourself now compared to back then, whether it was 10 months ago or 10 years ago. A before and after mental check, if you will.

I think it's inaccurate to say that weight loss won't make you happy; weight loss definitely makes people happy due to mental, physical, and physiological reasons. However, it's not the same for everyone, and there are still mental scars that can't be healed even after weight loss occurs. I just want to know how you guys have processed your weight loss.

Thank you in advance for sharing your stories. If you believe this post is not appropriate for this subreddit, please let me know.

submitted by /u/CheezeyMacaroni
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

5 Ways to Lose Weight This Summer with Nutrisystem

Summer can have this funny way of sneaking up on you. As you dig out your swimsuits and shorts, you realize your beach body is not exactly where you want it to be. Don’t sweat it! Nutrisystem can help you get fit and lose the weight, so you can look and feel healthier for summer fun.

20 Easy Summer Salad Recipes for Weight Loss

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Here are five ways to stay on track and reach your summer weight loss goals with Nutrisystem:

1. Meals are made easy—no guesswork (or hot oven) required.

different Nutrisystem foods on a table

Nutrisystem delivers a wide variety of perfectly-portioned breakfasts, lunches and dinners to help get you in swimsuit-shape. Leave the meal prep to us! Plus, the program is so simple to follow, you won’t have to spend hours menu planning or cooking over a hot stove—which means more fun in the sun.

2. Eat smart on the go.

lose weight this summer tips

Whether you’re spending an afternoon in the park, playing a round of golf or soaking up the sun at the beach, the last thing you want to worry about is searching for something diet-approved to eat when you’re out and about. No need to worry with Nutrisystem: From satisfying bars and salty snacks to sinful-tasting sweets, you can choose from tons of delicious grab-and-go food options to toss in your bag before you head out the door. Check out 20 of our most popular snacks here! >

3. Fill up and cool down with refreshing shakes.

protein shakes

Nutrisystem Protein and Probiotic Shakes are packed with 21 vitamins and minerals, loaded with 15 grams of protein and six grams of dietary fiber to help you feel satisfied until your next meal—all for only 120 calories. As if those aren’t reason enough to love Nutrisystem shakes, here are a few more: The chocolate version is rich and fudgy, the vanilla smooth and creamy, and both can help you chill out on a hot summer day. For a tasty twist, check out this round-up of smoothie recipes you can make with your Nutrisystem shakes! >

Click here to stock up on healthy and delicious protein shakes! >

How to Trim Hundreds of Empty Calories: Summer Edition

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4. Enjoy slimming summertime foods.

lose weight this summer tips

We’re not just talking about watermelon and berries (though those are delicious, too). We mean you can have a burger right off the grill, an after-dinner ice cream and all the flavors of summer you love. That’s because Nutrisystem includes Flex meals in its plan, which are designed to give you just that—flexibility to enjoy foods at a family barbecue or weekend picnic, while still having a successful weight loss journey! Make one of these better-for-you burgers, indulge in a cool ice cream creation and find more inspiring and satisfying flex meal recipes to try right here! >

5. Get weight loss support on vacation.

lose weight vacation

Whether you are road-tripping for the weekend or flying across the country, Nutrisystem has your back to keep your summer weight loss on track. Download the free NuMi app to keep tabs on your meals and activity, set reminders, find quick and easy recipes and access your Grocery Guide, Dining Out Guide and other helpful tools. You can also reach out to trained Nutrisystem Weight Loss Coaches through email or online chat from anywhere, seven days a week, to answer your diet questions. So, you can enjoy your time away and still stay healthy.

Be sure to check out these seven guaranteed ways to lose weight for summer before the beach season hits! From wellness tips and fitness ideas to healthy recipes and weight loss advice, our experts at The Leaf Weight Loss Blog are here to provide you with inspiration and content to boost your weight loss journey this summer and for the entire year!

Summer Weight Loss Motivation: Realistic Tips for Keeping Your Beach Body

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The post 5 Ways to Lose Weight This Summer with Nutrisystem appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Century Club] July 8, 2021 - Have you lost or need to lose 100 lbs or more? Here’s a thread just for you!

I have often welcomed those who have lost 100+ lbs (~ 50 kg , ~7 stone) to “the club” and joked that club meetings were on Thursdays. I recently suggested that we try out having a regular weekly thread to talk about issues that are particular to those who have lost 100+ lbs, those who are well on their way and those who are just at the beginning of a journey this big.

Welcome back to the Century Club! Each week I will provide a topic of the day that has been on my mind or inspired by previous posts. However you are free to talk about any topics you think might be relevant to current and prospective club members.

Previous Topics: Celebrations - Water Weight - Comments - Travel - Disconnects - Activity - Years! - Fun! - Rhythms - How strict? - Relationships - Loose Skin Redux - Multiple Centuries - April Fools! - What didn't work? - Milestones - Seasonal changes - Is it worth it? - Surprising Food Facts - Mistakes were made - Time to Vent - Relief Valves - Seeing Objectively - Tips you hate - Fear and Self-Loathing - Starting - 2020 recap

(Half-)Marathon Training

I survived my birthday celebrations and the long holiday weekend managed to have cake and eat it too. My partner and I went to a neighboring state to a Gluten Free bakery (she has celiac disease) to try their donuts we have been salivating over all during the pandemic only to find out that they were shutting down the business and weren't making donuts that day. We still got a birthday cake of sorts, more of a coffee cake, cut it in 4 pieces and froze each section of cake for future use. We also bought 10 assorted gluten free cupcakes which were awesome even if they are probably 400-500 kcal each.

Now that I ran my virtual 10K and my birthday is done, my next fitness/weight loss goal is a virtual half marathon in mid-September. I have 10 weeks left to train for it, and haven't been going for many runs much longer than 10K since I last ran a half at the end of 2020. My stretch goal is to achieve a < 2 hour pace. Last year I came in at a few minutes over 2h, so It doesn't seem absolutely crazy. So I started looking at various training plans.

What's fascinating to me about this plan is that it doesn't look all that daunting. I'm right on the edge of the suggested prerequisites. I usually run 18-24 miles per week, completed my last 10K at 54 minutes and previously ran at least one half marathon. Yeah, it will require sustained effort, but none of it looks crazy. There's a lot of Rest/XT days and also lots of Easy miles. It's really all about the Two "quality runs" on Thursday/Sunday mixed in with usually 8-10 miles of Easy runs per week and 3-4 Rest/XT days. The Easy runs and cross-training are the day to day grind.

However it's still 10 weeks long. If I wasn't a regular 10K runner already there's no way I could even think about doing this. None of it would be possible without having done C25K in 11 weeks too and learned to go from 5K to 10K gradually over time but without a plan except for "just slow down and keep going".

I was also reminded by Facebook memories that I ran my first 5K Parkrun two years ago, and am also looking forward to my local Parkrun starting back up at the end of August. I've already volunteered to act as "tailwalker" for the event, walking behind all the participants making sure everyone is safe and makes it back to the beginning of the course.

So what does any of this have to do with the Century Club?

Well it comes down to the common saying here that weight loss and weight management is a marathon not a sprint. While both sports require training to get good at, it's far easier to run full out for short bursts than it is to train for a distance/endurance run. If you can run for a minute you can call yourself a sprinter. If that's all you ever do it probably won't make much difference to your calorie burn or overall fitness levels.

Building endurance requires training. The more you do it and more regularly, the more you will manage to keep doing it. It doesn't have to be maximum effort or perfect every single day, but you do have to keep moving forward.

I've been training for this half-marathon since I started C25k when I was ~230 lbs back in September 2018.

How about you Centurion? How's your grind going? Anything you're training for right now? Fitness/weight loss or other? Does any of this random rant resonate with you? Anything else on your mind today?

submitted by /u/SmilingJaguar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I stop comparing my weight loss journey to my friend?

hi everyone ! for some context i’ve been on the heavier side of the scale for a majority part of my life and so has my friend in the past, this is something we bonded over and motivated each other to lose weight i ended up losing a lot of weight in 2018 and then i ended up gaining it all back (and some more) in these past couple of years i believe that i am at my heaviest right now (200 lbs as a 22y/o female) and i don’t like it i’m not sure if i like it because of the way i’ve been raised (my therapist pointed out that i’ve probably have a lot to phobia around being fat and other fat people because of the way i was raised) or because i ACTUALLY want to do something about it

nevertheless, i want to lose the weight. and i’m head strong about that. however, the same friend recently underwent gall bladder surgery and has lost a TON of weight she’s also started watching what she eats and working out and posts her stories quite often on social media this is sometimes the first thing i see in the morning and get very demotivated.

how do i stop comparing my journey to hers?

submitted by /u/itsnunnyabusiness
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from loseit - Lose the Fat