Thursday, July 8, 2021

NSV - My Engagement Ring Fits Again

I know this might be an overdone post, but I really never thought I would achieve this and am incredibly proud of myself. It was an emotional surprise as over time it felt like it wasnt getting any closer to fitting, then yesterday I came upon it and it fit!!!

I wanted to share this mini victory and some tips along with it, saving the deep dive for a properly thorough post once I reach my goal (:

These are some tips that really helped me, but it really is a personal journey for everyone so they might be terrible for you!

  • HYDRATE lmao this is #1. I feel like every time i hit a plateau it's either because im not drinking enough water or my period is coming

  • Dont exercise for weight loss, do it for your health. This one was great for me because I put off losing weight until this year solely because I'm extremely lazy and thought i would have to get my ass off the couch and be active. You definitely should never try to outrun your calorie intake because thats setting yourself up for failure. I want to start being more active in hopes my brain function will improve, that is all.

  • Eat whatever you want, just learn self control (aka portions) and be wise about how many calories youre consuming

  • Hunt down those mysterious extra calories you might be consuming because they add up (hello olive oil)

  • Keep track of your loss consistently but dont obsess. I weigh myself every morning and feel alright even if the scale goes back up the next day (spoiler: it does constantly). Some people would be discouraged and it's really not worth it. Success could be no scale at all, and instead measure yourself or take progress pictures

  • Take the starting progress pictures. I have barely any from my starting weight because I hated myself and felt even worse when I looked at a picture, but I really love having the few i do and wish so much that i took more.

  • Look forward to and document the "little" victories! My progress pics dont look very different to me, but wow my clothes fit so much differently!!! And my engagement ring fits now! I find that fitting into a dress i couldnt squeeze up my thighs a year ago feels better than the number on the scale decreasing (:

Thats all i can come up with. I hope this at least gives someone some ideas for their own journey. Its incredibly slow, but success tastes soooo good!!!

My stats: F 5'4, SW:220ish GW:125 CW:153

submitted by /u/the_burrito415
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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