Thursday, July 8, 2021

helth (1 month update)


26F, 5'5" SW: 392 CW: 375 GW: 140

The last pound I've been waiting for to win my first mini weight loss challenge fell off today! I needed to be at 376.1 to win, three days ago I was at 376.4, then it fluctuated a bit as is normal, but it was literally the worst time for that to be happening as I needed my weigh out by the 11th or sooner. But I didn't freak out and stayed on track, and this morning I weighed in at an even 375! Which set me up with a nice round number for my next challenge: I need to be under 360 by August 12th. Coincidentally this is also the magic number that will get me out of the super-super morbidly obese category (BMI over 60), which I only recently found out is a thing.

What's been working:

I did a "go out and get whatever food you want whenever you want even if you're just bored" detox by only taking the bus and walking for two weeks. Yeah I still ate some things I shouldn't have, but they felt more like choices I guess? Rather than mindless impulses. Also the bus was very fun! I might try that again.

I've been thinking a lot about that concept of choice. The reason I gained so much weight in the first place is I didn't have control over my life and especially my food and I just went off the deep end once no one could tell me what to do. I've been realizing I didn't have control over my current habits either. I decided it's time to start making real choices about what I put in my body--not my parents' choices, and not just whatever pops into my head, but calm decisions about what's good for fuel or if it's time for a snack.

I was still eating mostly junk food at first, just less of it. After a week or two the fake fullness of empty calories wasn't cutting it anymore because I didn't have as many, and I started seriously craving real nutrition. It's honestly shocking how satisfied I feel on 1200-1500 calories a day of real food. Literally I do not get hungry at all unless I decide to do some dumb shit like save most of my calories for dinner and then realize there's no way I can stuff 800 calories of vegetables down my gullet. Obviously I am still tempted by junk foods, but like I said I'm in sort of a detox phase, trying to retrain myself so that physically and psychologically, a moderate amount of junk foods will also feel satisfying and I can treat myself without binging.

Keeping workouts separate from eating. I don't track my workout calories or eat them back, although I will eat up to 2000 if my body needs it, which is still in my deficit as of now. Working out is for fun and heart health and mental health; my food choices can take care of the weight loss.

submitted by /u/teal_mc_argyle
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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