Monday, September 6, 2021

Kind of lost/ not losing weight anymore.

F(21) H: 5’4” Current weight: 158 Goal weight 135

My weight loss journey has certainly been one for the books. Almost 2 years ago, I started with a weight of 168 pounds. I joined a martial arts club, working out 2 hours a week while also doing the keto diet. In 6 months, I brought my weight down to 145 pounds. I decided at that point to stop Keto, because I was starting to have adrenaline problems because of constant ketosis. By the end of that year (2019) I was at 148 pounds, and still working out 2-3 hours a week at the martial arts club.

In 2020, the club closed for 3 month due to covid, and we had to do our classes at home over zoom. It wasn’t as fulfilling of a workout since nobody has the space, and there was a lack of cardio. We eventually came back to it that summer, but I had traded some muscle for a little bit of weight gain. I also started college that fall, and spent most of my days sitting in a chair doing school. By the end of 2020, I was weighing in at 152 pounds.

Now in present day, I currently weigh in at 158 pounds. I am still in college, so I definitely sit down for long periods of time. My workout routine is solely my martial arts club. Since joining a sparring team in June, I now workout 5-6 hours a week. Broken down, my workout routine looks like this- 2.5 hours of HIT (sparring, running, etc) 2 hour of strength 2 hours are spent doing forms, and weapons training.

(On top of this, I work as a laborer in a warehouse 24 hours a week, doing a lot of hard work.)

My eating habits have been better. I am never home these days, so I resort to eating whatever is close by, or easily attainable, but while also trying my healthiest option. (Low calorie fast food, lettuce wrapped burgers, etc) I also probably don’t eat as much as I should, or enough of what is recommended for somebody my age. I consume a lot of mea and dairy, and don’t usually go for veggies unless it is lettuce. The only fruit I really like is apples, grapes, and berries, but this is a rarity since I never crave fruits.

My weight jumps between 155-160 give or take, and my muscle definition is slowly disappearing. I gain weight In my midsection and stomach, but also have a lot of fast on my thighs. Is there something I am missing? What can I do to get back on track towards my goal weight? I am at my whits end, and I just want to lean out and have some definition. Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you :)

submitted by /u/TheHarmburger
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

2 weeks in. Thank you, Lose It!

Maybe it’s too early, but man it feels so good!!!

I know this is only the beginning, but I’ve never been more motivated and excited to reach my goals. After ~1 month of searching and reading posts on this sub, I’ve finally started my weight loss journey. I wanted to be cautious and informed before starting, so I can avoid mistakes or slow progress. Now I know about CICO and how important is your diet in the process of weight loss. It’s all thanks to the magical Internet and thanks to you, people of Lose It!

I eat healthier and I go to the gym for fitness + 30-40 minutes of cardio. I take short walks to reach that 10k+ milestone. I track my calories using MyFitnessPal and I eat more proteins. Water is now my best friend. Everything helps.

22M, 171cm 22nd of August: 87.2kg 6th of September: 84.9kg

My first checkpoint is 80kg, then 75kg, then 70kg. The challenge now is to be constant and to keep going!

I’ve never been happier! Please share your advice with me, any tips and tricks would be highly appreciated 🙏🏻

Good luck on your journeys and thanks again to this awesome community!

submitted by /u/niticavictor
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My pre weight lost boobs are driving me crazy

Typo.... *Post weight loss boobs

I lost 27 pounds. I’m 5’4 and I went from 177 to 150. I still have 5 more pounds to lose to reach the healthy BMI but I don’t think I can do it. My boobs always been perky but once I reach the 170 mark, my boobs got big and stretched where it’s lower (but atleast they are big). Now that I lost weight they shrunk but they never perk back up and when I pinch my boobs I notice some looser skin, my boobs aren’t as plump and full. I wouldn’t say my boobs are saggy but it hurts knowing I used to be known for my perky boobs and now because of something I could have controlled, they are ruined imo. I’m trying super hard not to gain 12 pounds and be 162 to gain some boobs.

I have pics when I was 162 (not when I was in the process of losing but when I was in the process of gaining). And I notice I look good especially since I was working out too. I’m just tempting to gain weight but I know I shouldn’t gain weight for just boobs

submitted by /u/Ninicoach56
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My wife and I both hit post children all-time low in weight from VR gaming and light dieting

We both lost about 8% body weight. I went from slight overweight at 25.4 BMI to 23.9 BMI.

We have two Oculus Quest 2's, she plays Beat Saber on expert half-a-hour a day, which burns about 175-200 calories. This is a lot of arm motion and quite a few crouches. She breaks a heavy sweat at end of the session.

I play Skyrim VR which is more like 275-325 calories per hour. I run/walk in place when I move my joystick to move (tried add-ons like Natural Locomotion and VRocker, but ended up just doing this myself), I use a two hand weapon and do full two arm swings when I attack and block, I physically crouch to pull and shoot arrows from sneaking, and swim by swinging my arms in air (my daughters laughed so hard when they saw this). This is more like a low impact cardio, I break a light sweat at end of the session.

Now this does not sound like much compared to say, jugging or HIIT, but the truth is it is very hard for us to do jugging and HIIT every single day. Gaming as an exercise is just much much easier to do every day, I can't wait for each session! Especially modded Skyrim VR which for me is the single most immersive game I have ever played by a massive margin. Gaming when standing up is already a lot more calories burned than sitting on a couch or chair. The physical activities from VR just adds a lot more to it.

Now no amount of exercises will lose weight if you don't pay attention to your diet as it is 70% of the game. But instead of drastic diet changes we just made a few simple rules:

  1. No eating after 8PM, we didn't do a full intermittent fasting, but not eating snacks or even fruits at night easily helps with weight loss.

  2. No more diet cokes or sugary drinks in general, we both love diet cokes like Bill Clinton did, but we learned the hard way this prevents weight loss even if it says zero calories. Once a week maybe we share a single can of diet coke together. Water with ice and fresh lemon is now my favorite drink, and it also helps with immunity too.

  3. Reduced rice/bread/pasta intake, once slice of toast instead of two, quarter plate of rice/pasta instead of full plate, that sort of thing.

  4. Ice cream, cake and desert once a week in very very small quantities. If I am really really starving and crave for a snack, I just eat a yogurt instead. We simply stopped buying snacks so that option is not available.

  5. Be logical and conscious when eating unhealthy foods. Order salad with light vinaigrette dressings. If I eat a burger, steal just a couple of fries from kids and don't order fries for myself. Also some burgers are hundreds of calories lower at the same restaurant. If I go to a BBQ, be very conscious of the number of ribs and wings I eat, give myself a hard limit and never eat to the point I can't eat anymore. If I eat Chipotle I don't get cheese or sour cream.

No food is off limit if you are disciplined about the quantity you eat. A salad can easily have 1000 calories and a Big Mac is only 563 calories.

The thing is, that couple of hundred calories from VR gaming easily adds up to 1500-2000 over an entire week because you can easily do it every day without getting bored. And when you start to lose weight, even if it is just half a pound every few days, it becomes easier to follow your diet rules and it just snowballs from there.

It becomes a positive momentum and I even started to do 5 mile runs on weekends every now and then because I feel good about my body. This past Saturday I did 5 miles for 500 calories, 2 hours of Skyrim VR for 600 calories, that is 1100 calories in one day!

You can replace VR gaming with any other exercise for 200-300 calories a day, IF you can do it 7 days a week but in the past I always get bored and stopped. VR gaming is the first time in my life I ever "worked out" 7 days a week, and the result really shows! Even if you are already doing exercises every other day, a $299 Quest 2 is easily the best exercise equipment you can buy as it is a great filler for your off days and these calories really add up when you don't notice time.

submitted by /u/hitmantb
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Debunking The Obesity Code by J. Fung

I've read the book and I mostly agree with the arguments Fung makes, to get that out of the way.

However he has gotten A LOT of crap for his stance on obesity and the claims he makes. I don't find that surprising as he does poop on the whole scientific community in his arguments and claims too. He clearly is not making friends. That said I don't care who is right or wrong but who has the best idea on the reasons of obesity right now.

I've looked at the most common critique regarding his work and it seems to boil down to the following:

  1. He is making money off of this stuff, so he's not credible.

This is a valid point but it should still be reflected on the actual arguments he is making and is no reason to ignore them. The Obesity Code is not trying to sell you any product. Personally I'm not sure who in the nutrition/obesity science circles isn't trying to sell you anything. The guy is a kidney doctor; I'm sure he's doing okay as is. But the proof is in the pudding.

  1. You don't need to lower insulin levels or fast to lose weight effectively.

He states this same claim very clearly in The Obesity Code, so I'm not even sure why this is used as critique. Lowering insulin is not a magic bullet to lose weight. It is an effective tool to keep lost weight away.

Sadly all the nutritionists whose arguments against Fung I have read only tend to argue against lowering insulin as a "better" weight loss strategy. These people are completely missing the point of everything Fung is saying when they cite studies stating insulin response had nothing to do with fat loss. Duh. What about the studies on fighting weight regain?

  1. Failure to keep weight off comes down to failure to adhere to a diet and is not about insulin control.

It's not like there's a massive pile of scientific evidence lying around giving high insulin and the failure to adhere to a diet once on GW a causal relationship. Yet the counter-arguments are to either blame the dieter for being mentally weak or to assume the diet "just didn't suit him". That's not helping anyone, especially if it does come down to insulin in the end.

  1. The human body can't change it's "calories out" at will in the scope that Fung claims it can.

The only reason for not considering his claim as BS is the very real effect insulin has on diabetics. With no insulin production as T1 you will die of weight loss no matter how much you eat. Injecting insulin on the other hand will make you gain weight.

I don't know what the body does to achieve this, and Fung neither, but all counter-arguments should address this very real phenomenon as well. I've not seen it.

I wanted to post this thread here and not on the fasting subs because the fasting subs agree with him, while it seems clear to me this community largely doesn't. So I hope to get a better discussion here.

submitted by /u/betelgz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

i'm restarting today

20F 5'3 CW: 162lbs

i started my weight loss journey at 175lbs in january and until march it was going really well and then everything just went downhill 😭 i struggle with depression, anxiety, disordered food thoughts and comfort eating and i'm on antidepressants that i'm sure is affecting my weight loss so it's been a long, frustrating battle that's basically ended up in me non stop overeating for the last 4 months. i don't THINK i've gained anything more than a few pounds but i know i definitely haven't lost anything else.

now the guilt and depression from overeating is starting to destroy me (i literally just ate mcdonalds 10 minutes ago) so i'm choosing to restart now. i'll count calories again and exercise more than i ever have and try to end this year on a happier, healthier note!!! i hope i can get my shit together this time!! posting somewhere seems to help my mindset so! have a good day everyone :)

submitted by /u/riverphoenixxx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

As of today, I am 3 months into my weight loss journey and down 30 pounds

Hey everyone,

I know I didn't lose as much weight as most people on this sub, but after my girlfriend of 6 years left me because I got too fat, I took the opportunity to hit the ground running and work on myself.

Progress pics up front:

In 2017, I was 265 pounds and a friend took me to the gym everyday and I got down to 190. Then in 2018, my mother passed away and I turned to food for comfort and by June of this year, I was up to 294 pounds.

Almost daily for the last 3 months, I've been walking 2 miles and lifting weights, as well as watching my caloric intake like a hawk. As of this morning, I'm down to 264 pounds and people are starting to comment frequently on how much weight I lost and how much better I'm looking.

The biggest change that I've noticed is my ability to even just walk up a short flight of stairs without my heart pounding and having to mask the fact that I was breathing heavily around my dad and others. Now I can do the very same with no effort and my heart rate doesn't budge. Aside from that, I feel physically stronger and overall much happier with myself and more confident, but I still have a long way to go.

My therapist told me to think of the longest drive I've ever been on and compare it to my start and end goal. I drove from New Hampshire to Toronto which took about 11 hours. So my motto that I wrote on the whiteboard near my front door days "How close are you to Toronto?" and that is really keeping me going

Thank you for reading!!

submitted by /u/main_account_hacked
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from loseit - Lose the Fat