Monday, October 4, 2021

Very slow progress -14 lbs in 7 months...I'm happy and sad about it

When I started, I only had about 33 lbs to lose. Those 33 lbs have been one of the greatest sources of insecurity for me. I hold my weight all in my stomach and have endometriosis. So it almost makes me look like I am pregnant. I see people look and I can read it on their face when they are considering asking me how far along I am. :(

I have always done 3-6 months of dieting and then giving up and gaining it all back quickly. I haven't been confident in my clothing and skin in 10 years. I just get depressed and give up.

I decided that I am tired of feeling this way and started probably my 15th weight loss journey 7 months ago. I am so proud to say that this is the LONGEST I have ever stuck to losing weight. However, I am also sad to say I have only lost 14 lbs (0.5 lb/week or 2 lbs/month). I know this very slow progress has made my weight loss more sustainable. I am not giving up, I am not starving myself, I am not depriving myself, and I am having higher calorie days when I feel like it.

In the past, I always wished I could eat like this and be happy. I am finally doing it, but I just wish I could speed it up a little. I am a little bit afraid to do that now since I don't want to mess with the good thing I have going on.

I am getting married next year. My mother-in-law and my sister have both rapidly lost weight in preparation for the wedding. I kind of get embarrassed that they are seeing more progress than I am when I am the one going dress shopping soon.

Anyways, I just wanted to put this out there in case anyone is going through anything similar.

submitted by /u/Curious-Form
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost 22lbs and still look the same, im loosing motivation…

Hello everyone, im 18 Male ,178cm (5’10) I started a calorie deficit almost 4 months ago, i started at 97 kgs (213lbs) and currently i weight 86kgs (189lbs), i started going to the gym to do some cardio and strength training to burn some extra calories and hopefully speed up the process a little,

I lost 11kgs (22lbs) and i still look the same, I noticed that my boobs loos smaller but my clothes still fit the same ! Nobody noticed my weight loss, my mom told me that “my stomach looks smaller” but thats not enough! ( i store the major part of my fat in my butt and thighs btw, and I really hate it, i look like the male version of Nicki minaj lol ) what can i do ? How long would it take ? I don’t even think ill reach the body i want, i really lost my motivation, im still on the deficit just because i got used to cooking and logging my meals

submitted by /u/y39oB_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hey guys I’m in ONEderland!

Sw: 255 cw: 199 gw: healthy

WOW! This post feels surreal. I honestly never expected this, 56lbs down! I started my weight over 255lbs but refused to start looking at the scale immediately. I had decided in March 2021 to lose 20lbs so I would be less embarrassing to my kids at the local amusement park fitting in the rides. And once I hit that goal, I had a whole healthy mind healthy body revolution. And what a ride it has been. I still do not have a goal weight. I’m just letting this take me to where I need to be. I do have a picture of my 50lb weight loss in my post history, and I’ll put up more when I make it further along.

It’s weird to say, but nothing has changed, I’m still the same me, in a smaller body, still struggling with all my problems, but there are some major bonuses. Moving is so much easier. I no longer dread getting up and getting things done. It’s amazing to not have to think about how much energy I should conserve to get stuff done. I like looking in the mirror, still hate selfies and pictures.

I was my biggest enemy in my own weight loss. It’s totally just a mental game. It’s a hard mental game at that, but it was literally the only thing holding me back from doing this so much sooner.

I wouldn’t take my own advice, but if you were looking, I would say do it your own way. I don’t get up and say get it done, or push through, or do better. I changed all those to “feel better, feel stronger, feel healthy”. Every day I try to do something that makes me feel healthy, feel stronger, feel better. Don’t listen to strict diets, exercises, etc, find what feels good, slowly work it in, mess up and realize you are still doing fine, get back on track and do it all again. I keep thinking “I can’t do this forever, I’m going to mess it up.” And instantly follow that thought with “it’s okay, I can do it for today and that’s all that matters, and if I mess it up today, I can do it again for just tomorrow, I’m doing just fine.” Thankfully the scale has been reminding me that in fact I am doing just fine. So are you.

submitted by /u/anonymitywoman
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Have lots of tasty data but struggling to figure out amount to eat

Table of Data on Calories and weight for September

I have been using the TDEE spreadsheet from r/xxfitness to figure out what my maintenance calories are and to see my patterns. My maintenance calories are 1,545 so to have a .5% weight loss rate per week I calculate that I should eat 1,232.5 cals per day. The red highlighted days are days I went over maintenance calories.

Earlier this year I was trying to eat 1,400 to try and go more slow and easier but I ended up gaining 5lbs over the year because I was not consistent. As you can see from the chart I'm also struggling with way over eating on some days. So I'm kind of unsure what to do at this point. If I eat at a greater deficit then it seems to better counteract my over the top days but I don't know if that's causing my over the top days because I'm not eating enough.

I feel frustrated with how little I'm able to eat but I guess that's the life of a shorty that works a desk job. :C I do workout 5Xs a week. 2x's lifting an hour, 2x's running around 30 mins. and 1 hour yoga each week.

The rest of my life is pretty sedentary though. I have heard about trying Macros over calories but it seems stressful to juggle 3 numbers everyday instead of just 1.

Any advice or suggestions? Thank you in advance for your help and time.

submitted by /u/IJustLikePlants
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I HATE when people comment on peoples weight

I absolutely hate when people have the audacity to say something like “you’ve lost so much, that’s so unhealthy. Eat more” or “why are you so big, are you eating all the food in the house” it’s so disgusting and sad and being African makes it 10x worse. I remember a family friend came over to my house and it was when I’d gained over 100 pounds in the span of 2 years and she was so disgusting. She said I needed to stop eating everything in the house but the thing was because I’d lost weight so drastically in the past, I gained it back extremely fast and for her to say that pissed me off.

My mom too, she always nags on me that I need to be a size Medium, that messes with my head because I don’t want to think of my weight loss journey in terms clothing sizes, last time she told me that i just had to sit and cover my ears until she was done. Why can’t people just mind their business. My mom also does this thing where I’ll be having a normal conversation with her or I’ll joke around and then out of nowhere she just says “go loose some weight” or “go exercise “ one time she even called me an elephant. but she herself knows nothing about calorie deficit or fitness and doesn’t even go to the gym and then cries about how she’s fat, she’s overweight but not obese. I feel like my parents can’t see me for nothing other than my weight. My opinions in the family compared to my healthy weight siblings are NEVER heard. I feel like I never get a say in anything and the only time my mom says I look good is when I put makeup on 😒

AND then when you are trying to loose weight people suddenly become health experts and love to tell you that you’re doing it wrong or you’re not loosing it fast enough. Fast enough??? I’m sorry I want something that I can sustain not a quick fix and then relapse back into old habits!!

submitted by /u/No-Communication4384
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Maintenance Monday: October 04, 2021

If you've reached your goal weight and you're looking for a space to discuss with fellow maintainers, this is the thread for you! Whether you're brand new to maintenance or you've been doing it for years, you're welcome to use this space to chat about anything and everything related to the experience of maintaining your weight loss.

Hey everyone, here's your weekly discussion thread! Tell us how maintenance and life in general is going for you this week! And if you missed last week's (or simply want to reread), here's a link.

If there's a specific topic you'd like to see covered in a future thread, please drop a comment or message!

submitted by /u/satisphoria
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Electrolytes: Get Your Fill to Stay Hydrated and Healthy

You’ve probably heard of electrolytes in TV commercials about sports drinks, or maybe they’ve come up in discussions with your doctor. Do you wonder what electrolytes are or why they are so important? Do you know how to get electrolytes? Knowing how to incorporate electrolytes into your daily life can boost your health, help you feel better and keep you strong on the way to your weight loss goals. Here’s what you need to know.

What Are Electrolytes?

This tube of blood is on its way to be tested for electrolytes as part of a routine blood panel that your doctor can order for you

Electrolytes are essential minerals and other compounds that help our bodies to function properly. Three of the most critical electrolytes are familiar nutrients—sodium, calcium and potassium—that serve the widest range of functions across organs in the body. Magnesium, phosphorus and chloride are other electrolytes we need, although they tend to have more specific functions in the body.

Electrolytes have a very small electrical charge, and so they help to transmit signals from your nerves to your brain. Your body depends on electrolytes to contract your muscles and to keep your heart beating steadily. These minerals also give your body the resources it needs to build new cells and repair damaged tissues when you are bruised.

Electrolytes are needed to create blood clots if you are bleeding from a cut or wound. They also are critical to maintaining and regulating the fluid levels in your body, so you stay hydrated and feeling energetic, which are essential to losing excess weight safely.

Maintaining healthy sodium and potassium levels also protects your heart’s health. Click here to learn more about this connection! >

What Happens When Your Body is Low on Electrolytes?

This man is gripping his head in pain, which might result from an electrolyte deficiency and the resulting dehydration

Blood tests and other medical exams measure the amounts of the different electrolytes in your body, but you don’t have to visit the doctor to feel like your levels are off. When you are low on electrolytes, you are likely to be dehydrated. Feeling thirsty is a familiar sign of dehydration, but you can be dehydrated without noticing that you need to take a drink. If you are tired or have low energy even though you have had plenty of sleep, you may be low on fluids or electrolytes.

Dizziness, cramping and mental confusion are other signs of low electrolytes levels or dehydration. More serious symptoms include vomiting, numbness and tingling, changes in blood pressure, muscle spasms or weakness, abnormal heart rhythms and trouble breathing. Chronically low, high or imbalanced electrolyte levels can lead to seizures, kidney or heart failure and even death.

The most common cause of an electrolyte imbalance is dehydration from losing fluids. That can be from excessive sweating, vomiting or diarrhea. If you don’t drink enough or eat a healthy diet, you are likely to have minor electrolyte imbalances. (How can you be sure you are drinking enough? This article gives you easy-to-follow guidelines! >)

How to Know if You’re Dehydrated

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More serious conditions, such as emphysema and other chronic respiratory problems, and medications such as diuretics, laxatives and steroids also frequently disrupt electrolyte levels.

Slightly low or high levels of electrolytes can cause symptoms that may seem like ordinary discomforts, such as fatigue, headaches, muscle aches or nausea. If those persist and become daily problems, tell your health-care provider about it so your electrolyte levels can be checked.

The specific symptoms you experience will depend on the specific electrolytes that are out of balance.  Learn more about the different symptoms for different electrolyte imbalances below:

Sodium. “Hyponatremia” is what doctors call the condition when sodium levels are excessively low. Excessive sodium amounts causes “hypernatremia.” Either extreme can produce personality changes, headache, confusion, and lethargy. Severe cases can result in a coma and death.

Calcium. Most of us know that we need plenty of calcium for healthy teeth and bones. If you don’t get enough calcium over the long-term, you may experience changes in your skin, nails and hair. Low calcium levels are also linked to yeast infections. Very low calcium levels could lead to problems with your reflexes or larynx. On the other hand, excess calcium can cause constipation, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and bowel obstruction. Extremely high calcium levels in your body can damage kidneys and lead to heart problems, including heart attacks.

Potassium. When you have too little potassium, you are likely to experience muscle weakness, spasms, cramps, paralysis and breathing problems. Kidney problems may also occur. High potassium levels can lead to muscle weakness and abnormal heart beat. The heart can even stop beating if levels become too high.

Magnesium. Low magnesium levels tend to lead to symptoms that are similar to low potassium or calcium levels. Consistently high magnesium is linked to trouble with breathing, low blood pressure and cardiac arrest.

Chloride. Very low or high chloride levels can occur after frequent vomiting or diarrhea. Symptoms are uncommon unless the imbalance is severe, but may be similar to those of sodium imbalances as they are closely related.

 Phosphorus. Chronic alcohol abuse may produce sharp dips in your phosphorus levels. Some people who have diabetes may have low amounts of phosphates, which can lead to “ketoacidosis,” a serious complication that has dramatic effects on your metabolism and your blood’s healthy pH. High phosphates doesn’t usually produce symptoms, but may be a sign of a more serious problem like infection or chronic kidney disease.

How Do You Get Electrolytes?

Fresh foods like the bananas and salmon pictured here can be significant sources of electrolytes

Electrolytes may sound like special additives that you can get only from sports drinks or other products, but the truth is much simpler. There is no secret formula for keeping your electrolyte levels in balance. Rather, a well-rounded healthy diet and smart eating habits is all you need in most cases to supply you with electrolytes. According to Medical News Today, “Most people can get enough electrolytes from their regular diet, and they do not need to supplement with sports drinks or oral rehydration supplements.” Even better, your Nutrisystem healthy eating plan guides you to foods that are loaded with electrolytes.

Let’s start with the most basic element: water. Dehydration is both a cause and a symptom of electrolyte imbalances. The best way to prevent and correct dehydration is to follow the recommendations of Nutrisystem’s expert dietitians and drink at least 64 ounces of water each day. Drink more if you’re sweating a lot after a hard workout in summer or if you have had a fever, vomiting or diarrhea. Keeping yourself hydrated also helps stoke your metabolism, so you’re burning calories steadily throughout your day.

Trouble Drinking Enough Water? 10 Hydrating Foods You Need to Be Eating

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The foods you eat are the best way to keep your body supplied with the electrolyte minerals. Learn more about the food sources of electrolytes below:

Sodium. We typically eat more sodium than we need. That’s because it’s added in the form of salt to many foods, even those that don’t taste salty. When shopping for your Flex meals, we do recommend choose low-sodium products whenever possible. However, if you have lost a lot of fluids from sweating or other causes, you can help restore your sodium levels naturally by eating pickles, olives and dairy products, or by adding extra table salt to your meals. You get a potent dose of sodium (and a tasty appetizer) when you make these Air Fried Pickles.

Calcium. Dairy products such as non-fat milk, yogurt and cheese are rich sources of this nutrient. Leafy green vegetables like kale and spinach, also provide you with substantial amounts of calcium (plus magnesium!). Our Grilled Feta Salmon Burger offers you two sources of calcium in every tasty bite.

Potassium. Bananas are well-known for their high potassium content. You get even more of this nutrient from dried apricots, avocados, squash and sweet potatoes. Keep your potassium levels topped off and your taste buds happy with Grilled Chili Cheese Stuffed Sweet Potatoes.

Magnesium. Magnesium is easy to get from a wide variety of foods. Stock up on nuts and seeds, lentils, kidney beans, soy beans, dairy products and potatoes. Spinach is a good vegetable source of magnesium. Our healthy version of spinach dip includes plenty of calcium-rich nonfat Greek yogurt along with the magnesium in the nutritious leafy green.

Phosphorus. Potatoes, dairy products and cashews provide you with a lot of phosphates. Lentils, kidney beans and soybeans do, too. Vegetarians can get phosphorus from tofu, which we love to make in our Air Fryer Orange Tofu recipe.

Chloride. You get chloride from table salt (known to scientists as NaCl or sodium chloride). However, adding lots of salt to your food isn’t always a healthy choice. Instead, include foods that naturally contain chloride in your meals, such as tomatoes, celery, lettuce and olives. If you like Asian cuisine, seaweed is a common ingredient that is rich in chloride. Cauliflower Stuffed Tomatoes is a delicious way to top off your electrolyte levels and enjoy two servings of non-starchy vegetables.

Do I Need a Sports Drink to Replace Electrolytes?

Sports drinks are just one potential source of electrolytes.

After a workout, you might want to reach for one of the many types of sports drinks promoted by world-class athletes. The problem is that many of these drinks are loaded with excess sugar and empty calories. Plus, is this really the best way to replenish your electrolytes?

According to experts at Cleveland Clinic, you should opt for regular water if your work out is an hour or less. If you’re breaking a sweat for 75 minutes or more, you may want to consider a beverage that contains electrolytes during or after your exercise. Just make sure to read the nutrition labels and keep in mind that some sports drinks are specifically formulated for endurance athletes.

If would like a drink with a little extra kick of electrolytes, unsweetened coconut water is a popular choice. However, keep in mind that it may not be the best option for long workouts since it has less carbs and sodium than standard sports drinks. Cleveland Clinic explains that it’s a good option if you’re simply looking for a more natural electrolyte beverage.

You can also make your water work harder with Nutrisystem’s Hydrating Fat Burner! It’s a mix-and-sip dietary supplement that can easily be added to water or plain seltzer. This new breakthrough in weight loss is a sweet and simple way to boost your hydration while boosting your burn. It comes with electrolytes and B vitamins to help you stay hydrated while perking up your drink with the sweet flavors of berries and the lightly tart taste of pomegranate. Best of all, it’s specially formulated to help preserve lean body mass, reduce body fat and support weight loss.* Now that’s a winning formula! Click here to try our Berry Pomegranate Hydrating Fat Burner. >

Looking for more tips on shopping for drinks? Our Grocery Guide for the Beverage Aisle tells you what to look for when buying beverages so you can pick the healthiest options. Check it out here! >

10 Simple Hacks to Help You Drink More Water

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Always speak to your doctor before starting a new supplement or making any changes to your diet. Speak to your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns about electrolytes, hydration and/or supplements. 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product has not been shown to increase the efficacy of the Nutrisystem program. Contains CQR-300® to support weight loss and CHROMAX® chromium picolinate to help reduce body fat, as part of a healthy diet and exercise program.


The post Electrolytes: Get Your Fill to Stay Hydrated and Healthy appeared first on The Leaf.

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