Monday, October 4, 2021

Hey guys I’m in ONEderland!

Sw: 255 cw: 199 gw: healthy

WOW! This post feels surreal. I honestly never expected this, 56lbs down! I started my weight over 255lbs but refused to start looking at the scale immediately. I had decided in March 2021 to lose 20lbs so I would be less embarrassing to my kids at the local amusement park fitting in the rides. And once I hit that goal, I had a whole healthy mind healthy body revolution. And what a ride it has been. I still do not have a goal weight. I’m just letting this take me to where I need to be. I do have a picture of my 50lb weight loss in my post history, and I’ll put up more when I make it further along.

It’s weird to say, but nothing has changed, I’m still the same me, in a smaller body, still struggling with all my problems, but there are some major bonuses. Moving is so much easier. I no longer dread getting up and getting things done. It’s amazing to not have to think about how much energy I should conserve to get stuff done. I like looking in the mirror, still hate selfies and pictures.

I was my biggest enemy in my own weight loss. It’s totally just a mental game. It’s a hard mental game at that, but it was literally the only thing holding me back from doing this so much sooner.

I wouldn’t take my own advice, but if you were looking, I would say do it your own way. I don’t get up and say get it done, or push through, or do better. I changed all those to “feel better, feel stronger, feel healthy”. Every day I try to do something that makes me feel healthy, feel stronger, feel better. Don’t listen to strict diets, exercises, etc, find what feels good, slowly work it in, mess up and realize you are still doing fine, get back on track and do it all again. I keep thinking “I can’t do this forever, I’m going to mess it up.” And instantly follow that thought with “it’s okay, I can do it for today and that’s all that matters, and if I mess it up today, I can do it again for just tomorrow, I’m doing just fine.” Thankfully the scale has been reminding me that in fact I am doing just fine. So are you.

submitted by /u/anonymitywoman
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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