Sunday, October 31, 2021

Looking for help with weight loss plateau after new exercise regimen

Hi everyone, I’m a 5’8 M coming from 271 lbs now at 215. It’s taken me about 6 1/2 months. In that time, I’ve fallen in love with running and lifting, which has aided my diet in weight loss, until recently. Ive had trouble losing over the past month and have fluctuated between 214-218 with no real drop in sight. In this past month, I’ve incorporated Brazilian jiu jitsu 3x a week for 2 hours a piece. This extra work has made me extremely hungry. I haven’t been acting on this hunger for the most part, but haven’t had any further weight loss since upping my workout regimen. I thought adding this in would have an impact on my weight loss, but it’s only made my deficit more difficult to maintain. I’m worried about slipping on my diet, or if my body isn’t being given the amount of calories I need to maintain weight loss? Building muscle? Im looking for any advice on what may be going on, and what I can do to adjust my diet for the new exercise volume to make me less ravenous after big workouts.

submitted by /u/No_Track908
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

20:4 IF + Keto?

Hey. I currently weigh 140 kgs / 310 pounds.

In 2020, I lost 30 kgs through keto alone. Zero exercise. No cheat days.

This year, I started going to the gym regularly while still on keto and ended up plateauing for months. Frustrated with the lack of results, plus being thrown into another lockdown, I've relapsed and regained 10 kgs.

I need something extreme, especially since gyms aren't open yet. I'm thinking about doing keto + IF, allowing myself a 4 hour window from 6pm to 10pm. (I wake up and sleep late and I don't mind not eating during the day.)

I've tried to look into which intermittent fasting technique or time period is the most effective for weight loss but there seems to be a lack of data. I'm assuming the larger the fasting period, the more effective it would be?

Anyway, tldr: Planning on doing keto + 20:4 IF. Good idea or do I need to make an alteration to my plan?

I'd appreciate any advice. Cheers.

submitted by /u/JapaneseUltron
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm scared I'm going to gain all the weight back due to health reasons

For reference I'm 24/F/5'4.5", SW 136lbs, CW 104lbs.

I wanna start by saying that I've struggled with body image issues and my weight even since puberty (when I was 10 years old). At the time I gained weight really quickly and was overweight (before this I was at a normal weight). My highest weight was 160lbs but it dropped between 150-155lbs. I maintained that weight throughout my teenaged years. I was really upset about my weight and felt disgusting, ugly and fat. I was also going through a difficult time and I would often emotionally eat. I dreamed of being skinny.

When I started university at the age of 18, I became very stressed and unintentionally lost 14 pounds in a month (136lbs). I was happy about the weight loss and felt more confident in my body.

Fast forward to 2020 when the pandemic started. I kept seeing posts online about how many people were gaining weight during the pandemic. I live with my parents and sister and I noticed that they were gaining weight. What really scared me was that my sister who has been underweight her whole life was gaining weight. I was TERRIFIED that I would gain the weight that I was during my teenaged years as I felt truly horrible during that time. I also wanted to live my teenaged dream of being skinny. So during the fall of 2020 I decided to try to lose weight (my original goal was 120lbs). When I started I estimated my calories. At the time there was no scale in the house to use to track my weight and I didn't purchase one as I didn't want my parents to know that I was trying to lose weight (I ended up getting one later when the weight loss was noticeable).

Fast forward to now, and I lost too much weight. I'm underweight, my period has been gone for 7 months, my appetite is gone, my stomach is in a lot of pain, and I'm having health issues now. I'm an emotional mess and it's affecting my relationships.

My doctor has recommended that I eat 2500-3000 calories per day to regain my period. 2500 seems to be the common recommended amount for people with missing periods. The thing is, I'm pretty sure I ate around that amount when I was 136lbs! I'm ok with gaining some of the weight back but I don't want to gain all the weight back (or more) just for my health. It will feel like all my progress will be lost. I'm also scared of gaining more weight than intended as I've changed my eating habits (I have severely limited my liquid calorie intake).

TLDR: I lost too much weight and it's affecting my health. I have been told to eat 2500-3000 calories per day however I'm scared that if I eat that much I will gain back all the weight that I lost (or even more!) and all my progress will be lost. I'm scared I'm going to have to gain it all back for my health.

Edit: grammar

submitted by /u/scaredycat07
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

really struggling with life and subsequently my weight

hi all...this will be a long one.

I am a long-time reddit user who recently deleted my old account because I got toxic with asking for advice from strangers on the internet then taking it too much to heart. but atm I dont know where else to go and I needed to vent.

my life emotional mess. and my weight is hugely suffering (no pun intended). I dont even know where to begin. there is so much I need to "work on" that I feel overwhelmed and now years have passed without me even bothering.I have always been big. my whole life. starting weight (and highest ive ever been) was 314lbs) been bullied for it at school and at home. it wasn't till last year (sept 2020) that I suddenly decided I wanted to lose weight for ME. im not even really sure why.

in dec 2020 I was living in NYC for my phd. I was loving life. going out, meeting people, parting, exploring, starting dating a super hot guy (I wanted to try out casual dating since I couldnt find a serious BF and started to realise how lonely I had become) and just having SO much fun. I did have acute stress and aniexty (I had psosaris and arthritis so ive always taken stress quite literally on my body) but I had a therapist in NYC and it was helping. my main issue was I had searing chest pain due to aniexty which freaked me out a lot. I also suffered a lot of panic attacks. but I was WORKING on it! I was going to an Ivy League for a visiting scholarship. life was still overall awesome. I started walking more, eating less and lost weight. lost about 20lbs in 4 months. but i also developed PCOS in the process (my body reacted weirdly to the sudden decline in weight after YEARS of a steady incline). I took a break cos I had had a period for 1 month straight (heavy bleeding). it stopped. I stopped losing. corona virus hit. lock down began and I had to go home (UK). I thought it would last 2 weeks tops (no joke, what a shit show). I go home and started failing with the phd work (supervisors even recommended I re-think doing a phd) and struggled for 8 months with deciding to leave it or try again. 8 months! stress, aniexty and depression hit. after 8 long months in lock down slowly working on a failing phd, I quit the phd and gained back the weight I lost. I had no study, no job or direction, left NYC the city I fell in love with, just got ghosted by the man I lost my virginity to in NYC (after 3 months of a stupid situation-ship I should never have entered into in the first place) and was depressed and lonely AF. I spent April and maymourning a relationship (I barely had) for 2 months when I got home. I spent the subsequent spring and summer walking around in parks, drinking coffee alone in my car on drives and going to grocery stores as a source of entertainment (it was still lock down late 2020 here). I had moved back home permanently after years living out/abroad and was adjusting to being with my family 24/7. it was hard. I was sad.

around September (after the depressing spring and summer) I decided to get a gastric ballon (3 months long, suppressed appetite). I dont know - even now - what motivated me to finally lose weight. I think the combo of walking, realising I can eat whatever I want (and lose weight) and genuinely wanting to live longer was the trigger. oh and I wanted to buy all the clothes I ever wanted without worrying about only going to the plus size section. did the ballon. I did lose weight. I lost a good 10 kgs (basically the weight I lost in NYC naturally). I could have lost more but tbh I didnt utilise the time with the ballon the way I should have. the most weight I lost, I lost in the first week (did keep it off though). yes - the ballon wasn't utilised the way I had wished BUT I learnt a LOT was weight loss, diet and Heath in 3 months (due to understanding when I was actually hungry, how much food I actually needed and I learnt to not overeat and be less greedy/binge! - yay me!). once the balloon was out, I continued. having the balloon (mostly due to the £ my parents put into funding it) motivated me to continue the 'weight loss journey'. I felt bad, I didnt wanna loose that progress but I also liked seeing how healthy I was getting. I also figured around that time I needed to figure out my career and over winter started looking for a job. it took a solid 2-3 months or so but I got a really great job by January. a really good job (and competitive one). life was looking up.

I need to add here - around jan 2021 I started getting the non-stop period again. I go on the mini-pill for 6 months which makes no difference, see specicalists and nothing. my non-stop "period" (small bleeding everyday which increased when I exercise) just ended a month ago. I bled everyday for almost 8 months.

life continued looking up till about June-ish. I noticed everyone around me a different way. friends were getting in relationships, married, engaged, babies - all of it. and here I was, JUST got over a 3-month situation-ship (of which, tbh, my main focus was losing my V-card but then I caught feelings). I threw myself into the dating apps and dated over summer with no real results. I knew casual things/fwb/whatever wasn't for me. but guys, I was (and still am) - lonely. so lonely. I feel so alone. I want someone. I want a relationship. I want someone to care for me and someone to care for. but I am fat woman in a skinny society. all men see when they see me is fat. they see funny, kind, caring, considerate, smart, witty or a well-situated individual in society. they see fat and belly rolls and not-arm candy kinda girl. I felt ugly again. I was spiralling emotionally again. I felt the intense loneliness I felt when I got to NYC. I had a few minor panic attacks again and felt that familiar searing pain in my left arm (which I use to think was a heart attack every time it happened - scary way to live. so I did something silly - I got in touch with an old friend who I knew wanted to have a fwb with me. and I did it. I got involved again, with another emotionally-unavailable man. it started off fine, we hung out all summer (while I was also dating) and it was fun. then feelings got involved and things got complicated. I was forcing myself to have a casual relationship out of pure loneliness even thought I know damn well I am a relationship kinda girl. I wanted more and he did not. things ended and I told him I needed time to get over things. it feels like a break up, but it isn't a break up :-/

in the last 2 months that this all started going downhill, I stopped losing weight, I started doing really badly at work and gained 6lbs. and not just through being lazy, eating badly too. I lost all the disipline I gained over the last year. just today I had 4 slices of pizza, a doughnut, pancakes, pad Thai, spring rolls and cake. just TODAY. I haven't eaten like that in MONTHS. I haven't comforted myself with food in MONTHS! I use to walk when I was stressed (a good habit I picked up in NYC when exploring the city and lost after started working from home). for the past 2 months I feel like I want to cry everyday but it wont come out. I began therapy again - for depression - about 2 months ago and although it has been helping I keep thinking what will I do when its over? I cant seem to manage my emotions. I did manage to recover at work but that was mostly out of fear of not passing probation (which was extended due to poor performance). my health issues weren't resolving. the period problem wouldn't stop and with winter approaching now my prostatic arthritis is getting worse. my aniexty is worsening. my stress is out of control and I feel so damn lonely.

today I am sitting here after trying meditation, yoga, social media cleanses, not using my phone for hours a day at a time, cutting out people, letting them back in, cutting them out again, keeping to myself, opening up, watching countless ted talks and whatnot and I am TIRED. I am TIRED of "working on myself" and feeling the same after periods of time. feeling sad, lonely, tired, fat, ugly and lost in life.

my weight is suffering. my health is suffering. my heart is suffering, my brain is suffering. this last casual relationship really made me crazy emotionally. I lost my balance in life. and now I feel tilted. I feel really lost and confused. I want something which I know isnt good for me but doing all the right things (avoiding casual relationships because I know that isnt me or someone who doesn't have capacity for me in his life) is HARD. doing all the "right things" still leaves me lonely. yes - way less stressed and 'empty feeling' but still lonely and I am taking it out on my weight.

my weight, my general health (PCOS, skin and bones), my pathetic love life, my stress and is all getting to me. I just feel so helpless. all I want to do is cry but it wont come out. I want to cry SO BADLY. its as if I have accepted that my life is this and there is not point even crying about it.

all I know is that I am freaking lost and I feel sick after binging all day and all I want to do is smoke a cigarette (which I am also avoiding after smoking way too much the last few months). I dont know what I hope to achieve posting this. I dont know if I want advice or comfort or something else. I just felt like I needed to get it down.

thanks for reading if you made it this far.

submitted by /u/sleepingmoon01
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

19F Starting for Real and Need Motivation

Hey guys. I know I'm guilty of constantly telling myself "ok, this is the week I'm gonna change things!" Then I have a bad day, and it turns into "I'll try next week." Obviously it never really ends up happening. But lately I've been feeling gross. I'm a 19 year old girl in college, so everyone around me is naturally super skinny and wears their LuluLemon leggings with crop tops and catches the attention of all the guys on campus. It makes me feel so horrible about myself. It really hit me this weekend how bad it's gotten. I went to Spirit Halloween and all the costumes there were some kind of body suit or a "sexy (insert character here)." I knew I'd look absolutely disgusting in any of those costumes and just didn't even go out this weekend. Now we have a staff meeting for my job on Wednesday where we're supposed to dress up, and I have no idea what to do.

Growing up, my parents never had a scale in the house. They always said they knew that young girls will obsess over their weight too much... and I know there's some truth to that, but I need a quantitative way to tell that I'm actually losing weight before my clothes start to fit me differently, because I know that takes a while. So I decided to go buy a scale today and weigh myself for the first time in years.

I've been through this process before. I was that kid who went to Weight Watchers meetings when she was 15 while everyone else in the room was 50. And you know what? It worked pretty well. I lost a decent amount of weight doing that. But I gained a bunch when I came to college and I just feel terrible. For reference, here are my stats:

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Height: 6' 1"

Weight: 210 lbs

I know I have the ability to do it. In 2019, I was about the same height and got down to 151 lbs. I looked great, but I had no idea at the time. I couldn't even recognize at all that my body had changed in the slightest. But now I look back on old pictures and would do anything to look that way again. I also really just want to get a good start this semester, kick it into high gear over Christmas break, lose weight slowly but steadily throughout spring semester, then have a big glow up over the summer. I want to come back at the beginning of next year and shock everyone.

The thing about weight loss thats really hard for me is that I'm also extremely tall. Most people can say "oh look, I went from a size XXL to an M! I've done so well!" But that doesn't happen for me. Even at my lowest weight, I was wearing L and XL clothing because I'm just so unnecessarily tall.

I recently bought a water bottle that I'm really excited about, so I've been drinking a lot of water and plan to continue to do so throughout my weight loss journey. I'm cutting sodas and essentially anything outside of water and occasionally milk. I'm gonna definitely limit my sweets and carbs as much as is realistic. I have a meal plan as a student, and the cafeteria has a salad bar, so that's helpful. I've been to the rec center on campus a few times, but it's just so embarrassing around all the other college students. My job makes me walk a lot, so I get a good 5 miles of walking in every day.

Any tips that anyone else has are much appreciated. I just want to stop feeling miserable about myself.

submitted by /u/mythical_lex
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What losing 200lbs looks like 38F sw389 cw 186

3 years... Starting weight 389 size 28 pant Current weight 186 size 12 pant

And the real kicker is never did I think I was doing well enough, I often felt I was in a plateau until I started paying attention to when I lose in relation to my hormone cycle and it started to be clear. 1 lose the week before and the week after my cycle and nothing in between.

I also never thought I would succeed to where I am now. I didn't set a goal weight because frankly I didn't think it was achievable so why bother. I just started each day with the intent of trying my best and if I struggled I just picked it back up the next day.

I didn't excersise for the first year because I just wasn't able, I was in pain daily. I got a trainer once I was able so they would help me so it right and I wouldn't injure myself. She was great and said for each 10 lbs lost, change something by either adding excersise or make changes to dietary habits. This was great advise to keep the weight loss momentum and day and day, weeks into months, the weight came off.

I still have a trainer and we are working on strength training. I also do aquafit and spin. Walking the neighbourhood, mountain biking in the summer and x country skiing in winter.

The skin is an issue but it's cost prohibitive to remove. I wish I could get it removed but at the same time I'm pretty proud of it.

The hardest part that I didn't expect was the mental shift, your body image takes longer to adjust and when you are 400lbs there are so many things you can't do because you are living in a fat prison and you try to convince yourself you didn't want to do it anyway so you don't feel left behind, like amusement park rides, travel and fitting in airline seats, sports activities, hiking ect. Once you lose the weight it's taken a lot of self reflection to really assess what beliefs I have that no longer reflect reality. What things do I actually want to do even though I told myself I didn't want to before, now that the physical restriction is removed. I hope that makes sense, it's hard to explain.

I have also really come to enjoy learning about the science of nutrition, the more I understand the impact of the food choices, the easier it is to stick to making better choices.

All in all, it's a journey, no one's journey is the same and sometimes the weight came off easy and other times I had to fight to lose every lbs. I've pretty such settled into where I am. I would love to lose another 10 but I don't know how realistic that is.

Here are a few pics from along the way.

submitted by /u/thoriginals_wife
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

SW 340lb, CW 210lb, GW 170lb, 40F, 6'2

I'm sharing this mainly to encourage everybody on their weight loss journey to keep going and to not give up on themselves! I've been through so much yoyo-dieting in my life and only now at 40 have I finally reached a number on the scale that I haven't seen since I was a teenager. My BMI is 27,3 and a healthy weight range is finally in sight. I work in the medical field and no matter what your dreams of being slim and sexy and whatever are after weightloss, let me tell you that not getting diabetes, cancer or a coronary disease are already worth it and you can reap those benefits at any age!

My personal experience with IF is that I hugely benefitted from OMAD because with frequent meals come frequent insulin spikes that left me constantly feeling hungry and dissatisfied with small portions. I also learnt that my body is not an idiot and chewing gum with sweetener, drinking coffee with a splash of milk or drinking diet soda didn't kick me out of ketosis in a noticeable way. However, I believe that this is an experience that may vary in individuals.

I'm not really certain about my GW because the BMI scale is not completely reliable for tall people. I want to get in a healthy BMI range. But my initial GW of 77kg may not work out. I'll see about that in the future...

I wish you all the best on your journey!

submitted by /u/wotewa
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from loseit - Lose the Fat