Monday, November 1, 2021

Dating after weight loss

I(29F) had lost a significant amount of weight (60lb) during the pandemic went from size L to XS/XXS on most clothes. Fashionable clothes finally fit me well. I now noticed a significant amount of attention from the opposite gender. Dating has been difficult. I graduated from dating men that I would've date when I was bigger to experimenting with much hotter men. However, I'm still stuck in the mentality that I am ugly and fat. I get insecured so easily and jealous just as quick. I'm learning to love myself more but my insecurities wreaked havoc on my love life. How did you guys deal with regaining your self esteem after being ignored and pushed aside by the opposite gender for so long?

submitted by /u/ourpolicy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Stress, lack of energy and weight loss plateau

Hiya, I've heard about this thread but never looked at it until now. I need to get something off my chest. This year, I finally successfully tackled weight loss and went from around 95kg to 75kg (209 to 165lbs). I've tried to lose weight all my life and only ever 'succeeded' when I had a thyroid problem for a few months. This year something just clicked and I did it. And now I'm struggling again. I've been a bit stressed lately, not being able to find the time, motivation or energy to exercise, even though I love to exercise, with the new job I started in August and just this weekend I moved to a new apartment, where I finally live by myself now. This move stressed me out from start to finish, it still does - I've spent weeks looking for the right furniture and all that jam, so I can feel truly comfortable in my new home. And I'm still not finished. I'm such a detail oriented and impatient person that I get super duper frustrated and stressed when I can't seem to find the right thing. After I finally moved, I realised that I was also terrified to be by myself - excited to have my own space, but terrified to be apart from my family, as I was living with my parents before. I've moved out of my parents' house before, even moved across the world away from them for two years, and somehow it feels so much worse now, even though they basically live around the corner. I have such an amazing relationship with my parents now that this hurts me more than it ever did before.

Anyway, I'm ranting. My point is, that I've been feeling stressed and anxious and I've been falling back into my old patterns of bingeing. I don't wanna go back to that and I want to get back on track again. I don't really know how to do it. I feel like my weight loss journey came to a bit of a halt as soon as I reached 75kg. I'm still overweight according to my BMI and it's not the weight I want to be at either. Anyone else struggling with this? Or did you in the past? How did you get over it? How do you motivate yourself again? I'm hoping that writing this down clears my head a little.

submitted by /u/fisch_olg
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Vent: Been "stuck" for the past few years and I'm unsure what to do about it.

Background: I (M/30/5'11''/215lbs) have struggled with body dysmorphia my entire life. I was a really chubby kid in middle school and the mentality has followed me throughout my life. In high school I started to work out and participate in activities like BJJ that did help my weight but in my mind I was still quite fat. When i look at pictures back then I think to myself "wow I wish i was that small today".

Briefly in 2012 I got in fantastic shape. I was in a unique situation where i only worked on the weekends doing a physical labor job. My weeks were just spent 2 hours a day every day at a crossfit gym. In about 6 months I completely transformed myself and got in the best shape I ever was able to achieve (about 185lbs). This was also when I realized I had body dysmorphia because I can remember thinking that i was still fat until I saw a picture and realized I had abs. I couldn't really comprehend it.

Unfortunately, this body didn't last long. I've always had a few issues with a lower back problem that has prevented me from being able to do some key lifts like deadlift and squats. The injury began to get worse over time and eventually just became so bad I had to stop lifting and seek physical therapy. I was able to receive some help and relief but that was basically the last time I was able to take the gym seriously. I tried going back a few times to a normal gym (non-crossfit workouts) but I was really unmotivated and unable to really enjoy them. I also hated that I seemed to be unable to find a good routine that didn't somehow upset my lower back.

Now fast forward to today, I'm probably in the fattest point of my life. All of my fat has accumulated around my abdomen and I've been losing the fight against it for some time. As far as working out goes I started riding my bike to work (3x a week, 15 miles round trip) and doing a weekend ride (20 mile ride) as well. I thought this would be a good amount of exercise as a baseline to encourage weight loss. For my diet I've used the food trackers. My rough TDEE is something like 2300/cal and I always set my trackers for 1800. During the week i have no problem hitting these goals. I eat oatmeal/bran cereal in the morning. Lunch is typically a Trader Joes Salad, and dinner is some variation of "veggie and rice bowl w/ a vegetarian protein". We do eat things like burritos and pasta for dinner but i always ensure that i hit that 1800cal goal with my tracker. Naturally I assume I'm not always spot on but give or take 100 cal of a 500 cal deficit doesn't seem like it should completely destroy me.

My weak spot is definitely treats but I attempt to curb this by: 1. Eating only a small amount (like 2 small Dark Choc PB cups from trader joes in the evening) or low cal (Jello and Cool Whip) 2. Eating things like a donut or pancakes on the weekend.

It always seems like I will make some progress, stick to only 1 cheat meal a weekend but after 2-3 weeks the wheels come off and I just completely ignore what I eat during the weekend. I think i have it in my mind that if I keep my weekdays clean then the weekend is free real estate. I've counted those calories and rarely does it amount to more than 3,000 cal on my worst day during a weekend.

I know that if I went insanely strict, only eating chicken and broccoli (or some variation of), oatmeal, and salads every day I could probably see results relatively soon but I also know that would be completely unobtainable long term. I love sweets and I want to be able to enjoy them.

I just want to figure out a way to lose 20lbs in a healthy way that doesn't completely upend my entire lifestyle. A way where I can still enjoy the things I like without giving up everything to lose those lbs. Does anyone out here have any experience in a diet regime that doesn't limit you in such a way that it's not really maintainable for long periods of time?

submitted by /u/VirtuallySober
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Loose skin, saggy or deflated boobs shouldn’t stop you from losing weight ever. But damn, they still suck.

This is kind of a whiny post.

I’ve lost 72lbs since January this year. I’m a 25 year old female. I’d say my loose skin really isn’t so bad given the amount I’ve lost but it’s there and imagining having sex with that stomach, especially riding someone is just.. a horror scenario in my head.

I’m proud I lost the weight, I can’t believe I did THAT. But fuck, seeing all these perfect women with their tight bodies sure makes me feel so inadequate. That even though I now share similar stats with them, I still look so much worse. It’s almost like I can’t really celebrate the weight loss when my body might be more aesthetic maybe but far from what I’d actually consider aesthetic. I feel shame. I feel shame telling people I lost weight as I’m ashamed I used to be so big. I’m ashamed I look like that, ashamed I tried my best and still look far below average. Who wants to be a deflated mess at 25?

I just need to vent a little. I still don’t like my body. Much more than I used to but it’s like the shame never leaves my side. It’s omnipresent.

I just want to feel sexy and pretty.

submitted by /u/turnsoutimawhinybish
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Been grinding daily, I know there are results, but I can't see them

7 weeks ago I was 331 lbs. I'm 6'4 and currently 304 lbs. I've lost quite a bit in a fairly short time. I'm not going "crazy" on diet, simply counting calories, cut most of the junk food from my diet (Fast food, soft drinks, deserts) I eat a lot more chicken, but I'm not going over the top with it because I want something I'll be able to sustain in the long run.

I grind daily, 4K walk + 40min of cardio (Roughly 4-5K), I do simple bodyweight training. My mind is obsessed with HAVING to go train daily. Even when I don't want to, I put my shoes on and go because the struggle is temporary. That being said I don't feel or see the results from my weight loss.

I take pictures on the 11th of each month (Started sept 11th, but didn't take pictures then) starting in November I'll also take measurements. I know I've lost weight because the scale don't lie. I fit better in some shirts and pants I wear often. Yesterday I found a picture of me last year in my fall/spring jacket and boy did I think I was fat. Now the same jacket is loose-ish. Currently I'm averaging 2-2.5 lbs / week

Again, I know I've lost weight, I know there have been results but I'm getting discouraged because when I look at myself in the mirror, I don't see a change. How do you overcome the feel that you're not progressing physically even though you are (Again, scale don't lie)

My short term goal weight is 250 right now, my ultimate goal weight would be around 230 and I'll see then how I feel about my physique to push for more or go in maintenance.

submitted by /u/Noktawr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I got past the plateau!

I (39M) weigh myself on the first of every month. This keeps me from constantly jumping on the scale so I can focus on the process and not the results. But for three months in a row, I was stuck hovering around 225 lbs.

Google led me to an article talking about something they called a set weight point. The idea is you can lose OR gain 5-10% of your set weight point relatively easily before your body slams on the brakes by conserving or wasting calories to keep you from going too far from your set weight. Eventually, if you stay at that weight, your body's like, "Fine, I guess this is what we weigh now," and that becomes your new set weight point.

I didn't know whether to rely on this; it seemed to be based on solid research, but you know how it goes with those things. But today I weighed in at 221, down from last month's 226! I'd thought I'd made some progress lately, like my belly was a little smaller and my muscles were a little more defined, but it's good to have confirmed.

I'm trying for another 10 lbs before Thanksgiving, at least 5. It'll be the first time I've seen any family aside from my parents since before my weight loss journey started about this time last year, when I was around 260 lbs. I was hoping to walk in at 180 lbs, but 'tis not to be. But it's still a transformation I'll be proud of.

submitted by /u/QualifiedApathetic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hairless from weight loss or...??

I lost 5 kg of weight in 1 month and in this 1 month I didn't eat anything nutritional like proteins and veggies because I was new to this weight loss journey. I never tried to lose weight before so I didn't know much about what to consume during weight loss and what to not. My weight is 60kg. My hair since 1 month is falling like crazy. It is now giving me some serious depression and anxiety. I had also suffered from tuberculosis 2 years ago and also auto immune disease when I was in school. During these two times my hair had fallen like crazy. but I don't think I have any disease now because my health is really fine and I don't have any symptoms or fever..

But what could be the reason for my hair loss right now and how should I stop it.

I also applied corticosteroid lotion on my hair to stop the hairfall but nothing happens

Everytime I run down my hand from my hair three to four strands come out even in shower..When I comb my hair lots of hair comes out from the roots. My mom would make a ball from these hairs

Please suggest me your opinions

submitted by /u/_marrrio
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from loseit - Lose the Fat