Monday, November 1, 2021

Stress, lack of energy and weight loss plateau

Hiya, I've heard about this thread but never looked at it until now. I need to get something off my chest. This year, I finally successfully tackled weight loss and went from around 95kg to 75kg (209 to 165lbs). I've tried to lose weight all my life and only ever 'succeeded' when I had a thyroid problem for a few months. This year something just clicked and I did it. And now I'm struggling again. I've been a bit stressed lately, not being able to find the time, motivation or energy to exercise, even though I love to exercise, with the new job I started in August and just this weekend I moved to a new apartment, where I finally live by myself now. This move stressed me out from start to finish, it still does - I've spent weeks looking for the right furniture and all that jam, so I can feel truly comfortable in my new home. And I'm still not finished. I'm such a detail oriented and impatient person that I get super duper frustrated and stressed when I can't seem to find the right thing. After I finally moved, I realised that I was also terrified to be by myself - excited to have my own space, but terrified to be apart from my family, as I was living with my parents before. I've moved out of my parents' house before, even moved across the world away from them for two years, and somehow it feels so much worse now, even though they basically live around the corner. I have such an amazing relationship with my parents now that this hurts me more than it ever did before.

Anyway, I'm ranting. My point is, that I've been feeling stressed and anxious and I've been falling back into my old patterns of bingeing. I don't wanna go back to that and I want to get back on track again. I don't really know how to do it. I feel like my weight loss journey came to a bit of a halt as soon as I reached 75kg. I'm still overweight according to my BMI and it's not the weight I want to be at either. Anyone else struggling with this? Or did you in the past? How did you get over it? How do you motivate yourself again? I'm hoping that writing this down clears my head a little.

submitted by /u/fisch_olg
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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