Thursday, January 20, 2022

After losing 50+ lbs & training others, I walked away from the fitness industry & regained everything & so much more... Now that I WFH & nobody sees me, I can't find that motivation & discipline again because it's like what's the point? Which is stupid. Help.

In my younger days I worked super hard and lost 50+ lbs and 5 sizes. I switched careers and joined the health and fitness industry - I was the one motivating others. I absolutely loved it at the time, but would never go back. And I couldn't even if I wanted to, because after dealing with a ton of trauma and medical issues over the last 5 years, I've gained 100 lbs... I'm mortified just writing that. Of course, once the weight started piling on I switched careers and now wfh full time (something I know I am privileged to do) as a 10-99 contractor; meaning it's just me - no coworkers or boss to see... However, because of the pandemic and being high risk, I do not go anywhere or see anyone other than my husband, and I don't think that will change for some time. I also deactivated all my social media accounts for my mental health because of all the divisiveness stemming from 2020, so literally - nobody sees me. The few friends I do talk to are into HAES and don't want to hear about weight loss, health accountability, or anything mentioned in this sub. I don't have any family other than my husband, who is very into fitness (even now) and used to work in the fitness industry as well.

I know I'm vain and that people seeing the physical changes in me once motivated me like no other (I love makeup and fashion - I love to look good, damn it!), but now it's like I'm a completely different person and none of it inspires me anymore. I also know I should do it for my health, but I don't. This sub is the first "group" I've turned to in 5 years because I had to walk away from the toxicity of the fitness industry. Yes, I have depression from the trauma over the last few years but I see a therapist biweekly now & it's gotten a lot better. How do I get out of this rut so I can lose this massive amount of weight I've gained and not hate my body? I wish that was motivation enough, but it's not. I miss being disciplined, but with each passing day it's like, "Welp, tomorrow." I live in my robe. Help.

submitted by /u/dogmom34
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting my weight loss journey (again)

21M | 5’7” | SW:190lbs | GW:150lbs I’ve tried losing weight many times in the past. After a few weeks, or sometimes days, I give up and go right back to where I was. I stepped on the scale this morning and I weight the highest I ever have: 192. Obese.

I restarted my weight loss metrics in my Fitbit app and pledged to have a 500 calorie deficit each day. By lunch I had already eaten 2,663 calories. I want to be happy with how I look and I want to look better for my gymnast wife. But most importantly, I want to live a long and healthy life. I know that starts with being a healthy weight but I’ve been so bad at keeping it up.

I’m hoping that by joining this group and talking about my journey with others here I will be able to stick to my goal and become healthy. If anyone has any advice on how to get myself to stick with my goals please let me know.

submitted by /u/thereandquackagain
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Searching for long term success stories

I got into a somewhat depressing discussion on twitter last night involving the lack of long term (5+ year) weight loss success stories. I tried to search for data and didn't find any. Found some 1 to 3 year success data but nothing longer term. So I'm asking this community if they know of any or even for anecdotal stories. We all need to know what we're doing will be potentially permanent change.

addendum - I'm especially interested in long term success keeping 50+ off

addendum #2 - apparently I need more words so that I hit some magical post requirement and the bots won't delete this post. (Reminds me of term papers that had to be 20 pages long when I could say what I needed in 10). So here's another question . . . Why aren't there any published studies about long term success and what would it take to have some?

submitted by /u/birchbark81
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is 15kg in 5 months achievable? (In a healthy way)

Hi so I have been on a weight loss journey for 3 years now, I’ve gotten fitter and fitter and found I just love being active to help my mental health. I have lost a total of 20kg from my first year, I was very strict, running 10km everyday and cutting out white carbs for only on weekends. Last year I was meh with my eating and fitness. This year I’ve started it off strong with eating healthy plus weight training and cardio. I train 5-6 times a week and burn 700-900 calories a day from my workout (I make sure I’m hitting 8km-10km of walking in my day with my weight training now). I have also put my body in a calorie deficit with my food to 1600. I am 173cm tall and weigh 83kg. I’m wanting to get down 15-20kg in the next 5-7 months.

Does this sound like I’ll be on the right track? I’m here for advice so please if you see I need to make adjustments I am fully open to hearing and taking it on board.

Is 15kg doable in 5 months? (In a healthy way).

submitted by /u/needaliladvicethanks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Not obese anymore :)

Day 65. Hey ^^

I am so happy since I posted here I really tried to stick to my diet. Read all the helpful tips in this subreddit and a lot of success stories and struggles. It kept me going. Now I am only overweight and I am so so so happy ^^ last I was this weight over 3 years ago. I could button up a "old" jeans (it still is uncomfortable but it boost my determination) :)

Thank you all for letting me take part in your journeys. Now I want to give back some of my experience:

What helped me most was

  • seeing my physician: talked about weight loss, got some bloodworks done and diagnosed with vitamin d deficiency. Now I take supplements and I feel great. For me it really is a big difference. If you feel like a permanently exhausted pigeon maybe get checked
  • Limiting food budget: in the past I just spent what I wanted on food. Now I have a tight budget and the rest (what i would usually spend on food) goes to my travel fund. So I really want to not overspend and this limits how often I can eat out or takeaway. So I buy more groceries and cook more myself bc it is simply cheaper -> and much healthier
  • Track my cal intake: for me it was very unconfortable and stressfull to stick to a daily cal goal. I could not meet it most of the time so I decided to switch to a weekly cal goal. I still count on a daily basis but it does not matter if I eat 1000 or 3000 cal as long as I reach my weekly cal deficit. And it works for me - with ease
  • Nothing is forbidden: do you know the pink elefant? ;) As soon as I wanted to ban something from my diet the more i wanted it. And the more it was a mental struggle to not think about it. Now nothing is forbidden. I can go to whatever fast food branch I want and eat what I want. but you know what? last time I was 8 days ago and I do not crave for any at all atm.

It was not easy all the time and I still hate exercising.

Keep struggeling and sharing your stories! It keeps me (and probably others too) going!

submitted by /u/Soggy-Strawberry-474
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Help me stop midnight snack habit

Hi! I need help to stop eating in the middle of the night. For about five months now, I have begun waking up in the middle of the night anywhere between midnight and 3 AM and eating a snack. It’s not a binge and I typically choose a protein bar or a protein cookie or some other comparable snack that I have on hand but still it is impacting my weight-loss efforts. I always log my snack in as a part of my breakfast in MFP and I eat anywhere from 1200-1450 cals per day and then burn about 200 cals walking for an hour or so every day. I don’t know what the problem is! It’s like I did it one night and then I just kept doing it. i’ve tried locking my bedroom door, I’ve tried eating a snack before I go to sleep, I’ve tried eating bigger dinners, and nothing seems to resolve it. I’m not fully conscious when I do it and sometimes I’m hungry and sometimes I think I just do it out of habit. Please help as I’m not making much progress with my weight loss and recomposition goals because of this. I’m 4’11” and 112lbs however before this I was about 107-108. I workout 5 days per week, averaging 10k steps per day and then at mainly moderate to low carb and higher protein. Help! Thank you!

submitted by /u/Excellent_Leek_3717
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Accountability post/ am I doing this right?

30F - 5'2" - CW 155.8lbs - GW 139lbs

Just wanted to post somewhere, get my thoughts out and opinions on my method. 3 years ago now I was at my lowest weight (since I was a teen) of 142lbs after doing keto for about 6 months (I started at my highest of 167lbs). A few months I weighed myself and was back up to about 163. Long story short its been a tough year for me. This was sort of a wake up call.

I've calculated my TDEE etc and if I'm doing it right my maintenance calories are 1892. My goal is about 2.8 lbs/ month. I'm not in a rush like I was with Keto. Honestly it doesnt work for me long term. I worked it out and to lose this amount I should be eating 1514 calories per day. Currently I'm not using a food scale but doing my best to make educated estimates and I eat on average about 1200 calories per day during the work week. Its weekends that kill me but I'm becoming aware of that. I also fast most days between 7:30pm- 11:30am.

I guess I just feel down on myself cause I always told myself I would lose weight by the time I'm 30. Well here we are.

I just needed to get my thoughts out. Do my calculations sound right? I'm feeling good and I've been focused on tracking my calories for three days now. In addition I do a 45min walk 5x/ week (no gym due to stupid Ontario lockdowns but I'll be heading back there as soon as they open). Also the occasional 20 minutes random workout, pilates or yoga video I find on Youtube 1-2x/ week.

Really I'm looking for encouragement and tips. Weight loss has always been so hard for me. Honestly the only thing thats ever worked is keto which I'm not interested in right now. I feel like I'm always going through ups and downs. But I've always been on the curvier/ heavier side. Like with broad shoulders and more of a muscular body underneath the chub. Like my BMI says I should lose almost 40lbs to be considered healthy? Idk that just seems really daunting and I never wanted to lose that much weight but feeling inadequate cause of that.

Anyways, yeah.

submitted by /u/venusandaphrodite
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from loseit - Lose the Fat