Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Hi all.. new to this sub, and I’ve learned so much. A question about carbs.

My husband and I have started on our weight loss journey together. We both want to lose about 20 pounds. We both downloaded the “Loseit” app. We both know how to eat healthy and I’m a good cook so those issues aren’t a problem. His issue is stress eating and mine is is sugar. I’m in the process of meal planning and need advice on good carbs to eat with meals, especially dinner. He loves rice (the rice-a-roni type)I prefer pasta or a potato. I know portion control is imperative, but looking for options to go along with protein and veggies. He feels having a carb helps fill him up and reduces snacks later in the evening. If you have any advice.. I would appreciate it. Thanks 😊

submitted by /u/missmo1990
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What is your most helpful mantra?

“You’re not hungry, you’re just bored.”

When supper isn’t for another 2 hours, and I know I objectively have eaten enough but my brain is desperate for dopamine in the form of trail mix or a granola bar or literally any other carbohydrate, I repeat that sentence to myself.

It helps me to take a step back, reevaluate what signals my body is actually sending, and refill my waterbottle because I’m almost certainly thirsty.

Sometimes I’ll decide to have a small protein-rich snack, but more often I’ll be content with water and knowing supper is soon. And either way, I didn’t let my lizard brain boss me around.

What sayings have been valuable to you on your weight loss/fitness/“learning how to eat like a normal human” journey?

submitted by /u/trottinghobbit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Stop telling moms their weight loss is from running after their kids

If I could add a gif to the post it would be Peter Griffin giving his what grinds my gears news update.

I've had two people now say to me I look great and "it must be from running after the kids". Yes I have two kids under 3 but I am not losing weight "running" after them. I'm losing weight because I weigh and track every morsel of food I eat and make sure I am at a deficit. It is not easy. They make it sound like it happens by toddler magic.

submitted by /u/7ampooper
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Rant/ friends don’t listen

My friend asked me to hang out with her. I said “sure as long as we can do something else other than food.” She said she understood. We end up at her house and she says jump in my car. 30 minutes later she pulls up to a Korean bbq place. Completely disregarding what I asked of her earlier.

I started my weight loss journey March and have been struggling with hanging out with friends and going out to eat part. Just frustrated.

submitted by /u/IDKWhatImDoing77777
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do people not get frustrated during a normal diet?

Hello, I'm currently trying to lose 20-30 lbs with a healthy calorie deficit.

For a bit of background, I've suffered from eating disorders for years. When I first started cico I went into a huge deficit and went through the worst binge/restrict cycle ever. The problem with it was that the "quick and easy" weight loss gave me instant motivation but then I'd crash and burn on weekends.

I'm trying to do a deficit of 1k, my tdee is around 2k. While I feel more energized and happy, I'm not seeing any quick results and it's making me less motivated.

TLDR; How do people in a normal deficit stay motivated and not get immediately frustrated? Also just asking for some reassurance... T-T

Edit: Sorry, like I mentioned before I'm used to eating way less than 1000 calories due to the eating disorder, so this is all new to me. I'll up my intake, but I barely get up to 1000 anyways so I'm not sure. Anyways, I'm sorry again I wasn't aware that it was so bad when I posted this.

submitted by /u/Sea_Attitude_1026
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm finally ready to commit and start my journey!

Hello all! I've made a separate account from my main one to document my weight loss journey right here, right now. I've had several attempts at losing weight, and all have failed. Today is the day I'm deciding that I'll get healthier, fitter, and be the best version of myself. I've always played sports and been a generally fit person, until I let myself slip over quarantine and go back into bad habits. I miss how I felt when I was fit and I'm ready to get that feeling back. I should note I'm not overweight, however I want to shed a couple pounds and gain some more definition. I'm aiming for around 6-7 pounds off.

Here I'll be documenting my weeks progress every Sunday. I'll update how much weight I've lost - I'm aiming for a steady one pound per week so I'm not restricting too much and I can build some muscle.

I want to post here to keep myself held accountable for my journey. I'm very excited to start and can't wait to feel my best again. Thank you for being here!

submitted by /u/cowboy_sandwhich
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m finally living in a walkable community, and it’s made a world of difference

for my whole life until now (m21, 6’0, 200 pounds), ive lived in the typical american suburb where you need to drive to get literally anywhere. even if you wanted to walk somewhere in my old suburban town, they’ve started to not build sidewalks in newer communities and not maintain old ones, leaving you to either walk in the road for stretches, or walk in the bumpy, muddy grass. not a great experience either way.

well, i moved to a college town and wow. i walk everywhere now because everything is usually less than a mile away and at the very most, 2 miles away. the sidewalks are obviously used often, so they are maintained often and the town is sensibly laid out to prioritize walking over driving cars.

i never realized how much a few 15-30 minute walks a day can trivialize getting your daily exercise in (and not to mention save gas money, especially important right now). i have an apple watch and getting even 30 minutes of elevated heart rate per day used to be a chore, but now i exceed that number almost daily. i’m getting all the benefits of exercise just commuting back and forth to school and various stores.

outside exercise has also improved my mood so much that i stress eat far less often. moving to a walkable community and getting outside more has made me realize that feeling cooped up from being inside too much was the main cause of my stress eating.

tl;dr - i moved to a walkable community and it improved so many aspects of my life, relationship with exercise and food, and my overall weight loss journey.

submitted by /u/memebr0ker
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from loseit - Lose the Fat