Saturday, July 16, 2022

Belittling compliments

Hi! I (F26, SW 240, CW 218, GW 140, 5 foot 3) have made a decision to finally combat obesity and BED once and for all. I lost 10kg (22 lbs) in 1.5 months, sticking to excercise 2-3 times per week and eating between 1200-1500 kcal.

Sure, people notice, I still have a lot of work to do but I'm slimmer already, and instead of just giving the compliment, people tend to give them and insult my a-bit-fatter self at the same time. I hear things like "you're starting to have a really nice shape, not like a blob you used to be", "keep it up, all that fatty fat gotta go, amirite? Good job already tho"

And the point is, I really struggle, when I was younger I used to starve and overeat in a cycle, tried a very healthy diet when I was 18 and I managed to get to 150 lbs, yet I was unhappy, weighed myself multiple times per day, did "experiments" not to eat or drink to see how much I can shed in a day.

I gained 100lbs over the course of 8 years and I experienced the process of just disappearing...all people that gave me high fives and compliments when I was slim, just stayed silent, and now when I'm at the beginning of a really big weight loss journey, they insult me thinking they're nice.

It's really overwhelming. I work on my CICO, relationship with food and accepting myself as a person at the same time, and I never want to insult my "former" self anymore. It's all part of me and my experience. It just feels very sad at the moment.

submitted by /u/asdfghj96
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My first small victory!

Notes : 18F, 5’3 SW : 180 | CW : ~168 (haven’t weighed in a week) | GW : 125

Officially on day 22 of using LoseIt. For the first time in my life, I’ve began to notice my collarbones! I’ve always been super insecure about my neck, jawline, and shoulders - but as I’ve lost over 12 lbs, my collarbones have become a little more prominent. I haven’t noticed any signs of actual weight loss on my body until just 5 minutes ago when I discovered this. I know I have a long way to go, but I’m now around a fourth of the way there!

submitted by /u/coiquette
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, July 15, 2022

Organic vs Regular

This may seem like a dumb question but I have been thinking about it for a while. For context I used to eat a lot of sugary foods in small quantities, and I would quickly feel hungry after I was in a binge cycle for a while but I then started eating more healthy in a way. I ate more real food like bananas, greek yogurt, vegetables, but still had foods that were of some benefit but a treat, like a chocolate protein bar. It helped a lot with control over binging.

One of my favorite foods is cereal, not even sugary cereal but things like corn flakes and rice Krispies. Now I realized I could eat organic rice Krispies or corn flakes with almond milk, this made me really happy, but I noticed that the organic brand cereals did not taste as sweet, but still good so I was fine. Then I went to the grocery store and I noticed that cereals I enjoy like from popular brands like kellogs corn flakes, cheerios, even captain crunch are around the same or even less calories than organic brands, and had equal, sometimes more or less sugar. And I was confused why I was making the choice to get the more expensive organic ones. What benefit is it other than natural/non-processed ingredients. Is the affect of the sugar different than the processed ones? does it not spike insulin as much? I feel that otherwise I should just get the cereal I enjoy more instead of the organic ones, unless it is much more beneficial for weight loss/health. Even for things like frozen waffles, why would I buy organic ones if I could just get eggos when its basically the same calories

submitted by /u/Entire-Designer-9243
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My ankle pain has gone away?!??

For almost my whole life I’ve dealt with awful ankle and foot pain whenever I walked, ran for to long, or did certain exercises. Just last week I realized I haven’t felt it in a while. So I went for about a 2.5 mile walk and just….nothing. I mean I went to physical therapy for my ankle pain and you’re telling me all I needed to do was lose some weight? I sat for a good 10 minutes just reveling it my new discovery. Last time I went to play tennis it was January (I started my weight loss journey in February). Today I went to play tennis today and again, there was just no pain. I cant even describe how happy it makes me. My foot pain cause me so many issues. PE in middle school caused me so much pain I’d cry when I got home. I just wanted to share because this goal feels bigger than any number on the scale. I’m very proud of myself and literally so excited. I cannot even describe how good it feels to have this issue be gone.

submitted by /u/cousingregenjoyer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Best cardio workout for someone who can barely breathe through their nose?

I’ve been on and off the journey for a long time here, and my biggest thing is cardio. I have a severe deviated septum and no insurance. I can barely breathe out of my left nostril, and maybe 50% out of my right. It makes hard cardio almost unbearable and breathing solely out my mouth while trying to run makes me feel like I’m going to fall over pretty quick. Has anyone else dealt with this? Running has been something I’ve always wanted to love, but because of my breathing issue, have always hated. Would love any solid tips on weight loss oriented workouts!

submitted by /u/icameasdust
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How accurate is MyFitnessPal in terms of calories it measures?

I have been very skeptical of apps like these in general, but I decided I wou;dn't be too off if I was weighing the foods with a food scale. However, the calories burned the app estimates for just steps, which is the only thing I let the app measure, seem to be wayy overblows (500-700 Cal for 10K steps), which is weird as hell.

Any advice? The weight loss seems decent, but I've only just started using it.

submitted by /u/Knowsnotatall
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

being honest to yourself

So far I have been consistently tracking calories for around 3 months, and the biggest thing that I think has been helping is being actually honest with myself about what I'm capable of doing or not doing. Preivously I would buy a bag of candy or chips and say "oh, I'll just eat a few every day over the next few days", but then end up eating the entire bag that night and feeling terrible about it. Maybe for some people they are able to store junk food in their house, but that's just not me! Now instead of looking at serving sizes I immediately calculate how many calories eating the whole thing would be -- and big surprise, most of the time I'm putting whatever it was back on the shelf. But when I do end up giving in and buying a small thing of ice cream or chips, I'm actually enjoying it way more since I'm giving myself permission to eat the whole thing that night, rather than playing the game of putting it back in the freezer/cupboard then getting it out again every 20 minutes. A huge lifesaver for sugar cravings have been sugar-free chocolate pudding cups (shoutout to whoever made that post a while ago about sugar-free lime jello being their key to weight loss) as they taste good but not like, too good. And on nights where I end up eating 3 of them it feels super indulgent but its still <200 calories.

submitted by /u/anonymouscrane
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from loseit - Lose the Fat