Saturday, July 16, 2022

Calorie deficit but not losing ANY weight... hormones or something else?

Hi everyone, I'm going to post this to a few subs hoping there is someone with some kind of advice.

I'm 26F, 165cm, 68kg and I've been trying to lose weight for the past 6 months. I'm going insane at this point and nobody is helpful online. My body just refuses to give up any stores of fat and it's always been like this.

Before you type "you're definitely not in calorie deficit, you're eyeballing, the soses and coffee etc..." NO, I am by 400cal in deficit, I'm eating like a poor peasant from the middle ages, I have a digital scale and the only thing I'm not weighing is the air that I'm breathing.

I do weight lifting and cardio, and I'm a waiter, so I do min 7000steps.

Also, In case someone is going to mention "starvation mode" it's been debunked so many times.

Anyway, I've been gaining weight since I got out of puberty, which I'm guessing was around 19-20, when I was 55kg. No lifestyle or diet changes, always ate normally, yet the weight is going up (metabolism going crazy?) and I've been getting A LOT of cellulite on my thighs (not genetics, even bigger family member don't have it or have very little).

Maybe I should get some hormone tests done or something. I've also seen some people mentioning PCOS, but since I don't have any cysts (I go to regular gyno check ups) I'm guessing It's not that.

Note: I have adhd, so my dopamine is kinda out of wack, and I don't know if this can affect weight loss to this level, since I'm not taking medication.

Sleep is average, water intake 2-2,5L.

Thank you all in advance

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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Reminder that the road to the big win is filled with lots of small wins

I started my weight loss mission in June, and I have been in a weird state since. It’s like once I decided to lose the weight, I decided that I can’t be happy or do anything else until I’m at my goal weight. I’ve been extra reclusive, hiding in my house, not making plans for the future beyond meal planning.

So here’s a reminder for me and for you- 171 pounds is not going to feel that much different from 170 pounds. But 171 pounds will feel a lot different than 191 pounds. And 191 will feel a lot different than 211. And so on and so on. There will be so many small wins throughout this journey. Reaching goal will feel great. But it’s also possible to feel great on the way there.

submitted by /u/kenenedys
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I hit 3 ABSOLUTELY HUGE W’s today and I almost didn’t notice!

Sparing all the details of how I’ve been conducting my weight loss journey, I’ve lost 41 pounds over the last 3.5 months(hooray!) and I’ve been struggling to really notice any change besides all the muscle I’ve put on(humble-brag) and the slight difference in how some of my clothes fit.

Yesterday my brother did some closet cleaning and started handing me shirts and shorts that were too big for him, but he figured they might fit me. I tried them on, most of them fit, some of it didn’t, whatever.

Well I went for a walk a bit ago and I threw on a tanktop and pair of shorts he gave me since they were already laying out. When I got back home I changed and noticed that the tank was a Large and the shorts were size 38 and loose! 3 months ago I was wearing 2XL’s and size 42 pants!!

To top it all off, I checked the scale and hit my new low of 224LBS and noticed I can see the veins popping out of my hands, wrists, and forearms. I’m genuinely so happy today I could cry, y’know, if I wasn’t a big strong man.

So, yeah, hit a bunch of non-scale victories and a scale victory all in one day. Younger me never thought this would happen.

submitted by /u/McLagginz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

To those worried about their stretch marks and loose skin after weight loss

I have been a long time lurker here and decided to join for a number of reasons and one in particular: I have seen a lot of people, both men and women, stressing about if their stretch marks will go away or if they will get loose skin so thought I could maybe spread a bit of positivity. I am a 24 year old woman.

Loose skin is genetic, but I lost 90lbs, regained 60lbs and now have lost 65lbs in the span of 3 years. I have no loose skin. I have no clue if this actually helped or not, but I guess its worth noting that I water fasted a good amount of this weight away (55lbs just from water fasting). Let me know if you would like my entire routine, though I suspect you would get the same results from a number of other methods if genetics allow.

I do have stretch marks, none of them have gone away. In fact: I have them all over my hips, my arms and the back of my legs, thighs and butt. I am naturally olive toned and they are very white and noticeable.

I can offer you one comfort: no one cares. Since losing weight, despite not having a perfect body, I have dated a number of very attractive men and none of them cared. In my head I always thought it was because they hadn't seen me naked. My now boyfriend has, many times and doesn't care. I went on several beach holidays: I had men snapping their necks as I walked by in my bikini, stretch marks, cellulite and all. No one cared. I didn't use any creams at all, they faded naturally (but are still there and noticeable, just very white). I have seen so many of you on here, with far better results and more aesthetically pleasing figures than me stressing about it: No one cares. I have been in the situation where I was crying for days when all the stretch marks first appeared, it is an absolutely horrific feeling. This may help no one at all, but if it does help someone feeling a bit insecure then Im happy.

Also, if you have stretch marks on your stomach and slight loose skin, I know a number of influencers famous for their good looks who have both, so feel free to ask and I will show you their profiles if it helps you (it really helped me at the beginning)

I will attach a photo of me now (at 58kg - 127lbs, 5'2 - 157cm), I would love to attach a before, but I never took any photos of myself because I was so deeply insecure. I can find a picture of my face from then most likely and show a comparison if anyone cares. Yes my room is messy, ADHD classics haha

submitted by /u/Tolkien6508
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is my weight loss healthy?

So my friend is worried about how rapidly I'm losing weight. I'm 183cm and started at 118.8 kg (~18st10lbs) and as of this morning I'm 95.7 kg (~15st1lb). So I've lost 23.1kg (~3st9lbs) in 165 days . I started calorie counting at the beginning of February and typically stick to around 1200-1500 kcal excluding odd days and when I go out for meals with friends then it's usually between 2500-3500 kcal. I'm feeling fine day to day, no fatigue more than usual that comes from a days work so not particularly concerned myself but want something to be able to get him off my back (though I do appreciate his concern)

submitted by /u/TangJTL
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Day 3 of my weight loss journey

I am 241lbs. It's lunch time.

I had a homemade 6 inch Black Forest ham and cheese sub. A seasonal blend Fruit salad (Cantaloupe, Pineapple, Red Grapes, Honey dew, red apples, and green apples.). And for a drink I picked Bolthouse Fa Multi-V Goodness cherry Smoothie.

I don't really like smoothies because I don't like the texture of the drink but it's supposed to have essential nutrients and it said no sugar added ( though I found out that was a lie after I go finished it.)

All together my lunch was 699 calories. That feels like a lot. But I think that's the normal amount of calories one is supposed to have for lunch or am I supposed to decrease.

My meals on Day 1 left me hungry and tired so I'm hoping to have better results today.

submitted by /u/FattyCake69
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Gained 10 pounds during traumatic breakup

My ex-fiance and I ended our 10-year relationship last month in a traumatic way (he is an alcoholic and did not want the separation). It was/remains the most stressful thing I have ever experienced. We are now entering negotiations to settle finances (no shared kids, thankfully), but he is already making it a long and difficult process.

Over the last two years, I've managed to lose 90 pounds and reach my goal weight using CICO. I stayed away from all alcohol and sugar/processed foods while limiting carbs. Since the beginning of June, though, I have binged (but continued to track) about 5 times a week. I've eaten everything I can get my hands on... boxes of crackers, huge cakes, ice cream, whole loaves of bread... things I never used to eat and successfully stayed away from during my weight loss.

Today I got on the scale to learn that I've gained 10 POUNDS over the course of the last 6 weeks, and looking at my tracking app, it's not a surprise why. 3,500 calories = 1 pound of fat, and the math adds up. The problem is I CAN'T STOP MYSELF! Even with intensive therapy 3x week, my emotional eating seems to be out of control, and I do not want to backslide. I have to get my head back in the CICO game, start really weighing my food, and not give into cravings. I refuse to let this breakup undo all of my progress. Help, please!

submitted by /u/Ok-Dingo345
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from loseit - Lose the Fat