Thursday, August 4, 2022

"Just do this one thing!" How I Lost Some Weight - Finally

Long time listener and first time caller here.

I used to be quite overweight (5'3" female, topped out at 195lb). I remember feeling as if I was insane - I didn't engage in many of the behaviors I was told were making me fat. Everyone I knew, both thin and otherwise, had advice for me. And they all followed the same format: one weird trick to guarantee weight loss. Bing bong, so simple. Just change this one thing!

Except... I didn't do those things in the first place.

"Just don't drink soda or juice!" I actually haven't had a soda since college, which was 25 years ago. I drink sparkling water, black coffee, and plain green tea.

"My cousin lost 40lb just by replacing potato chips with no-butter popcorn!" That's great for her, but I don't eat chips or popcorn.

"Try eating a frozen Crystal Light pop instead of ice cream!" I can't stand cold things (I even drink my water room temp) and don't have a sweet tooth.

"You know, there are calories in everything and processed food is so bad for you. Just skip snacking!" I don't snack. To me, the idea went out with naptime and juiceboxes in kindergarten. I love to cook.

"Fast food is loaded with calories!" I actually don't eat fast food, even while on the road. The salt does awful things to my digestion.

"Fast as long as you can in the morning!" I tried that and binged around 1pm.

What worked for me was realizing that I was eating healthy, nutritious meals... but too much of them for my body. I love to cook and I love to eat. There wasn't really "one weird trick" to my weight loss - I had to count calories, control portions, and start running. Even the doctors I went to didn't believe me: "You must be sneaking calories." My body wants fewer calories in than others. I can be, and was, upset by this for years - it isn't fair! But the fact that it isn't fair doesn't mean anything to my body. I need to eat less than the "1200" magic number.

I still have a way to go, but I'm getting there again. I'm now at 130lb, with a target goal of 110. And I still don't like ice cream, thanks.

What are some pieces of advice - just one simple thing you could totally change - that annoyed you? I do not mean sound advice like counting calories, but the "oh this is so simple, just cut out X or add Y or do Z" that came with a side-helping of "my cousin did just this one thing and lost 20lb in a week!"

submitted by /u/Fortuitous_Spring
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do you deal with the pain?

I’m overweight.Decided to bite the bullet and go to the gym was lovely and completely painless -until I came home.

I have really sore legs and a horrible headache which I can’t seem to get rid of. I did 130 minutes of exercise which according to my Fitbit burnt 700 calories? Is that too much for a beginner? Will it get better?

I really want to go back tomorow but my feet are so sore -does anyone know how to heal that?is there anything I need to know about weight loss for overweight people?

Any advice/tips will be very much appreciated-thank you!

submitted by /u/savabsss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Found out that I lost 41 pounds today.

Last time I went to the doctor, I was 358 pounds, and I absolutely hated looking at that number.

I go to get a physical today, and found out that I now weigh 318 pounds.

I've been taking advice from family members about losing weight and eating smaller portions, drinking more water etc.

I cannot tell you how absolutely thrilled I am about this, and how much I want to keep going with what I'm doing.

My BMI is still high though, and I want to lower it, but man I'm excited about this weight loss.

I know it's just 41 pounds, but I love seeing that old number go down.

submitted by /u/Repulsive_Specific73
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling discouraged

Background: I’m 5’ 4”, weighed around 178 in October. Now I weigh in around 165-170. My bf is keto and goes to the gym almost everyday.

Since Covid I gained about 20-30 lbs. I’ve lost 10 lbs since last October (not a lot but I was happy about it) and just recently in the last few months/weeks really started to come up with a plan to lose weight and implement healthier habits in my life. I’ve been reducing my carbs, intuitively eating more, skipping out on the unhealthier options/moderating, and doing hot yoga at least twice a week.

Every time I’ve just tried to go super hard in the past regarding exercising or eating, I burnout pretty quickly and lose motivation. So this time I’ve been trying to slowly build healthier habits and just make it a part of my life.

Last night my boyfriend made a few comments and now I’m just feeling really discouraged about my whole healthier journey in general. Here’s the gist of what he said:

  • he said I should get really strict with my diet and cut out carbs and he made this comment: “I know you love your carbs” (he’s keto). This comment was really hurtful to me and now I feel gross for eating any carbs.
  • he said I should go to the gym every day for 8 weeks with his trainer. I like hot yoga. It feels great for me and I’ve never been someone to go to the gym consistently and I finally found something that I like to consistently do and felt like I was seeing results and stronger.
  • he said that he wants me to be able to look in the mirror and love my body and feel great about my body… well I already DO think that? And I told him that. This was very hurtful.
  • ALSO — this conversation started because he was showing me his favorite picture of me and trying to be sweet telling me that he looks at it every day (it’s from 8 years ago…) and then I said “you think I was prettier back then than I am now???” And then he started the convo about weight like a few minutes later.

For the record I am a very pretty girl IMO and fortunately carry my weight in all the best places.

I know he just wants me to be as healthy as possible but like now I just feel bummed and sad about my weight loss journey whereas before I was excited and motivated. I also don’t feel very sexy. He’s told me he loves my curves and my body but I know he would prefer me to be skinnier.

In the moment I got visibly bothered but didn’t fight with him about it or argue. I just said that I would be down to do the gym everyday and he said he would help me out by paying for a trainer.

Edit: might be worth mentioning that I haven’t discussed my desire, plans, or feelings about wanting to lose weight with him at all.

submitted by /u/Exstntial-strawberry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Low reps? High reps? Low weight? Heavy weight? What do I do???

Male 28 | SW: 350 | CW 340 | GW 220

High reps? Low reps? Heavy weight? Light weight? More cardio? HIIT? Cold water? Warm Water?

Everyday I see something new that contradicts what I’m doing.

For a couple months my strength training was 3x12 with low weights.

But last month I talked to a trainer and he said low reps and heavy weight (3x6) is better for fat loss because it builds muscle hense replacing fat; which makes sense. That’s what I’ve been doing for the last month and I’ve been getting stronger yet no weight loss.

I know weight loss is more in the kitchen than it is in the gym but seeing all this info just makes my brain want to explode. Like should I go back to higher reps and lower weight?? Should I mix and switch every week?

Also, is warm water actually beneficial for weight loss? Or is that a myth too? Thanks!

submitted by /u/Ok-Leg1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Need advice from those who've had spinal surgery

Hey everyone,

My names Tammy I'm 29F from Brisbane Australia. I started my weight loss journey at 118kgs (260lbs), I started losing weight by dramatically decreasing my carb intake (50g or less a day) along with my sugar intake. I increased my weekly exercise to 3-4 gym sessions a week not including any daily walking, which was anything up to 10,000 steps a day. By doing this I managed to lose 30kgs (66lbs) over a total of 2-3 years but as of June 2020 I had my first spinal surgery after a long 8 year wait and then I had a spinal fusion in July 2021.

Since my 2 surgeries it has been so, so hard to find my motivation and energy to exercise again and I miss it so very much but I don't know how to get my mojo back. I've put nearly every kg/lb back on that I lost and it is so disheartening knowing that I can do it because I've done it before, but it's proving to be quite a challenge.

Can anyone who may be/have been in a similar situation offer any advice? Im trying to get to the gym 2 days a week at the moment but mix the lack of motivation and energy with crazy anxiety over going to the gym it's making it hard to stay consistent.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/Tammz1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss is tiring :(

I'm not sure how long I can keep going. Today my mum bought a bought load of crisps and sweets which sucks because I couldn't tuck in but then I did and I kept going. I ate half a tub of pringles and 4 croissants. I feel really bad because this have 1 or 2 a week. Why can't I just stop. I ate 2234 calories today. I just need a break bit then I will have to start all over again. I will try again tomorrow and hopefully I'll do a lot better. I'll ask my family to hid the crisps and sweets away from me cause the less I can get them the less I will binge on them right?

How do I break this cycle of binging?

submitted by /u/Iranyourdogover
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from loseit - Lose the Fat