Tuesday, August 9, 2022

weight loss progress

I posted on here a month ago, maybe a little over about losing my first 10 lbs and not having much support in my daily life. Starting weight was 192 and I'm now at 173. So close to 20lbs! I'm starting to notice differences in myself and my clothing now. I still haven't heard much from others but I'm less concerned about that now that I'm starting to see the results myself! I appreciate everyone being so supportive in my last post. My goal is around 155 or 160 as of right now 😁🥳

submitted by /u/alyashesS2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/L5ZMUC0

dont be afraid to take a vitamin

Hey friends!

Just wanted to post something that was on my mind since yesterday. I wanted to say its OK to take a daily vitamin if you feel like you cant get your nutrients in.

I see a lot of people on here saying that macros dont matter and a calorie is a calorie when it comes to weight loss and thats true if youre just trying to lose weight, but if you're trying to be healthy as well, I really believe its another story.

For example, someone said they never eat nuts and I said to take a vitamin because there are essential daily nutrients in nuts that are hard to get from other food sources and if you're not getting them, its best to supplement with a vitamin.

I was down voted multiple times for saying that and it concerns me that the main focus of the forum is just losing weight, not even making sure youre eating enough to get your nutrients in OR taking a dailty multi vitamin for it.

this is my post begging people to do this for your health, not for a certain number on the scale. ive seen people who are 40 lbs more than me look fitter than me because they have a lot more muscle. the number on the scale is practically meaningless and so many are so focused on that they are not worried about their actual health.

i was the same way at first and i truly believe its because the weight loss is so focused on the scale numbers. at this point, i dont care what the scale says and dont think its an accurate measure of your actual health. as far as that goes, it basically means nothing.

please dont put everything you got into numbers on a scale. making sure your body is healthy and getting what it needs is the most important.

submitted by /u/Unlucky-Fortune7995
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/Kv4CGBA

NOOM: How does it work? Struggling with weight loss

I am struggling with cravings - I am bad at self control/emotional eating. I tend to snack. Im not CRAZY overweight, but im really not happy with the choices and how i look/feel. I wish food didnt have a hold. about 3 years ago, i weighed 20 pounds lighter, and id like to lose that again.

HOW DOES NOOM WORK? What is the basis of their diet? Does it work for you guys? I need something to follow and a lifestyle change without feeling like i am restricting myself.

I'd also like to cutback on BOOZE, but im 24F and that seems to be the only social thing to do.


submitted by /u/myinterestsanon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/yOSwd2I

Monday, August 8, 2022

don't even know where to start

Hi I'm a 23yr old trying to lose weight. I weigh 180 and I'm 5'3. I want to get down to 145 so that's about 35lbs. I'm a nurse so it's hard to eat three solid meals every day but im going to try to start meal prepping and calorie counting. I don't understand how any weight loss stuff works so I'm super confused. Ik I'm supposed to be at a calorie deficit and I should track my macros. But I don't understand what the number should be for my calories, fats, protein. Every calculator I try online gives me a diff set of numbers. Is there a specific calculator I should use. I really wanna loose the weight in a year but idek how to start. I'm going to try working out a few days a week and cut out extra sugar (I have a sweet tooth so it's unreasonable to cut out all of it lol). Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!!!

submitted by /u/suburbanlegend16
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/NSUzbiE

I think this is where I stop

I’ve been on a weight loss journey ever since I was a child. I’ve always been a taller and bigger girl, and for essentially my entire life, I’ve been self conscious of my weight. My mother used to say negative things about her body, and so even as a child, I’d look at my belly and my thicker thighs and think the same.

When I was 13, I tried going on a diet to finally look like the girls all around me. I played sports, but I hated being the biggest girl. I tried doing it with my older sister, but I didn’t last. I ate too little. I didn’t know how to lose weight sustainably, so I failed.

I tried again—over and over—to lose weight over the next few years in an attempt be ‘normal.’ Last year, my volleyball coach gave me a challenge to run 2 miles everyday. He did it to push me, and I’m forever grateful for that moment. It made my rethink everything. Over the past year, I’ve lost ~40 lbs, and for the first time in my life, I’m at the high end of a healthy weight.

But I think this is also where I’m going to stop.

Over the summer, I’ve tried to drop more weight in the same way I always have. But I think my body is happiest where I am now. When I try to go into a deficit of even 100 calories per day, I have no energy. I tried doing a month of maintenance before going into a deficit again, but the week I did, I lost all of my energy.

However, it’s the same in the reverse. Putting on weight from where I am makes me uncomfortable and sweaty. I’m not lean. I have thick, muscular thighs with big calves, and my waist is 29-30”, but I’m healthy. I’m the healthiest I have ever been.

It’s hard because I still want to be lean, but that’s just not my body. I’ve made peace with that fact. My body wouldn’t be happy at any other size. I think that’s something a lot of people don’t consider when losing weight. Sometimes, your body may be happiest at a slightly higher weight, and that’s okay. The important thing is doing what’s best for your health. I have good habits, and that’s all I can really ask for.

submitted by /u/Uearie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/zq0cfXb

Finally a normal BMI (SV)

I started my weight loss journey when I was 14, because the number on the scale just kept going up and I honestly was scared (and a kid in my class was being mean to me about my weight, but we won't credit him with this victory). I didn't have any health conditions because of my weight, but I wasn't exactly confident about my body either. I'd been fat pretty much my whole life, my mom says that the pediatrician told her to put me on a diet when I was nine months old (shocking, I agree). I started this whole weight loss process in May 2019, and have been a long-time lurker on this sub.

Anyway, I know there are mixed feelings surrounding BMI. However, a victory is still a victory! I think that this is probably the first time in my life that I can remember where I've actually been a normal BMI and it's kind of weird but really great too. Lowkey cheated though, because today I woke up a pound above the normal BMI limit and decided to just go on a 7 mile run to see if I could get below the cut off. But, it still counts. Anyway, I'm ecstatic.

Here are my stats: 17M, 5'7", SW: 236.4 lbs, CW: 157.6 lbs, GW: 140 lbs.

Weight loss is definitely possible! Just gotta stick to it, it's a whole process.

submitted by /u/notsoslim44
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/Q2waK1F

Trying to lose weight and failing -- but feeling really good doing it

[43M] Starting: 340lb Current: 250lb Goal: 200lb

Things were going so well, but I plateaued about two years ago. The thing is, I eat very little and I exercise very much. For years I was already at the limit of what was sensible. So maybe I messed up my metabolism, maybe I'm just getting older. But after another scare it was clear that I needed to get healthy or risk dying, so I just started steadily upping my exercise and decreasing my calorie intake, intending to keep going until I saw results. It was: "find whatever works, whatever it takes, because I will literally, actually die if I don't."

The results have been just plain dumb. I think maybe I'm just going to have to accept that weight loss isn't in the cards. But the thing is, I feel SO MUCH BETTER anyway. And that's the point to what I'm saying here.

It doesn't seem possible for these details to be true. I wouldn't have believed them. That's why I'm posting this. This is a real thing that's happening to someone. It's worth sharing just because it's so unexpected.

I really tried. I eat little enough that I shouldn't say how much. And I burn A LOT -- 4000 to 6500 calories per day according to my fitbit. I've been doing this for two months. I run for 6 to 9 miles a day 4 or 5 times a week, plus 3 to 5 miles a day on all the other day as my "recovery" days. I do basic isometric exercise -- sit-ups, push-ups, plus curls etc. with dumbbells every day. And yet I still manage to remain largely flat or sometimes even gain weight.

I have NO F--ING IDEA where this energy is coming from. Like, it feels like I must be metabolizing tap water or something just plain absurd. You can argue that the calorie numbers on food is wrong, or that calorie burn numbers are poorly estimated. But we're out by more than an order of magnitude. The numbers might be wrong, but being wrong by a factor of 10x or 20x is a lot. You can only retain so much water. But it's not really worth trying to figure out, I don't think. There are serious health problems that can cause you to burn more calories than you expect, but literally nothing will cause you to have more energy than you take in. So I'm not going to stress it.

And maybe eventually something will snap someday and I'll start losing weight again. It's been weeks without progress, and I don't think it's reasonable or even possible to push the diet/exercise pattern any further, even if I wanted to.

But here's the thing: I feel great.

I have a lot more energy when fasting or keeping the calorie intake similarly low in a given day. Eating less makes the impact of any single food item really obvious. And for me, this eliminates stuff like headaches, upset stomach, and mid-day exhaustion. It's so nice not to have to deal with feeling bad.

And I feel better when I exercise a lot. That's the real reason why I keep running 50mi a week. To hell with weight loss, I just feel better the more I run. And if I drop below running 3mi a day average for a week or so, it becomes impossibly difficult and utterly exhausting to run more than 2 miles at a time. Use it or lose it. So I have to keep it up really regularly just to have the option. It feels better to run, so I keep it up.

It took me several goes to finally get it through my thick head that when I feel exhausted and drained, food makes it worse, and exercise makes it better. Not the other way around.

Presumably eventually I'm going to have to start taking in as many calories as I burn, but as long as my BMI remains above 30, I feel like today is not that day.

To be clear, in terms of safety:

I get monthly medical checkups for other reasons. And I take required inputs very seriously. Water, salts, minerals, specific fatty acids and amino acids, vitamins, and other compounds that you might be using up faster than you take in. If you're limiting food intake while keeping your activity high, you gotta be spot-on in terms of addressing your body's requirements or the consequences can be dangerously confusing. It's not just vitamins and minerals. Fasting requires care.

I also strategically use these components (specific salts, oils, amino acids, etc.) to avoid being hungry. Once you understand the neuroscience of how these feedback systems work, it becomes pretty simple to directly give your body what it's asking for instead of slapdash throwing food at your stomach hoping to score a hit.

So am I getting healthy anyway? Maybe.

I recently told a friend about my frustration, saying I was trying to get in shape but my body just wasn't cooperating. She said if I'm running 4 to 10 miles every single day and feeling really good doing it, then I'm already in shape. Maybe she's right. Maybe I've had the wrong goal.

submitted by /u/tylerlarson
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