Friday, October 7, 2022


As the title says, I just moved out of the obese category and now I’m at an overweight BMI of 29.9!!!!

I’m so proud of myself for coming this far and sticking to it for so long, considering how long I had been binge eating for and how poor my mental health was at the beginning.

I strength train 4 times a week and take the dog for a 45min walk most nights. I’m eating a vegan diet while focusing on high protein intake around 1200-1300 cals each day.

I’m not only noticing weight loss, but I’ve been gaining strength and can feel muscles coming along!

I can’t believe I’ve stuck to it for this long. From 89.1kg a couple months ago to 80.5kg today, I am feeling so proud of myself!

submitted by /u/later-p0tater
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I get food from the food bank now. How do I keep going?

Hey this is long 'cause I really needed to get this out and I am sorry if it's hard to follow, feel free to ignore. I just puked out all my thoughts and idk if it even made any sense 'cause my brain has been working at 5% capacity for the past month because of this situation.

So basically I pay 425 euros a month for utilities as opposed to the 125 I paid at the beginning of the year, and I did not exactly have 300 extra euros in my budget so that bill is being paid from money I would've spent on groceries and then some. As I said in the title, it's gotten so bad that I now receive food from the food bank. Aside from the fact that I am riddled with guilt 'cause I feel like I don't deserve the help, I'm also an incredibly picky eater and throughout my entire weight loss journey I've basically just been eating the same meal every day for a month 'cause that's what works for me.

The food bank keeps giving me stuff that I'm definitely not gonna eat, and I feel incredibly defeated and guilty. They also give stuff that I do eat, but that tends to be more calorie-dense foods. I wanna be grateful that this help is even available to me, but I DON'T WANT IT. I wanna be independent and provide for myself. I wanna be able to decide what I get to eat and what I keep in my pantry. I don't want people to waste food on me that I'm not gonna be able to eat in time, or because it's something that I literally couldn't shove down my throat if there was a gun to my head.

I've been working really hard for the past 5 months and I've come so far! I've lost 17 kgs and I've built a ton of muscle but now honestly when I look at myself I just see how fat I still am. I am 100% in survival mode and I am so fucking tired. I want to lose the rest of the weight. I deserve to lose the rest of the weight but I am afraid that I'm gonna gain weight because of the stress and lack of control over what I get to eat.

I am now learning the hard way how to be creative with food and how to use your nose to tell if something's truly expired and even though that's ultimately a good thing, my mental health is just not in a good place right now so everything seems bad and sucky. I severely under ate on multiple days last week because of stress and circumstances, which led to an initial dip in my weight which was quickly followed by a 1,5 kilo gain as soon as I started eating normally again. I know that's not something I should stress too much about 'cause I am tracking my calories, I know I'm not overeating but honestly I just can't take anything right now. AAAAAAA.

Also I am being a hater but the food bank is great and I'm glad and thankful it exists. But it is still you get what you get and you gotta make do and that SUCKS. I just feel like I am trapped in hell and I can't spend my own money and can't make my own choices so I hope it's clear that the frustration I'm expressing is because a global situation completely out of my control has driven me to a corner and I have lost control over this part of my life. Exactly the part that I have been focussing on for the past 5 months and now everything is shaky and unstable and I want to cry.

I am being a big baby lol but I hope at least someone understands. Does anyone have any similar experiences or just some words of encouragement ;n;

submitted by /u/helloimreallyscared
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

120 pounds down, my journey here and my next goals.

Stats age 22 sex male Height 6'4ft SW 365.8 CW 245.6 GW: 240.

Hello all, I started my weight loss journey in January of this year and I have lost 120 pounds in about 9 months and this week of October. When I started this journey I knew it would be a very long and hard road that even with my success is far from over. I have lost the significant majority of my weight through changing my eating as well as non weight lift exercise like biking rowing hiking outdoors or walking. I meal prepped and ate chicken or turkey, with black beans and mixed veggies every day as my core meal at lunch or at work. From that meal I would mix in protein shakes or fruits as well as brown rice or other foods to help capture vitamins and minerals I need. I drank and still do drink green tea about 1.5 liters of it at the begging of the day then about 2 liters 40 minutes to an hour before a gym session, my exercise goals is about 4 hours of cardio a week. My biggest success however, has been getting health insurance through a new job that has now allowed me to start seeing a physical therapist for my weakest body parts of my hips (pelvic tilt) lower and upper back knees and shoulders. I can't wait to finnaly after 9 months of this journey start to build up my body and resolve my back pain and knees pain. My only advice to lose this much weight is you gotta want it bad enough to where no matter the change you have a yes attitude. I hated stopping going for fast food at least 25 times a month, 9 months later I eat out once every 2 weeks or at events. I didn't want to change how much I ate or give up liquid calories like liquor and juice and soda, now I drink only water and green tea and it's more satisfying then soda ever left me. I wanted to eat cheese and bread and butter and noodles and if I did eat those things it was in very limited portions that deeply exercised my self control around food. If you want it bad enough that you will change, it doesn't matter how heavy you are because your belief will carry you to who you want to be if you just continue to listen to it. Congratulations to everyone who has lost weight.

submitted by /u/DescriptionTrick2359
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My brother called me "sturdy af" and I'm mad because it's true. 😭

I was talking to my brother about my weight loss efforts. To be fair, he was being very complimentary about it, but he was also asking me what my goal was, and I said 135. For reference, I am F 5'7 and currently weigh 154. He replied that he thought there was no way I would get that low and still look healthy because "you're sturdy af. That weight would look weird on you."


Okay, so the deal is, he's not wrong. I am a sturdy lady. I guess you would say I have an athletic build ‐ I gain muscle fairly easily for a F, and I just have never been willowy. I've been skinny as a teen, but not willowy even then. But I grew up in the 90's where Herion Chic was the look. And I've always wanted to be dainty and willowy and graceful looking. He also didn't mean it as a slam, he was saying that I'm athletic looking and that it a good thing. But it still stung.

I think he's right that I'm always going to look sturdy, and I'm trying to make my peace with that, but damn!

Does anyone else have a tough time coming to terms with the fact that your general build may never fit what you think is attractive, even if you lose weight and get fit? Or is he wrong and anyone can be willowy with the right workout and diet routine?

submitted by /u/Overbeingoverit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Should I use dietary supplements on the side?

I have been thinking about my health a lot lately and I have decided that I need to lose weight. I don’t feel comfortable in my own skin and I want to be healthier. I have been on a few different diets before, but I have never been successful in losing weight and keeping it off. This time, I am determined to lose weight and keep it off for good.

I have been doing some research and I have found a few different diets that I think will work for me. I am going to start with the Paleo diet. I think this diet will be good for me because it is based on eating healthy, whole foods. I am also going to start exercising more. I have been really lazy lately, but I am going to start going on walks and maybe even joining a gym.

I am confident that I can lose the weight and keep it off this time.

The thing that I'm not sure about in my plan, is if I should use dietary supplements also, is that a good idea? Would they boost my weight loss?

Love to hear your thoughts on it.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/smartulet
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Ive gained 4 pounds and didnt freak out

I started my weight loss journey (for the millionth time) at the start of the year and by mid year lost about 9kg. I got back from a vacation ahout 6 weeks ago and although I gained no weight on that holiday I really struggled to get into the swing of my routine again with balanced eating and exercise. For the past few weeks ive felt really out of control and although I am back at the gym a few days a week my binges have been bad (my past EDs are anorexia and for past 5 or so years bingeing). HOWEVER. I decided to bite the bullet and weight myself this morning as I personally felt like I needed to know my weight gain so I could hold my self accountable and get me back in the mindset to become more balanced again and carry on losing weight. And the scale had only gone up by 4 pounds in the last 6 weeks.

Obviously id rather it hadnt gone up at all but it didnt send me into a spiral and made me feel in a postive mindset for picking myself up and carrying on. Just thought id share my weird scale victory because damn I've been on a journey with EDs and my weight (both under and over weight) for 12 or so years.

submitted by /u/__Undomiel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Weight loss

I finally lost 20 pounds. I wanna lose 40 so I’m half way there!! It makes me so emotional because i never thought I could ever lose weight. Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror now and can’t seem to believe that I’m really losing weight. This journey is not easy but it really shows you what staying consistent can do. I feel so much more confident in my body and I’m finally able to take pictures with my bf without feeling insecure about how I look. I’ve only been doing cardio and watching my cals. Can’t wait to reach my goal weight!

submitted by /u/bhgjvjn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat