Saturday, December 10, 2022

Getting full at 1000 calories: Listen to body or try to eat "minimum" amount?

So I've recently started my weight loss journey. I'm 28M and weigh 267lb. I've lost about 10lb in the past two weeks, but I'm guessing its just water weight because I use to be a heavy drinker and I've cut that out completely.

My routine has been tea for breakfast, protein shake for lunch, and then some chicken and rice (or something similar) for dinner. Ultimately trying to stay as close to under 1500 calories a day. I also try to work out in the mornings and walk my dog daily for at least a mile. I'm about to add some strength training into the mix.

The issue is I've noticed that couple days I've been coming in at 1000 calories or less. Today for instance I'm at 1000 calories. The problem is I don't feel hungry, but I know that for my weight, age and activity level that's a really low amount. I take a multivitamin and other supplements (fiber, fish oil, and sexual health stuff).

Should I just go ahead and eat something anyway to make sure I get at least 1200 or 1500 calories, or is what I'm doing fine.

submitted by /u/ShadowDante108
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Overcoming stress eating with basically 0% self awareness and 100% anger.

So, I used to be bigger. Then I wasn't. Being a parent kind of snowballed into constant stress eating. Now I am again. It wasn't bothering me, but it's affecting my health and I want to try.

My biggest problem is that I am a stress eater who has ADHD and dissociative episodes. So basically any time I am even moderately overwhelmed, I will end up in full blown rage and isolating myself, or binging. It's like there is no crutch that works except a huge amount of carbs and I hate myself for it.

I know I have a low calorific need. I know I need a protein biased diet to help my meds work. I know I have to focus on diet for weight loss cause my mobility is so fucked on a daily basis.

But when it comes to the actual act of controlling my diet? I basically do fine for a few days, then someone starts making constant noises that make me want to slam my head into a wall, or I get like 3h of sleep a night for a few in a row, or I have to handle something imploding at home or work or uni, and I go into autopilot and either end up hiding from everyone and acting hostile or eating a whole loaf of bread. When I am angry, the only thing that actually stops it is carbs.

I feel like I have no real capacity to control my life. Last time I lost weight I didn't have to share my fridge with anyone, I could hide from people and be angry for days at a time, and I was much more physically capable. I keep trying to do exactly what I did last time, but it doesn't work cause none of that is the same.

Where do I even begin to learn to control my diet when I can't realistically just go on some kinda "starve and rage" retreat?

submitted by /u/isendingtheworld
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Started gaining weight again?

G'day, sorry if this is a stupid question I'm fairly new to the gym and weight loss.

I've been going with my mate for 2 and a half weeks (6 days a week) and eating at a calorie deficit. Started at 117kg and after 2 weeks was at 113 but in this past half week I've gained 1kg. I haven't changed anything so I'm not sure why or how I can go back to losing. Is there any reason why I've started gaining so soon? For info needed I do ppl with a cardio day every 3 days. Usually eat 2 high protein meals and a protein shake in a day.

Thanks for any help means the world

submitted by /u/BenThursday
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Stretch marks after losing weight?

Hey all,

Trying to figure out if this is normal or if a visit to a GP is in order. I’ve (27F, 5’4”) been on a weight loss journey for a couple months - my highest was about 195lb and I just weighed at 181 lb this morning. A loss of 14 pounds in a couple months - yay!

However I was taking a shower a couple hours ago and noticed new red stretch marks on my pelvic area (I didn’t have any before this). I’m a lot freaked out right now that I may have something like Cushing’s syndrome (Dr Google) but my mom said that’s normal when losing weight to get stretch marks, which seems counterintuitive.

Am I going crazy or is this normal?

submitted by /u/likethemacaroni
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Has anyone had success with over the counter/online-bought "fat burners" etc?

There was a thread the other day that was talking about a prescription medication that people had been having success with, and it got me wondering if there are actually any decent fat-burning/hunger suppressant/general weight-loss supplements you can buy over the country/online which people have experience with. I was particularly made to think of it seriously when someone wrote about how taking supplements and the like isn't "cheating" since things like fat loss, studying etc aren't competitive sports or the like, and so you should seek out, and use, every tool that gives you an advantage that you can find.

With that said, have any of you tried supplements to aid with weight loss that you'd recommend to other people and, if so, what were they?


submitted by /u/Oranos_Rex
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

36 Hour Fast

So I’m about close to 20 hours now into a fast. My goal is 36 hours as I’ve done a lot of reading online about how it’s a great way to get into a calorie deficit and also come with many health benefits. The science seems to be settled on this. My journey with weight has been complicated. I’ve had times when I was anorexic and then times when I was obese. Now I’m about 40 pounds overweight. I do have some hunger pains for sure but it’s not at all like I’m in severe pain or at risk for a major medical episode. It actually kinda feels soothing. I can feel myself releasing all the toxic rationalization to overeat in my head. Beyond that it feels like the perfect kickstart for me to get back on a steady weight loss path. After this 36 hour fast I’m gonna try daily 12-16 hours fasts as well restrict to one maybe two meals a day always under 2,000 calories. Let me know what you think!!

submitted by /u/cuddlypenguin7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss advice? Currently trying a lot but nothing is happening.

Hey I'm new to loseit and was just wondering if anyone had any ideas for me, because it feels like I've hit a complete brick wall. Details about me Male 30 270 currently, down from 344 last year In terms of exercise I do 40 minutes of cardio before every meal ( I eat twice a day) Although I do more pretty often Most days I eat around 1700 calories, Pretty much no dairy, no soda since I was in my teens, fast food once a year if that. I drink nearly a gallon of water every day. For the last three weeks my weight has been locked at 270. I weigh myself once in the morning every few days. Health I'm also taking phentermine (although I am stopping when I'm out) My doctor says there's nothing wrong with my blood work, my blood pressure is very healthy typically 108/75 last time it was checked the other day. My gallbladder is pretty much wrecked, waiting on a surgery to remove it.

Exercise consists of an exercise bike (max resistance most of the time)', or more long term cycling when it isn't freezing out. I know it sounds like a lot, but I'm not in pain, I don't feel overexerted.

I just don't know why nothing is happening. I'm not only in a calorie deficit, but burn nearly as much as I eat every day. Any ideas or suggestions?

submitted by /u/Prestigious_Leg_3263
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from loseit - Lose the Fat