Saturday, January 21, 2023

counting calories/ protein smoothies

hi, I always have trouble counting my calories, like I’m not necessarily sure on how to count them tbh. I don’t eat breakfast and I only usually eat lunch (which is probably pasta with chicken or some rice with steak) i’m not trying to completely not eat these food because if I lose the weight n I start eating it back, i’ll probably gain the weight back so i’m just eating in moderation than I used to right now. For dinner, I usually drink a protein smoothie and i’m not sure if that’s for gaining weight or losing weight tbh. My smoothie usually consists of: milk, vanilla protein powder, frozen berry mix , frozen banana, almond butter, and some chai seed. Is this typically for weight loss or is that smoothie for weight gain? I don’t want to do something drastic where i’ll get tired of it and just gain all the weight back

I’m 19 5’3 CW: 174 lbs / 79.4kg SW: 187lbs/ 85kg GW: 140 lbs/ 63kg

submitted by /u/banggbangtan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, January 20, 2023

Any apps or games like Pokémon Go that make walking more fun than it already is?

I LOVE walking. It makes me feel so much better physically, boosts weight loss, and helps me manage my ldepression and anxious tendencies.

I’m looking to switch it up a bit. I only walk around my area where I live (and because of traffic, crime, and pollution in my city walking becomes prohibitive outside of a gated community like mine). Aside from music or podcasts, are there any games out there like Pokémon go or something that can make walking more fun?

submitted by /u/sadlipsandhipdips
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from loseit - Lose the Fatémon_go_that_make/

Losing again and now it’s the easiest ever

I’ve used calorie counting to get from overweight bordering obese to a healthy weight over 15 years ago and since to readjusted as needed.

After pregnancy and breastfeeding for years (which brings my hunger to overdrive) I had settled back to just under my original overweight peak in college. I’ve bounced around since in the solid overweight range. Not letting myself get too high but still not healthy, especially for my health predispositions. I could t seem to care enough to keep it up to get back to a solid healthy weight again or maintain what I would temporarily lose.

I was trying again and doing alright but not great so I signed up for a program that was free through my health insurance (Wondr) 2.5 weeks ago (which is a lot like Noom from what I hear).

I’ve got to say it’s made this so much easier.

I’ve continued to calorie count mostly out of habit and curiosity but on days when I don’t (I’ve always had trouble with weekends) and add it in later I’ve stayed on track. Always below maintenance and often lower than my goal (but still above 1200 and feeling good).

Honestly, I’m shocked that it’s working so well. It is completely compatible with calorie counting but makes it easier/less stressful and hopefully easier to maintain. Basically they go through a bunch of methods/techniques to eat at a deficit learning healthy habits.

Some I had already figure it out on my own. Others, made sense but I hadn’t done before. Having all these techniques, obviously are helpful. But what is also nice, is that focusing on just a couple things at a time, really reduce my stress over weight loss. Even though I didn’t think I was stressed before, I found that CC as my focus was costing me more mental and emotional energy than I had realized. Now I’m more relaxed and focused on feeling good (only when I’m hungry but not letting myself get too hungry and being careful to stop when I’m full) and still have the benefit of being in a calorie deficit.

Anyway. I’m just super excited (still in honeymoon phase of a new thing, I know) and wanted to share.

submitted by /u/TealAndroid
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Depression while losing weight? Anyone else?

So I’m well into my weight loss now and taking it very seriously. But although I’m very happy with my progress (about to change my flair) I guess all the feelings I was suppressing by emotionally eating are coming to surface? Like I can’t busy myself with food and sweets now, so I find myself feeling sad and sometimes just plain melancholy. It’s odd, I didn’t expect this. Anyone else experience this?

submitted by /u/Fat_sandwiches
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Will probably never be able to get weight loss surgery

No hate to anyone who had has weight loss surgery. But anyone else on a fitness journey, and you're scrolling through social media and you see someone's weight loss transformation. And it's good motivation but you found out it was help from gastric bypass surgery and you just feel sad because you know you'll never be able to afford that and you wonder if you'll ever be able to reach your goals without help from a surgery? Wondering if anyone else feels the same way.

I'm not giving up or making excuses, just sharing some thoughts.

submitted by /u/dandeliongum420
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

how long does it realistically take to loose 20kg/44lbs?

So I (19F - 176cm/5‘9) originally went from 107kg to 77kg, but as of today I weighed in at 90kg again (it has been a rough couple months, around november I completely gave up on healthy eating and regularly binged to the point of having to throw up) and its hard not to be frustrated. Though I can’t say im at the same place I was when I weighed in at 90kg for the first time since I have built up a lot of muscle mass (for a woman anyway), have a strong relationship with the gym and overall more knowledge on healthy eating.

Being around people feels like shit, looking at pictures where I was at my leanest feels like shit and I am just completely disappointed in myself. I wish I could isolate myself until I am back at my lowest but I know that’s not possible/ healthy or whatever. Im so embarrassed.

So i guess my question is how long do you guess (maybe even from your experience) you think it would take to get back to that, if your eating is consistent + on track and you have a good exercise regimen? I just want to pick up where i left off at my lowest weight so weight loss was more about my sport performance instead of my vanity again. God i took those 77kg for granted. My goal is 70kg (or below depending on what body fat percentage I would be at that weight) and i cant believe i went from 7kg away from my goal to 20kgs.

I would love to hear any kind of input. This is my first reddit post so I hope I got it right and am not violating any guidelines! Also english is not my first language so pardon any mistakes.

submitted by /u/lebenswerk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is it theoretically possible to lose ~0.7-1 pound/day?

For starters, I understand that amount of weight loss is not necessarily healthy (23M; 237 lb; 5’10). I’m more-so asking if it’s even really possible.

For the past ~month, I have become very consistent with calorie tracking and exercise (I weigh all food and track macronutrients closely). I have a history as an athlete (lost my way over the last few years) so there is a base of muscle mass under the fat I’m planning to lose.

I’ve been doing ~one hour of cardio on my peloton per day while also incorporating additional NEAT movements (sort of - things like parking far away/taking extra laps around the grocery store). I also have been lifting ~4x/week for about 90 minutes/session.

Now that you have the background - my Apple Watch has provided me with a rough TDEE every single day. Yesterday, my watch estimated my TDEE at 4,742 calories (lifted for an hour + walked around the mall + 80 minutes of peloton - I don’t think the figure is that unrealistic). I ate 1,840 calories (84g carbs, 69g fat, 236g protein). This is a 2,902 calorie deficit in one day. Even if my watch over estimated my TDEE by 500 calories, it would still be a 2,402 calorie deficit.

What is the result of a deficit that size in a single day? If I supplement my diet with the macro spread like above, is there really a significant risk of muscle loss over fat loss? I really want to understand the science behind this sort of “recomposition”… the real goal is to r/loseit, but I’m taking a muscle retention approach…

submitted by /u/TSAtookmysextoys
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from loseit - Lose the Fat