Monday, May 1, 2023

Does metabolism slow as you age or is this an urban legend?

I'm a 42 year old man and have not been on a diet in many years but now I am trying to lose 30 pounds. I'm finding it a lot harder than I did 10 years ago. The weight is not coming off so fast. I am wondering if metabolism slowing as you age is the culprit.

I had always thought metabolism slowing as we age was closer to an urban legend as it’s calories in calories out that is essentially what makes us lose or gain weight and my difficulty losing weight in the timeframe I want this time around is due to other factors more in my control such as reducing my calorie intake further.

So I am wondering if it is true that metabolism slows as you age and any anecdotes about this. Cheers and best wishes with your weight loss journey!

submitted by /u/cheesomacitis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Challenge] European Accountability Challenge: May 1st, 2023

Hi team Euro accountability, I hope you’re all well!

For anyone new who wants to join today, this is a daily post where you can track your goals, keep yourself accountable, get support, and have a chat with friendly people at times that are convenient for European time zones. Check-in daily, weekly, or whatever works best for you. It’s never the wrong time to join! Anyone and everyone is welcome! Tell us about yourself and let's continue supporting each other.

For all new people that have joined this month, at the end of the month we do a roundup of what happened. we'll also talk about our goals for February.

How was your last month?

You're free to structure this however you want, but think about the following topics:

  • How has your weight loss progressed? Better, or worse than expected?
  • What are some Non Scale Victories that you've experienced this month?
  • Did you set goals, did you keep to them?
  • What went well during this month, what could need improvement?
  • What important lessons did you learn?

Today is also the goal-setting day for the coming month!!

If you're new, every first day of the month we think about small goals we want to achieve this month. They can be weight goals, exercise goals, or anything really... An important aspect is that they are SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time based...

  • Do you have a goal weight for this month, if yes, what is it? For example: maintain a 0.5kg loss a week.
  • Do you have exercise goals? For instance, get in 10.000k steps a day
  • What plans do you have for your diet? Do you have goals there?
  • What are some non-weight/exercise-related goals you have? Here, get creative. Past participants have used this section to stay accountable for their homework, learning languages, pledging not to order junk food, ...

if you’re new, please introduce yourself! Let’s kick some ass!

submitted by /u/visilliis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, April 30, 2023

No longer obese!

Started in July 2021 at 287 lbs. M 5'8". 22 months later and I'm 194.8! It feels like a weight has been lifted. A 92 pound weight but also more. I'd shake when kneeling. Now it's normal. I'd aim for 9 miles a week on the threadmill in 135 minutes. Now I'm at 12 miles in the same time. Would do a 5k in over 45 minutes probably. In the last 2 months, I've completed two 5ks at 34 and 36 minutes. Size 50 suit is down to 42. 40 waist down to 34.

These aren't stats a healthy person would be proud of, and I still am guilty of comparing myself to healthy people, but it's a start. Better to be almost obese than well into Class III Obesity. Better to be 240 than 250. That 10 lbs is probably the weight you started biceps, it was two 5 lb dumbbells for me and I was struggling that day. My message, which I should listen to also, is you improve with weight loss. You go further and faster, clothes are looser, stairs are just a slower elevator instead of a punishment, you're at the gym instead of drinking with friends.

It might not seem fair that your healthy friend can go 10 miles in an hour, but 4 or 5 miles is more than the 2 or 3 you used to do. It's not magic, it's hard work to increase speed. Imagine driving your car at 60 and then flooring it to 90. Sure a Porsche will go 200 but you're still getting a ticket!

submitted by /u/gpm21
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I need some guidance I feel healthy but unhealthy at the same time

Context I’m a 25 M 6’0 currently sitting at 392 lbs and I love my body but want to rid it of this fat prison to realize my physical potential. I want to feel healthy again. So 2 weeks ago I decided enough is enough and I just kinda quit eating. I’m not very knowledgeable about weight loss but I know I want to work to bettering my mind and body. My strategy had been to eat one meal a day no restaurant food no carbs and no sugar and then fasting on the weekends. I don’t have a scale at home than can properly read my weight so I have to go into the doctor to get myself weighed. I eat a palm sized portion of chicken and spinach h for the past 2 weeks minus weekends but I’m not sure if this will actually help me I’m at a weight I am very unhappy with and this seemed like the best descion I can make to really start the process I fee like I have so much body fat that I can rely heavily on those stores to lose weight but am unsure if it will hurt or damage me in some way I’m prepared to sacrifice as I have been over 300lbs since elementary school. My relationship w food is a nightmare it seems to be all or nothing but I can feel the results already but I’m apprehensive idk if anyone could help or just offer some insight I would greatly appreciate it thank you kind people

submitted by /u/jimmybobberson
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

F/35/5’4” [200lbs>120lbs=80lbs](18months) Me again -clearing things up.

Cross posted in progresspics.

I posted comparisons photos here a few days ago, and wanting to clear a few things up.

A lot of people were asking about my routine and diet. I had every intention of replying to questions, but I was at work and then ended up having a busy evening at home with my family. By the time I got around to checking things again, the post had sort of blown up and there were a lot of comments. Tbh I didn’t read them all or the msgs, but I did notice a few nag comments.

I want to be transparent - and just an fyi - my goal/motive isn’t to trick people, because guess what? These results still took an insane amount of work and dedication and I’m not about to let these naggers take that away from me.

Yes, I did undergo a procedure called vertical sleeve gastrectomy in 2021. I chose to have the procedure to help with PCOS, but also my endometriosis and adenomyosis. I thought the lifestyle change/weight loss would help alleviate my symptoms and chronic pain. I have since had a total hysterectomy and hoping all these things combined will improve my quality of life.

If you don’t know what vsg is, then you’ll have to look it up.

It obviously helped me lose weight quite rapidly in the beginning as the procedure makes it close to physically impossible to overeat.

Here are the other things I did at the same time (that had nothing to do with the surgery) that gave me the results I am left with today.

-Weighed every single piece of food with a food scale.

-Tracked everything. Food, drinks, calories and macros in the app called MyNetDiary. I use the free plan.

-I weighed myself nearly every day and tracked it in a note book which I still have sitting on my kitchen counter. I wrote down my weight, the date and time, and my symptoms, because flare up’s were happening so frequently and I noticed how my loss or gain was correlated with my cycle.

-Stayed below 50g of carbs most days (for the first year- much more loose with this currently) I’d say I was doing loose or dirty Keto.

-Stayed in a calorie deficit every day. I ate approximately 1200cals per day. Sometimes more sometimes less.

-Inadvertently did intermittent fasting. I rarely eat breakfast (I have two coffees and use cream and Splenda) and some days not able to eat lunch until 1-2:00. Supper around 6, and stopped eating by 8pm.

-Drank a TON of water.

-Made it a priority to get 8 hours of sleep every night. Easy for me because I go to bed early (8:30-9pm)because nothing brings me more joy than my bed and I love sleep.

-I quit alcohol completely for the first 6 months.

-I quit smoking.

-I walked for exercise and used a rowing machine.

-I got rid of social media for about one year.

-I did regular blood work and saw my doctor regularly because I was dealing with other diseases that I was trying to get treatment for.

-I researched, read books, watched YouTube videos etc on disordered eating and became mindful of my thoughts and triggers surrounding food etc.

The point is that if I had the surgery and continued to live my life as I had been, I would not be where I am today. Yes I would have lost weight for the first 8 months or so but then it would have come back plus some. People who get this procedure and continue eating garbage, don’t fix their mental health, don’t fix their bad habits… are not going to have the same kind of results.

I took a couple of days to write this out and at one point wasn’t even going to bother, because I don’t owe anyone an explanation - but decided that the folks who are on here looking for inspiration and feeling like they’re a failure because they’re not seeing rapid wild results deserve an explanation - please know that if you stay consistent, if you push through the plateaus (I went through plenty of them), if you dedicate one year to sticking to a solid routine, you will see the results! I promise.

My SIL came to me roughly one year into my journey to ask what my daily routine was. She has no idea that I had surgery. I told her exactly what I’ve listed here. Diet, tracking, fasting etc…… she lost close to 50lbs in 7 months. My own father started following my plan and lost 30lbs in an alarmingly short amount of time…. It is absolutely possible to see the results without surgery (if you don’t have a health condition getting in the way of things). Please talk to your doctor if things seem off or if you’ve been giving it your best for months and literally nothing is happening. You may have a health condition that is to blame.

I’m sorry this was such a novel, and I apologize for the delayed explanation.

For the naggers and trolls, keep scrolling you toxic losers lol.

submitted by /u/hasha28
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to embrace body shape

I have an apple-shaped figure. 45F, 185lbs, 5’5”, have had two kids. I’m very active, more so over the past year. I’ve cut down on drinking, i overeat some days, but mostly keep it in check. CICO balance. I’m definitely on a deficit and have taken progress photos over the past year and there’s visible improvement. Limited weight loss but I don’t care about the scale. Im very muscular, everywhere but my abs. I’m happy overall and this is a sustainable lifestyle for me. I’ve had insulin resistance for years and hypothyroidism. Been medicated and regularly visiting an endocrinologist for 20 years. I feel good these days, and then will see a picture of myself, and wth?! My body shape always prevails and it depresses me. My midsection became more prominent after my second kid. My family genetics lend to stout, big boned, short, busty women. I’ve tried to dress for my shape, tried better angles for photos, I feel good overall but then the photo brings me down. The logical part of me knows that I’m healthy, active, making progress. But I hate my body shape. Although there’s definitely more fat to lose in the middle, I can’t reshape my structure. Any thoughts or advice on how to embrace the shape you are given?

submitted by /u/itisjustmesayinghi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, April 29, 2023

6 Easy Breakfast Casserole Recipes

A hearty and healthy breakfast is the best way to kick off your day. If your appetite is satisfied before your day gets busy, you won’t be tempted to grab high-calorie food from a fast-food joint, convenience store, or vending machine when hunger strikes.

The Nutrisystem menu offers you lots of appealing breakfast options. From a savory Turkey Sausage and Egg Muffin to sweet Buttermilk Waffles, they are quick and easy to eat even on hectic mornings.

But when it’s time for a Flex meal or you just want to try something different, these breakfast casserole recipes can be an ideal solution. They’re made with ingredients you love like eggs, turkey sausage and whole-wheat bread, plus they’re simple to prepare.

While these healthy breakfast casserole recipes are designed to fit your weight loss diet, we guarantee the whole family will clamor for them. That’s a big win for you and the rest of your crew!

1. Banana French Toast Breakfast Casserole >

Banana French Toast Breakfast Casserole

You might think that a warm, belly-filling breakfast like French toast with bananas is an indulgence for special occasions. However, you can start any day with this sweet and satisfying casserole. Even better, it’s a healthy meal that will keep you on track with your weight loss. Our Banana French Toast Breakfast Casserole recipe is easy to assemble the night before, then you heat it up in the morning while you get ready for the day. Rich aromas will fill your home as it cooks and entice everyone to the breakfast table.

2. Turkey Sausage and Sweet Potato Breakfast Casserole >

Turkey Sausage and Sweet Potato Breakfast Casserole

If you’re craving a savory hot breakfast, try this hearty Turkey Sausage and Sweet Potato Breakfast Casserole recipe. It features crumbles of zesty turkey sausage paired with cubes of tender sweet potatoes. Eggs bump up the protein content and veggies add extra nourishment to help you get through the day. You can customize this dish with your choice of vegetables, such as mushrooms or hot peppers, or go with a plant-based sausage, if you prefer. Whichever you pick, you will be fueled up for whatever your morning brings.

3. Chai Baked Oatmeal >

3-Step Chai Baked Oatmeal

Waking up to a bowl of ordinary oatmeal can feel a little uninspiring. This 3-Step Chai Baked Oatmeal recipe turns plain oats into breakfast bars that are moist and sweet, yet still nutritious and filling. The high-fiber oats are sweetened with plump raisins and warm chai spices, like cinnamon, vanilla and ginger. Pecans add crunch and a hint of saltiness. The dish comes out of the oven ready to slice into nine servings so everyone in the family can take one with them on busy mornings. Wrap up and freeze the leftovers to pull out on another day when you need a quick and nourishing breakfast.

4. Mushroom and Spinach Egg Bake >

Mushroom and Spinach Egg Bake

An egg casserole is a simple way to make and serve a hearty breakfast any day of the week. This Mushroom and Spinach Egg Bake recipe includes meaty mushrooms, onions and garlic, along with the eggs for a truly savory taste. Creamy cottage cheese holds it all together and keeps the casserole moist as the top turns golden brown. The recipe was shared by Phyllis, a Nutrisystem member. (If you have healthy recipe idea, go to our Recipe Submission page and help everyone eat well while losing weight.)

5. Baked Berry French Toast Casserole >

Baked Berry French Toast Casserole

French toast casserole takes all the time and work out of making a complete—and completely delicious—breakfast. Instead of all the bowls and pans needed to cook traditional French toast, the casserole comes together in one baking tray. In this Baked Berry French Toast Casserole recipe, fresh blueberries add sweetness, accented with cinnamon and vanilla. When blueberries aren’t in season, or if you just don’t care for them, you can substitute strawberries, raspberries or apples. For extra protein and a contrasting flavor, add a serving of chopped nuts (two tablespoons) or nut butter (one tablespoon).

6. Veggie Quinoa Breakfast Bake >

Veggie Quinoa Breakfast Bake

Here’s the perfect breakfast for any morning you need extra fuel in your tank. Quinoa is a potent grain, a SmartCarb that’s high in fiber AND protein so it keeps you feeling full. In this Veggie Quinoa Breakfast Bake recipe, quinoa’s mildly nutty taste is complemented by the savory mushrooms, spinach, dried tomatoes, onions, garlic and eggs. It comes out of the oven warm, fragrant and ready for you to dig in.

The post 6 Easy Breakfast Casserole Recipes appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf