Monday, July 3, 2023

Starting with a 1 199lbs/90.6kg on the scale today

It’s been a good decade since I saw this weight on the scale and I just wanted to make a post to mark the occasion, particularly as I had a recent wobble, ate my feelings for a week or two, and put a couple of kilos back on, which have now gone again.

Started at 112kg/~247lb last Christmas, so that’s 21.4kg/~47lb down.

So, I’ve been tracking calories - aiming for 1200 a day Monday-Thursday which gives me some leeway to socialise/eat out a couple of times on the weekend etc, but maintain a deficit overall - usually I end up somewhere around 1500 cals a day averaged over the week (I’m pretty short so my maintenance calories at my current weight/sedentary is likely only around 1800.) And I’ve walked a lot more - mainly because I’ve had a frozen shoulder limiting my ability to do my preferred exercises - swimming/yoga/weights since March. I guess it’s been real wake up for me that weight loss is primarily what you eat - I’m losing weight at about the same rate as when I was going to the gym a lot more.

Anyway. Just wanted to mark the occasion… roughly halfway to my goal.

submitted by /u/Sure-Mortgage-9193
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What do you do when your own family (husband / daughter) fat shame you?

I've seen several posts where someone is fat shamed in public by someone they don't know and I always think "that's terrible, that person obviously has their own issues", but how do you handle when your own family fat shames you?

I'm on a beach vacation with my husband and 2 daughters (14 & 10) and the oldest says to dad, as someone about my size (250 / 5'5) comes by in a bikini, "look mom that could be you" and they both start cracking up hysterically as I'm about to burst into tears. Now I don't care what you look like or wear, but I personally wouldn't be caught dead in a bikini. I know I'm fat and they both know how self conscious I am about my weight and even getting in a swim skirt and top that's all covered up, but now I don't even want to do that or be anywhere near either one of them...I just want to go somewhere and hide.

My weight has been an issue in my marriage for years, but my husband and I stay together for the kids. He's commented on my weight for years and I know I need to lose weight and want to, but just can't do it no matter what I try. The backhanded comments from my family certainly don't help.

Thanks for letting me vent and listening to my rant, just curious how anyone else handles or would handle this.

Much love, luck and weight loss to you all!!!

submitted by /u/pinkwedding
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, July 2, 2023

How long did it take for you to start noticing fat loss in your tummy?

Been on and off with my weight loss journey since end of January this year. Started at 198 lbs and went down to 173 lbs last month. Since then, there was a time period where I ate like shit and didn’t go to the gym as often anymore.

Now I’m back and ready to get back to my routine of healthy eating (low carb, low sugar, high protein and veggies), lots of cardio to sweat and build my endurance, and weights at the gym! I’m happy to be back on track and to my healthy habits.

I noticed I’m seeing a difference with how my clothes and bras are fitting. I have a tummy pooch that hangs over and I absolutely hate it the most. Wondering when you saw results in that area with diet and exercise?

I learned that my body loses fat in my face and legs first. The lowest I’ve been was 160’s lbs and I had a smaller tummy but still had ways to go to get a flat stomach.

submitted by /u/bigtitty_azn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[30F 5 foot 4] In 2018 I lost 48 pounds then gained almost 100 pounds after

In 2018, I was 215 pounds and I lost 48 and got down to 167lbs!

I felt great and looked amazing. Then I just stopped working out and thought I could maintain my weight.

Since then, I've gained all the weight back and then some.

This year, I was at my heaviest of 255 pounds.

I feel disappointed that i've let myself get this far, but I've started my weight loss journey. Its been slow and I've only been able to lose about 2-3 pounds per month.

I'm down 7 pounds (I'm 248 lbs right now!)

If anyone has been in the same boat and have advice about keeping the weight off for good, that would be great!

submitted by /u/No-News-2655
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

When should you count weight loss?

So I, (like many others), tend to weigh myself in the morning on an empty stomach. However, by the end of the day, obviously you gain "weight" from eating and drinking. So sometimes by the end of the day, I'm near enough the same weight as I was a week before and then the next morning it either stays the same or goes down.

So my question is.. if I'm still the same weight at the end of the day, should I even count this as weight loss?

Maybe I'm just overthinking all of this but this is one of the reasons I gave up before because I got too in my head about it and so I need to let it out.

It does get disappointing to see the same higher number at the end of the day because in my mind that means in the evenings I'm bigger again, so all the hard work I'm putting in is unnoticeable anyway.

Someone explain/help me get over this please!

submitted by /u/anon875787578
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Very high deficit and still no weight loss

I’ve been on a diet for over two months now and I just lost 1kg. My measurements (arms, bust, waist, hips, thighs and calves) haven‘t changed and I also see no difference in my before and after.

I‘m not expecting a huge change in this short amount of time, but 1kg is just nothing compared to all the effort. People say: if you‘re not losing any weight, your deficit is too low. Well what can I say, I adjusted my deficit and at this point I could say that, if I go any lower I would starve myself.

I’m f27, 5‘8, 64kg. I don’t want to lose weight, I‘m just trying to cut and lose excess fat to tone my body (even though my BMI is healthy, my body fat percentage is around 23-24). I started with 1.400 calories a day. I run 3 times a week for 30min and hit the gym 2 times a week. After 3 weeks I adjusted my deficit, because I did not lose any weight. I‘m now at 1.300 and track every food I eat. I only eat at home, which makes tracking easier. I don’t eat the calories I burned while exercising, since fitness trackers often overestimate the amount of burned calories. So my caloric deficit is higher on days I workout. My basal metabolism is lower, because I sit the whole day due to home office, but I‘m still trying to get at least 7k steps every day.

What am I doing wrong? It was always very difficult for me to lose weight and the only time in life I really lost that excess fat, was when I only ate a salad a day during summer holidays, because it was too humid and hot outside.

I tried different diets throughout the years: keto, high protein, low carb. Is my metabolism that destroyed, that I can only allow myself that less to eat to get rid of the lovehandles?

Is it more difficult to lose weight, because my starting weight is already low? It’s really frustrating to see my friends being in a good shape, who aren’t active at all, have full meals and drink alcohol, while I have to restrict myself, even though I‘ve been active for all my life and counting calories.

Edit: 1. I use a scale for tracking.

  1. I don’t have any thyroid issues, blood count is fine.

  2. No one in my family has these issues. Actually everyone is super slender and skinny,

  3. I sleep for 8h and drink 2-3L of water a day (depends if I was working out or not).

I usually eat: morning: hard boiled egg, crispbread, cottage cheese (247 kcal)

lunch: green salad (no dressing; contains vegetables like cucumber and bell pepper), Tofu, cottage cheese (500-600kcal)

dinner: crispbread, smoked salmon, apple (293 kcal)

snack: protein bar (~180 kcal)

submitted by /u/phoenixmo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Best snack for weight loss

So, here arey favourite snacks that are pretty low calorie

1) Skimmed Greek Yogurt + berries/fruits

cut your fruits into small pieces and add to 100-150gr of begurt. Best combinations of fruits: plum + peach; peach + blackcurrant; I also recommend

2) crispbread+ melted cheese (I use "Lactose free cheese arla") + fresh cucumbers

crispbread - 20 kcal per 1 piece cheese (it depends on which you use) +- 25 kcal (10 gr) cucumbers - don't even count

3) Boiled cauliflower + melted mozzarella cheese that's really delicious. Cauliflower is really low calorie and mozzarella cheese is about 210 kcal per 100 gr but compared to ordinary cheese it's low calorie

4) Cheese + cucumbers Really great combination, BUT! Cheese is about 300 kcal per 100 gr, so don't eat a lot.

5) Crumpet (or how British call it) + butter + strawberry Crumpet is about 70 kcal (maybe), but butter is hight calorie so be careful with it. It tastes really cool if your butter is a bit salty.

6) 0% Cottage cheese + greek yogurt + nuts (6-8 gr) Nuts are REALLY HIGH CALORIE, BUT! 6-8 gramms of Pine nuts is good!

Hope it helps, enjoy your meal

submitted by /u/freedomForUA
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from loseit - Lose the Fat