Monday, July 3, 2023

What do you do when your own family (husband / daughter) fat shame you?

I've seen several posts where someone is fat shamed in public by someone they don't know and I always think "that's terrible, that person obviously has their own issues", but how do you handle when your own family fat shames you?

I'm on a beach vacation with my husband and 2 daughters (14 & 10) and the oldest says to dad, as someone about my size (250 / 5'5) comes by in a bikini, "look mom that could be you" and they both start cracking up hysterically as I'm about to burst into tears. Now I don't care what you look like or wear, but I personally wouldn't be caught dead in a bikini. I know I'm fat and they both know how self conscious I am about my weight and even getting in a swim skirt and top that's all covered up, but now I don't even want to do that or be anywhere near either one of them...I just want to go somewhere and hide.

My weight has been an issue in my marriage for years, but my husband and I stay together for the kids. He's commented on my weight for years and I know I need to lose weight and want to, but just can't do it no matter what I try. The backhanded comments from my family certainly don't help.

Thanks for letting me vent and listening to my rant, just curious how anyone else handles or would handle this.

Much love, luck and weight loss to you all!!!

submitted by /u/pinkwedding
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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