Wednesday, July 26, 2023

I’m in the 100s for the first time in a year and I’m laying on the couch crying

I haven’t been actually counting calories, just focused on not overeating and making better overall choices along with strength training 3-4 times a week. I weighed myself this morning and was really confused to see a 1 instead of a 2, so much so that I moved the scale around like 5 times to see if there was a problem with it.

I made a halfhearted Tumblr post about it (yes, I’m still there, I’ve been there since 2012 and at this point it’s like my public diary), and intentionally chose the vague “weight goal” phrase instead of “weight loss goal” since I have several mutuals who are in the feeder community (don’t ask, it’s a long story, I’m not into it and just ignore their posts related to it) and I know that weight loss is a sensitive subject for a lot of people. I’ve been posting my strength training progress there for the past several months, and several of my followers and mutuals have been really encouraging there!

Until today. I got an anonymous message saying that my post was extremely triggering despite me keeping it vague on purpose, and several people have unfollowed me since just this morning. I know a huge reason why a lot of this feels horrible is because I have an unhealthy need for validation from others, but still, it hurts.

I don’t know why I posted this, but for now, I think I’ll keep my goal posts to this sub and similar subs, and just not say anything anywhere else.

submitted by /u/MiyaDoesThings
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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