Saturday, July 15, 2023

NSV: I found a sport I enjoy doing

Hi everyone, I feel silly making this post but I really wanted to share my experience with someone and I feel even sillier telling my friends and family about it.

A little about me before I start, I’m 22F, 5’10”, my SW was 270 and my CW is 198. I started losing in March 2022. I lost with simple CICO eating ~1500-1800 a day but sometimes more, I haven’t been too strict with things recently because I’m wanting to focus on changing my habits and lifestyle rather than solely focusing on the calories going in and out of my body. I find myself being much happier this way and while my weight loss is slower, it’s much more sustainable and that’s what’s important to me.

Okay onto my NSV. I’ve never been athletic, I’ve always been fat growing up and had bad/unmanaged asthma making sports a nightmare for me. PE was a bad time, I walked the mile, etc. A classic experience for a lot of other people who grew up like I did.

I did some gymnastics and swimming as a child, but I never really stuck with things that long because I eventually got bored of them. Swimming was my favorite and I loved being in the water. I grew up going to the beach, swimming in pools, I’ve always been an excellent swimmer and it’s my favorite form of activity.

I’ve always wanted to learn how to surf, and I’m currently in a position where I can put the time, money, and effort into learning how to do so. I booked 4 lessons and just had my last one today, and man I am hooked. I plan on buying a board and going as much as I can before the summer ends. I stuck with it even when I felt discouraged and I showed improvement each time. At the end of my first three lessons, I was exhausted and ready to be done. By my last one, I still had plenty of energy and was sad it was over. I was having the time of my life even when wiping out.

This experience has put so much more confidence into myself. I feel so great, energized, and just happy. My mental health has improved drastically over the years, which was my main obstacle when it came to losing weight, and now I feel better than ever. In the past 2 weeks since I’ve been going, I can feel an even bigger change in myself. I’m even happier, less anxious, and more sociable.

Of course there are other factors playing into this like me getting my hair done, putting more effort into my appearance, and my upcoming mini vacation to see my wonderful boyfriend again (who btw has been a huge motivator for me and has also helped me feel great about myself and contributed to a lot of my success). But I know being more active and getting out and doing more is contributing to it a ton.

This experience also forced me to stick to something and improve, because I had no choice lol. I thought about canceling or not showing up a few times, mostly due to anxiety and being bad at something new (of course I’m not good I had never done it before!). I put in the effort to improve and really had something to show for it. Each time I fell less, stood more, and could ride each wave longer!

It took so long for me to get where I am now, mentally really. A year ago I would’ve never even considered going out on my own and trying some athletic sport I had no experience in in front of people who know what they’re doing, and now I want to try so many new things and keep up with surfing.

Apologies for the very long post, I’m just so proud of myself and of how far I’ve come. I’ve achieved so much in the last year and a half and never could have imagined getting to where I am now. Thank you for reading, and good luck to anyone out there who is going through something similar!

TL;DR I tried out surfing and fell in love with it!

submitted by /u/offbrandmotel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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