Monday, July 17, 2023

Rant and request for advice: Brain, why u so stupid?!?!

Hello there fellow losers

It's been almost exactly one year since I started my weight loss journey. And I've made progress! I've lost 30 kilos (From 146 to 115) I went to the gym 3 times per week, almost never overate, cooked daily and just all around had a blast.

But since about 3 months, I've been falling off the wagon constantly and am S T R U G G E L I N G to get back on it.

I don't know what has changed, It's like I am not myself anymore. Now, I know that I do put every calorie into my body myself, but I still can't seem to get back into my good habits.

So, over the past few months I've put almost 10 KG (!) back on and it's become somewhat of a negative feedback loop.

I am not sure what to do now? How do I get out of this slump? Has anyone experienced something similar?

Thank you for reading, your feedback is appreciated and this community rocks!


submitted by /u/mahang2804
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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