Monday, July 31, 2023

What delightful, unexpected changes have you experienced from weight loss?

I'm falling out of my routine, so to motivate myself again, I have to remind myself of the positives and what I've accomplished and enjoyed so far with my weight loss.

For me, there are three physical changes:

1.) I have cheek dimples now when I smile. I've always had corner-of-the-mouth dimples, but with my weight loss, cheek dimples have appeared and are becoming more prominent. My mom was the first to notice, and I've found out that some others have experienced this too, which I think is pretty cool.

2.) My boobs are somehow perkier, which is unusual. I believe it's because I'm losing armpit fat, and that has lifted my breasts somehow. I don't know, but there's a general improvement in how my breasts look now.

3.) I lost back fat but kept butt fat, so my butt appears bigger. Initially, I feared the opposite would happen, so it's a pleasant surprise.

submitted by /u/changeb430
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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