Wednesday, July 26, 2023

PSA: The importance of diet breaks

Hi all,

Just going to drop this little piece of advice as I believe this may really help some people.

Every 2-3months, it can be incredibly beneficial to take 2-4weeks off for a diet break. I don't mean stop tracking and eat as you used to, but I mean calculate your maintenance calories and eat at that.

This resets a lot of your hunger signaling, is very healthy psychologically, increases your chances of keeping off the weight in the long run, and helps stop you from falling off the wagon. It can also initiate a 'whoosh', where you lose a bit of water weight. For instance last time I did one I kept losing weight the first week as if I were dieting.

When you go back to a deficit, the pounds seem to come off like it did at the start of your diet. It is also great for your relationship with food, and helping you practice eating at maintenance.

If your diet is feeling unsustainable, you're starting to get stupidly hungry every day, you're feeling grumpy and tired, your weight loss is stalling despite you doing everything right - these are all signs it's time for a diet break.

It may not feel productive in the short term, but it really is worth it in the long term. There's plenty of good articles about it if you want to know more.

Another term I'm going to drop here, especially applicable to gym goers, is having 'refeed days' every 1-2 weeks. This is like a controlled cheat day, where you eat about 300 calories over maintenance. Some people like to focus on carbs for glycogen replenishment. It can really help with performance, and likewise has a lot of benefits similar to the diet break.

submitted by /u/ConnorB737
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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