Saturday, July 22, 2023

Is it worth upping the intensity to increase weight loss? How to have the energy with a 9-5? H 168cm / SW 80KG / GW 60KG

I had to take medication for a few years that caused major weight gain (pandemic did not help either), and I went from 65 or so kg to 80 (5kg a year). I was already thinking about losing weight at 65 so this set me back a few years.

I've been trying to shift the weight since late last year, and I'm currently at 74kg so I guess its working, but it's sooooo slow. I calculated and Im losing about .25kg (or a pound) a week. But I heard that it's actually possible to healthily lose up to 2lb a week, and I want to target that speed.

My big problem is I am so tired all the time. I work a 9-5 that actually requires me to be working all those hours (+overtime) which wipes most of my day. I've already ditched or come late to so many social plans so I can exercise in the evening, which sucks so bad bc I miss my loved ones, but it helps bc at least I'm exercising instead of eating out. But I still only exercise about 1h a day, 5x week, either heavy weights or cardio. Ideally I'd like to do both every day to stay fit, but I have no idea where to find the time and energy, I already struggle with fainting at the gym.

I also want to start incorporating stretching bc I'm pitifully inflexible but again struggle as I have to sit at a desk for 8+ hours a day.

I guess the big thing I need to change is diet. I do 18/6 and I've been thinking of doing alternate day fasting, would love any advice from people with experience doing that. I sometimes do OMAD since work usually doesn't give me a break to have lunch. A huge issue I have is that my friends loooove to eat out, which means about 3 meals a week is spent eating out, and nothing fits my macros. On those days, I'm thinking of just fasting until that meal, that way I can fit it in calorie wise and I won't have to order a side and get weird comments from friends. Has anyone tried this?

It's really hard to find a balance between having enough fuel to exercise enough whilst also being in a meaningful caloric deficit. I don't know how people do it!! I'm targeting 500-1000 calorie deficit. I can't drink caffeine either which sucks even more. I don't drink alcohol or anything either, it just sucks to eat 1000 calories a day. I don't know how y'all do it without feeling miserable!

Tldr: struggling to exercise enough at a calorie deficit, not losing weight at an ideal rate, not sure how to keep this sustainable without burning out. 9-5 office job makes things even harder. Need advice on how to improve. Weight loss sucks.

submitted by /u/wahooo92
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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