Saturday, July 15, 2023

Two months: keep failing, keep learning, and keep trying

Hello everyone!

TWO months ago today, I began taking steps toward an overall weight loss goal. I came back home from my freshman year of college and decided (after putting on 10 pounds) that I needed a major overhaul to my lifestyle. I knew all the things I had to do to begin - weight loss is SIMPLE, not easy - and so I began. Let’s talk about it!

Month two kicked my ass… in the worst way possible. Month one was full of hope, full of changes to my lifestyle, but most importantly, full of change. Month two seemed to be a mixed bag and things got much more difficult for me. I was sick for 10 consecutive days and couldn’t seem to take the time to rest & heal my body. During that time, I had a day where I binged so badly, I cried for an hour afterward. My weight went up after, I was miserable, and I was still sick. I also couldn’t really exercise because I didn’t feel well or have the energy for it.

Still, I stuck to my deficit. After my binge, I cried, took a deep breath, calmed myself down… and I did better the next day. Even in the times where I wanted to completely give up, I stuck with it. And really, that’s what I took out of this month. The importance of resilience. The ability to not only withstand your difficulties, but to bounce back from the times you fail.

Pobody’s nerfect. I wish I could sit here and tell you guys that I did have a perfect month. But it’s almost better to be able to tell you guys that I didn’t have a perfect month, but I stuck to it. And really that’s the ultimate lesson of weight loss and life. With consistency, you will bounce back. It’s not easy, but it’s necessary.

On a happier note, this month wasn’t all bad. I really started to notice change when I looked in the mirror. My sister saw a tighter outfit I wore one day and said “Dang!” Having the people around me notice that I’m slimmer too has helped immensely. I’m now down about 21.5 pounds from when I started 2 months ago, which is even better than I expected. I also got back in the gym after I recovered from being ill. I also attached a progress picture to this post, so you can see my progress alongside me.

In conclusion, I’m making good progress towards my goals as it stands. The important thing is to keep failing, keep learning, and keep trying. Happy Scale now puts me between Feb-June of 2024 to be at a healthy BMI. I hope to learn a lot before we get there.



*Edit: just fixed a quick grammatical error

submitted by /u/earthyisland
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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