Friday, July 14, 2023

Gym Question

Hi all, I (21F 5’3 147 lbs) was wondering if I should be incorporating the gym weight machines whenever I go to the gym for faster weight loss. I always do the stair stepper for 20 minutes and treadmill (sometimes with incline) for about 30-40mins, or I go to a Zumba class.

Should i branch out from cardio and be doing machines like the leg press or shoulder press for faster weight loss? Id rather do the machines than do free weights. Im just worried that I’ll “gain muscle” doing these, which makes the scale go higher.

submitted by /u/Extreme_Minute_1903
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss just suddenly... stopped.

Hey all. I've lost 10 lbs total in 11 weeks. About 3 weeks ago, I just suddenly stopped losing weight. No changes in my diet, I've been rotating the same batch of recipes week to week and I'm still at a deficit.

Is there a possible explanation as to why this is happening? I know 10 lbs in 11 weeks is good progress, but seeing that my weight isn't moving at all for 3 weeks is really discouraging. Could it be that my body thinks it lost "enough" weight in this time period, and isn't letting me lose more until it catches up? Idk if that's possible, so any insight would help and soothe my frustration at the moment, lol.

submitted by /u/anonymoose_octopus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Revealing the Truth Behind My 80-Pound Weight Loss

Trying this again without links cause that’s a no-no I just found out.

Hi! I am new here but I felt compelled to share my story in case anyone is struggling with similar issues.

Trigger Warning: This post discusses sensitive topics including weight loss, eating disorders, suicide, and drugs.

I recently hit 80 pounds lost. I should be celebrating, but hitting this milestone two weeks post-surgery isn’t exactly what I had in mind. When I first started out, I gave myself a lofty goal of losing 100 pounds. Although I am still damn proud of where I’ve come from and am close to reaching it, it hasn’t been an easy journey.

I don’t want to paint the picture of weight loss being a be-all and end-all for loving yourself, because it isn’t. It is a constant journey of ups and downs that requires work to contradict every negative thing you’ve ever told yourself or lies that other people have told you that you’ve ingrained into your brain and made a reality. (And if you don’t want to lose weight, that’s okay too. You still deserve to love yourself fully. Every body is beautiful. I needed to lose weight for my health and it’s something I’ve personally wanted for myself for a long time.)

This is just a glimpse into what my journey has been like, which has been going on for most of my life. This was a little longer than I originally intended, so settle in, or thanks for reading up to this point.

I’ve been chubby since a little girl and for as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to lose weight. I think without being aware, food became a sort of comfort for me throughout childhood and early adolescence as I struggled with my parent’s divorce and my father’s alcoholism.

I would tell myself, “I will lose the weight by the time I’m 16.” Time passes and then it’s, “I’ll do better next time. By the time I’m 18, I’ll be in a bikini.” My 18th birthday hits and I am still not like the other girls. I’m not like my beautiful, popular twin sister. My belly hangs over my jeans, and I wonder what’s wrong with me and why no boys like me. Now it’s, “By the time I go to college.” And then I do hit my lowest weight in college but still nobody wants me. And I hate myself.

My first kiss is in the dirty living room of a frat house with a red-headed guy in my dorm whose name I can’t even remember. Then when I meet the first boy that does want me, I stay. I don’t see the red flags because someone finally loves me, so I cling to it because I know nothing better.

He tells me nobody else will ever love me, and I believe it because look at me. Then it’s eight years later. Covid hits, I’m 238 pounds, depressed, and on the verge of considering VSG or perhaps even killing myself.

I felt trapped, suffocating in the life that I had created for myself but that wasn’t serving me anymore. I moved to Florida in October 2021 and started untangling things that happened in my childhood and early twenties, confronting my fears and anxieties instead of running from them, and finding new ways to challenge myself. And when I stopped focusing on the weight, it started to drop for the first time in years.

I think going through a divorce and moving alone had a big effect on my weight loss. The environment in Florida compared to Virginia makes it easier to be outside all year long, and I would frequently take walks the first winter I moved down because I was in awe that it could be so warm in December.

Weight loss for me happened slowly on its own without me paying much attention, I stopped emotionally eating and drinking. I started smoking weed (medicinally with a prescription) to help with the depression. Eating more in moderation and moving more helped me lose 60 pounds the first year I moved down.

I still ate what I wanted, sometimes not enough because I truthfully wasn’t always in a good mental health space and did not have the appetite (whether or not I already had my gallstone that may have contributed to the nausea is unknown). That is where cannabis helped as well. The munchies are real.

But please, please make sure you eat enough to fuel your body. Although I tried to make sure I was always hitting 1,200 calories even when I didn’t feel like eating, I sometimes didn’t make it. I went from binging to not being able to eat enough. I’m still working towards healthy eating habits and my relationship with food as I regain my appetite after gallbladder surgery.

I began lifting weights in November 2022, which is finally what started helping me build up my self-confidence in a way that losing weight alone hasn’t provided. My body is becoming stronger, and I no longer care about how much weight I am losing but rather how much I can carry. (Lifting heavy is fun, you should try it. But with light weights first, because injuries are no joke.)

It’s been eight months, and I have lost 20 more pounds since I began working out. But the last five are mostly a side effect of recovering from having my gallbladder removed. On the plus side, having my gallbladder out has helped with my nausea but now it’s a guessing game of figuring out what I can eat and what I can’t.

What nobody tells you about losing weight is that even though you may feel better physically, the mental process of rebuilding your self-image and finding confidence in this new body that you sometimes don’t recognize is a much more challenging aspect. And sometimes you can’t do it alone. It’s okay to need help. I am now seeing a psychiatrist and a therapist to help me in ways I haven’t been able to help myself. As for the medicinal marijuana, it’s helped me immensely but is something I am working on cutting out of my life now that I am taking other medications for my mental health.

All this to say, trauma sometimes traps you in cycles without you being aware of it. I am still not completely out of the woods, although I can now see the sun shining where parts were once dark.

The rest is too long to put here but if you want to keep reading I have before and after photos on my blog linked to my profile.

I don’t have ads on my website and this doesn’t make me money. In fact I’ve spent money just building it. I created it to help anyone that cares to read. Best of luck on all your journeys, you got this. 💪🏻✨

submitted by /u/Adorable_Pear
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Possible to re-lose all the weight I've gained? (re: metabolic adaptation)

Hi all, I had a wonderful but hard weight loss journey from 03/2022 until 03/2023. I went from 135 pounds to 105 pounds (I am 5'2), and I was eating 1350 - 1400 calories a day at maintenance, so I never felt hungry! I had one cheat day a month and always appreciated it and enjoyed it.

In March, three things happened: 1) I got on Lexapro, 2) I got a really bad case of COVID-19 and 3) my job became extremely stressful. I work for a startup, and the CEO is extremely toxic. As a result of all of this, I started to binge eat as a coping mechanism. I was eat large amounts of food overnight and not sure why. I saw my doctor and he mentioned that Lexapro impacts your serotonin levels, so that has an impact on your appetite. I got off Lexapro a month and a half later, but the habit of binge eating remainder. It improved, so I wasn't eating AS MUCH but still, it was happening.

I started to gain weight back gradually, and I'm now 10 pounds heavier (115 - 116 pounds). I still look good and healthy, but I don't appreciate the "loss of control eating". I read Brain over Binge, I am working with a therapist, and I'm working to heal my relationship with the habit before I go back to losing weight.

My question is: is it ever possible to get back to the weight range I was at before the binge eating started or have I ruined my metabolism with all this binge-eating?

submitted by /u/Ok-Presentation-8905
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I want to lose weight. Do you think these ideas sound okay?

20F, 5'7, SW: 170lbs [12st + 2lbs], GW: 140lbs [10st]

For the last couple years, since starting university, I've paid a lot less attention to what I've been eating, which has translated into putting on the pounds. That doesn't bother me too much. However, the fact that my gorgeous clothes no longer fit me does. I do not have the money to replace perfectly good clothes, nor do I want to accept my larger body as my new normal. So, onto my ideas for weight loss!

I would love some feedback on whether those ideas sound good or not - this will be my first time trying to lose weight in 2 years now so I am, by no means, an expert:

So, I feel like weight loss is relatively simple - you just need a good calorie deficit. The mental side of it is going to be a lot more challenging. I definitely eat when I'm stressed or bored, which is something I need to combat. So far, my ideas include: going on walks and taking a book with me, so I'm out of the house and away from the fridge; studying in the library, instead of my bedroom, so I have a change of scenery and am, again, away from the fridge; wearing 'tighter' clothes when I am home, to dissuade me from eating more food than I need.

As far as diet goes, I already drink 2ls water a day. I take iron, vitamin C and vitamin D (I have anaemia). The main issue I have is eating too much. I snack throughout the day, almost mindlessly - ice-cream, chocolates, crisps. When it comes to main meals, I use big plates. It's almost like I have no concept of correct portions. In terms of ways to correct this, I feel like staying out of the house more (and away from the fridge) would be okay. Also, I think that using smaller plates would be good, so the portion looks 'big' to me, even if it's actually smaller than I'm used to.

Now,...exercise? I don't know how to work out at all. I do a little bit of yoga every morning, just to stretch my back. That's about it. If you know any good YT channels to check out, for some light exercises I could fit into my morning routine, that would be appreciated a lot. :)

submitted by /u/emerald_sweetheart
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

No weight loss but I'm not getting my period anymore

I need some advice here. I'm 1,66 m (5'5) and I weight 75 kg (165 lbs). I eat around 1.000 calories per day, sometimes more, sometimes less, never more than 1.500. I only drink water, eat no suger and vegetables with every meal. I'm doing this for a few months now, but I'm not losing any weight. So I started to workout more. For the last year i did 3 workouts per week, around 30 minutes each. Now i workout 5 times per week, 3 times around 45 minutes and 2 times 20 minutes. I'm doing this for 3 weeks now, again no weight loss, which is fine because i know i'm burning fat and getting more muscles. But now i missed my period, I'm not pregnant and usually my period is always on time. I'm not even at a health BMI, so I have no idea what's going on. Is this too much exercise for my body? Has anybody experienced something similar or some advice?

submitted by /u/Vreni1337
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Gained weight back, feeling highly discouraged

5'2 female, 25, sw 255, cw 200

I'm starting my weight loss journey once again after successfully losing 80lbs in 2020. I went through a program called slim4life initially but found the program to be too restrictive and dealt with some very rude employees there, so I only generally followed their advice. In March 2020, I was 250 and got down to my lowest weight ever as an adult of 175 by Thanksgiving. I've been overweight my entire life and that was the only time I was ever able to actually lose any weight after years and years of failed attempts. I was able to keep the weight off until around a year ago and have slowly regained until hitting 200 again today.

Thankfully, I have a very supportive boyfriend that is going to help me start tracking calories, and I purchased a treadmill to walk while working from home. I'm trying to stay between 1200-1500 calories per day but I'm feeling very nervous because calorie tracking has never worked for me I'm the past and led to disordered eating habits. Yesterday, I only ate about 950 calories, and it was a relatively typical day. Seeing that 200 on the scale again is honestly heartbreaking, but I know that I can lose the weight again. Encouragement, advice, and thoughts are welcome.

submitted by /u/klyoliphant
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from loseit - Lose the Fat