Tuesday, July 25, 2023

I plan to meet a friend in about a week or so, and she wants to get dessert and a meal… Should I be worried this will cause weight gain?

I’ve been at a pretty low calorie deficit for almost two months now (eating 1,100 - 1,300 kcal/day) and I’ve been very strict about eating only healthy foods.

In the past I’ve always avoided people when I’m trying to loose weight but I didn’t want to fall into that habit again this time around. When my friend messaged me about wanting to go to a cute dessert cafe and restaurant, I agreed even though the thought of eating out (and dessert on top of that) really freaked me out.

To make matters a little more worrisome, It’s my Sister’s birthday not even two days after I see my friend and I promised to treat her to dinner outside.

I’m really worried that two days of eating out will interrupt my weight loss… or even cause me to gain weight. I realize that my fear might be slightly irrational but I can’t help but dread these days that are supposed to be fun because of it.

submitted by /u/Default4567
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/LyWlfg2

Feeling really down/angry at partner during weight loss

Hey y’all, I don’t post often on Reddit so I apologize if this post is a bit off and y’all can point me to a more appropriate subreddit. Anyways, I’m really upset with my boyfriend regarding my weight loss journey. I’m 28, 5’2 and 170 pounds, I know I’m chunky but I personally don’t feel like I’m obese like the BMI chart says I am. To me I look cute, before I met my boyfriend my highest adult weight was 180 pounds, I still felt cute but I knew that was dangerously close to 200 pounds and I needed to get it together. I lost 20 pounds, gained 10 back and have regulated my weight of 170 for 3 years. My boyfriend met me 2 years ago at 170 and I have stayed that weight for since day one, my license and medical records have stated that weight since we got together. The reason I give this back story is bc 8 months ago my bf and I had this really bad argument and he stated that he felt like my gut hangs out when I wear certain tops. That comment was crushing so I thought I would lose some weight bc even though I thought I was cute and I thought he thought I cute it turns out I was wrong so I decided to make a change, I eat differently now and exercise 3-5 times a week, my weight hasn’t budged at all but I feel like I look smaller (if anything I feel like I look worse honestly like I lost extra weight from everywhere but my stomach and now I feel like my stomach sticks out way more and it makes me feel so ugly) but we keep arguing about my weight and exercising. He’s an active guy but I hate exercising and it’s chore to me so I only do it during the week after work so I have my weekends free. He wants to go to the gym together on the weekends and this just annoys the shit out of me, I already do this crap after work I don’t want to do it on the days I have off. He also doesn’t say anything positive ever, like I can’t tell if he thinks I’m more or less attractive now. I just don’t know what to do anymore bc it feels like he wants me to be 120 pounds but like I don’t even care about being that small, I actually like the way I look and really don’t feel like I need to lose weight bc I feel healthy and strong. Has anyone ever had this issue?

submitted by /u/Careless_Piccolo3030
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/ms9Z1W3

Losing weight being almost pre diabetic

To start, I'm female, 34 and at 237 lbs. I recently got back into working out, fasted cardio and then weight lifting.

I started ozempic for weight loss mid-May. And now I'm stopping it due to the side effects and it simply not working for me. I'm finished on the last dose of 0.5mg and was supposed to start the 1mg dose.

My Dr asked for blood work because she thinks I should have lost weight by now and the results came back and everything was fine except I'm borderline pre-diebetic. My number is at 5.7.

I'm wondering if I start tracking calories more, remove refined sugars and carbs and workout more if that number would go down...

This is kind of a kick in the ass knowing that I'm on the edge of diabetes and it's worry some.

submitted by /u/luminousloris
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/YfHkAg2

100+lbs lost, this is what I gained

Hello! I’ve been on reddit for a couple years but never joined in or posted things. Just been lurking and appreciating in silence. A few days ago, I posted for the first time and received so much kind words.

I wanted to share my journey of losing over 100+ lbs and how it has completely transformed my life. I hope my story can inspire and motivate others on their own path to self-discovery and personal growth.

First and foremost, losing such a significant amount of weight undoubtedly changed the way people treated me. Suddenly, I went from feeling invisible to being noticed, and it was a surreal experience. Friends, family, and acquaintances all reacted differently, with many offering compliments and praise for my accomplishment. While it was nice to receive recognition, I also couldn't help but reflect on how shallow some people can be, focusing solely on external appearances.

One of the most unexpected experiences was running into my old middle school bully. Back then, he and his friends made my life miserable with constant insults and threats. I could never eat in front of them because they’d grab whatever I would eat and throw it or spit on it. He would do things like punch me then say that I shouldn’t even feel it because of all the “cushion” I had. When I saw him again, I wasn't sure how to react. Surprisingly, he approached me with an apology, claiming he changed and even started complimenting my change in appearance. It was nice but deep down, I couldn't forget the pain he caused me. At the second time I saw him again, he asked me out and when I said no he went back to how he was before. Saying things like oh you think you’re all that now that you lost weight, cussing me out, etc etc.. There will be people like this but the best thing we can do is to just not let that negativity be in your life. Don’t dwell on their harsh words, these are people who have their own insecurities and take it out on others.

As I reflected on my own transformation, I realized that the most significant change wasn't how others treated me, but how I treated people and myself. Before my weight loss journey, I carried a lot of insecurities and constantly assumed the worst in people's opinions about me. I would shy away from social situations, believing I was undesirable and unlikable. However, losing weight taught me that my self-worth shouldn’t be tied to a number on the scale or praises from others.

With newfound confidence and self-acceptance, I became more outgoing and open to forming connections with others. Instead of expecting the worst, I started to see the good in people and embraced the diversity of personalities around me. I realized that beauty lies not just in physical appearances but in the uniqueness of each individual's character.

I liked to joke a lot back then saying, “I would never lose weight because I never lose. I’m a winner 🤩😎,” but yk yea I lost all that weight for my health but I gained so much more. I gained this newfound happiness and the ability to do many things I could only dream of doing that my previous physical and mental state prevented me from ever trying.

Of course, the transformation wasn't easy, and it's still an ongoing process. I still have days when self-doubt creeps in, but I’m learning to be kinder to myself. My weight loss journey has shown me the power of perseverance and how investing in self-improvement can lead to a more fulfilling life.

For anyone out there struggling with weight, body image, or self-esteem, I want you to know that you are worthy, lovable, and deserving of happiness at any size. Don't let others define your worth, and remember that the most important relationship you'll ever have is the one with yourself. Be kind to yourself and others, and embrace the journey of self-discovery with open arms.

Thank y’all for being a source of inspiration and support throughout my journey. Let's all keep growing and uplifting each other!

Stay positive, stay kind, and stay true to yourself! 🤍💪🏼

TL;DR: I lost over 100+ lbs, and it changed how people treated me. I learned the most significant change was in how I treated people and myself. I became more outgoing and empathetic, no longer expecting the worst in everyone. Self-acceptance and kindness led to a more fulfilling life. Your feelings of self-worth shouldn’t be tied to appearance, and you deserve happiness at any size.

submitted by /u/CompleteFlower5929
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/BML32RW

What am I getting wrong about fat loss?

Howdy! I’ll try to keep this as short as possible.

F27 5’6 SW: 165 CW: 140 GW: 140 Starting BF%: 37 Current BF%: 34

Starting this January, I set a goal to get back to a healthy BMI before a major surgery I had in June. Happy to report that was accomplished! But I’m slightly perplexed about how little my body fat percentage has changed, and I was wondering if there’s anything I’m doing wrong or failing to consider.

I weightlift 4x a week, run 2x a week, eat about 1600 calories a day and shoot for 100 grams of protein minimum. Make sure to get 10,000 steps and 100 oz of water in per day. I have a pretty typical omnivorous diet, and although I’m pretty careful about limiting dairy and carbs where I can, I don’t eliminate them entirely.

I did a DEXA scan halfway through my 6 month period back in March - down about 15 pounds, but only down 2 BF % points.

For the next 3 months, I hit it hard and was the most consistent with my exercise and diet I’ve ever been in my life. Felt great, and was VERY excited to get my next DEXA - was happy to see the next 10 pounds come off, but was disappointed to see that I was only down another 1% BF.

Coupled with my BF% concern is the fact that despite my relatively significant weight loss, I’ve also lost very few inches off my body. Barely 3 total off the waist. While there have been minor changes, I’m surprised at how similar my new body looks like my 25 pound heavier one, with very persistent pockets of fat around my lower belly and hips. I read a lot of people’s posts about losing inches but not pounds, but I seem to have the exact opposite problem!

Is that 3% BF change with 25 pound weight loss on par, or low? I read so much conflicting information on that ratio.

Ideally, I’d like to reduce my BF to at least 30%, and I’m trying to figure out if I have a time or approach issue. Is it feasible to expect additional body fat % reduction with what I’m doing now, and just need more time - or do I need to change my approach entirely?

I have obviously plateaued now that I’m at my goal weight, so I’ll be shifting into a maintenance plan and possible recomp - but I’m hoping some answers to this can inform that plan and allow me to tackle last remaining goal of reducing my BF%.

Thanks so much for any insight!

submitted by /u/vuduma
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/gaX76rC

breasts shrinking after weight loss

I’m going to lose 70lbs (83 overall) and whilst trying to have very minimal expectations, I am wondering how much my breasts could change? I currently have DDs, obviously I’m aware they’re (hopefully) not going to shrink so much I’ll be an A cup or something (no hate- this is just very small compared to my current cup size which I like).

I’ve heard women (who have lost similar weights to my goal or more) say to be completely prepared to lose the majority of your chest, but I’ve also heard from other women that their breasts maybe dropped one cup size, again, these are women who have lost similar weight.

I know that there’s no way of knowing until I’m at my goal, but I’m just curious as I’ve heard one thing and also the complete opposite. I guess my question is how did weight loss affect your breasts?

submitted by /u/Distinct-Clerk4921
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/402LfZA

Are the first 10 pounds really just water weight?

I decided to make a change to my diet and exercise habits on June 24th, so today marked 1 month of trying to actually take control of my health and weight loss journey (for the umpteenth time) but this time I didn't restrict myself super low, or do hours of cardio, I just tracked my calories in a 500 calorie deficit and worked out more days that not. I was happy when I weighed in the morning 7.5 pounds down from where I was a month ago. I was talking to someone about how it feels different this time like I'm actually going to stick to it (and I have for longer than I ever had before), and they dismissively went "it's just water weight, you haven't lost anything yet. Everyone knows the first 10 pounds is all water weight." Now I'm just feeling really discouraged about this whole process.

submitted by /u/lonelyislander7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2CdgTtu