Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Losing 1 lb/month at 1200 kcals

Hi all! Like most people here, I've been trying to lose weight. I (23F, 5'3) started at 140 pounds in early October, aiming for 1200 calories a day, as was suggested by some calculator.

While not every day has been perfect (the holidays were rough lol) I've largely stuck to 1200 the past 7 months, counting calories daily and weighing multiple times a week. I've also been running and strength training, 2-4 times a week, along with walking. I focus on protein, fiber, and volume.

Today I looked at my little weight tracker Excel and it showed that on average, per month, I only lose a pound. I'm down 8 pounds from when I started. While progress is progress, and scales don't account for muscle gain, I'm still disheartened by this. It just doesn't seem right that at such a low intake, it takes me 4 weeks to lose what people lose in a week.

I've been considering trying to increase to 1500 and seeing if that changes anything. Frankly, I'm losing motivation with these results.

Is this a normal weight loss pace for someone my size, or am I doing something wrong? Is it even healthy to be at 1200 calories for an extended period of time? Should I just be patient and stick to the course?

Thank you for any insight, communities like this have been really useful over the past few months and I've learned so much about nutrition and self improvement!

submitted by /u/flyeeh
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/l5hbWdp

How to get rid of stubborn fat around my stomach??

Hi, I'm 5'7, weigh 70kg and 24 (f). I have recently decided that this will be the year that I will finally get my 'bikini body' as I am entering my late 20s soon and I know how difficult it is to lose the extra fat as you get older.

Although, this isn't my first time trying to loose weight. During Covid, I was committed to looking better so I was eating clean, in a calorie deficit and was walking around 10k steps daily. I lost about 11kg and went down to 59 kg. Annoyingly, I still had a very large stomach and I am not sure why. I was heading towards being underweight but with a beer belly?

I don't want to make the same mistakes again because last time I felt defeated and it made me give up on my weight loss journey. So does anyone have any advice on how to get rid of a big stomach?

*Also, just some context, I have also had a bit of a stomach even when I was a kid. So I don't live in fantasy land and think I will ever look like Kendall Jenner but for my BMI at the time it was a little ridiculous that I still had quite a large stomach.

submitted by /u/smartz123k
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/DJq9nxS

Monday, April 15, 2024

plateau and losing motivation

hi everyone! i’ve been on my weight loss journey for about 7 months now and have managed to lose 20kg! the last month however, my weight has stayed around 80kg with no signs of dropping. i haven’t made any lifestyle changes, i am still tracking everything that i eat (down to the gram) and i have even reduced my deficit by 100 calories, despite my original deficit already being quite aggressive (it is now 1500 calories). i just don’t know what else there is to do at this point. i’m nowhere near my goal weight, but this has really taken a toll on my motivation, as it all feels pointless if i’m just going to remain overweight.

does anyone have any recommendations or advice to help me get over this plateau? i’d really appreciate it 🫢🫢

stats if it helps: 173cm (5’8”), 80kg (176lbs), female, 20yo

current calorie intake: 1500/day

moderately active


submitted by /u/awesomecreeper69
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/YVtBCoG

Weight loss journey / low cal vs. low carb

Hi everyone :) My weight loss journey (this time around, anyway) began on Jan 29th of this year. For the first 44 days I counted calories but didn't cut out refined carbs. But when I got my blood tests (lipids, a1c of 6.3) back, I decided it was time to make more changes, so I switched to the same 1200 calorie a day diet but this time trying to keep my net carbs down to 50 per day. This lasted 32 days so far. It's not supposed to be keto, I'm doing it for my blood glucose. I've documented all of my weigh-ins and nutritional data in MyFitnessPal since the very start, so I decided to take advantage of the data export feature and see for myself how the low cal diet stood up against the low cal/carb diet in terms of weight loss. Given the same outgoing calorie ins/outs I lose considerably more weight (average weight loss per day) on a low carb diet, .22 per day on low cal and .32 per day on low carb. I think I've also felt happier and more energetic during this low carb period! I'm wearing a CGM now and if my average glucose stays where it is (around 109) I'll be down to a 5.5 a1C by my next test in June :) Yay, I'm doing it - taking control of my health!

submitted by /u/SimplicityWon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/naIXBvQ

Those who tracked your calories AND your steps: what was the trajectory of your weight loss?

Oftentimes when people here and everywhere on the internet discuss exercise for losing weight, someone says in all caps "calories in calories out", that comment gets the most upvotes and everyone calls it a day.

Given what we know about NEAT and homeostatic pressures against weight loss during a caloric deficit (decrease in BMR due to lower body mass, decreased thermic effect of food etcetc), physical activity, or "calories out" should absolutely be a considered parameter when trying to lose weight.

So for those of you whose physical activity was in the form of mostly walking AND who also controlled your calories with a lot of discipline - how did your weight change over time? If you happen to have graphs I will be even happier :)

submitted by /u/throawaythroaway11
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/GYdylUr

Long road behind, Long Road ahead

So I'm not sure where else to put this but I also don't want to bother my friends with it as sometimes I feel like there's a limit to how far they'll tolerate my constant weight loss adventure babbling, but I'm kind of in a weird emotional state.

For started, here's my stats. 5'4" SW on 24-Dec-2023: 190 lbs. CW today: 161.5 lbs. GW is about 120lbs. Average weight loss per week has been between 1-2lbs consistently.

So by those stats, I'm on track, and I'm on course for my goal of roughly hitting my target by the end of the year. And yet despite all that, these past couple of weeks I've had this emotion that I'm failing to succeed and that it's not having any effect.

I am writing today to ask everyone honestly... how to handle the emotions of the middle of the journey. Knowing how far you've come, but still seeing how long you have to go. Early journey was admittedly full of joy as I started to finally dip after years of false starts but now it's hitting the chore phase.

I vary my meals constantly and have allowed for a healthy mix of all kinds of food, including treating myself to pizza and other fried favourites when I balance my calorie counts, so its not like I'm really depriving myself of any joy other than maintaining a target calorie range per day and making sure I'm doing a healthy amount of exercise (5 days a week out of seven, aiming for about 40 minutes of exercise those five days)

And honestly, I'm not even feeling emotions about not being able to eat like I used to, in fact the reverse. I am elated that I've gained the self control to manage my food intake and keep it reasonable. But the emotions of doing the math and seeing 4 months behind me and potentially 8 ahead of me just... it's giving me almost a desire to give up because I feel like it's so much more work ahead.

Somewhere in there I think was a point? but I may have lost it.

TL:DR In the middle of a very long journey and the journey ahead is daunting and giving me feelings of wanting to throw in the towel.

submitted by /u/spacegothprincess
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/aAjf69D

Sunday, April 14, 2024

104 down 75 pounds to go

https://imgur.com/a/VSVTxw8 Ive been a lurker on this sub for awhile and I just want to show my progress even tho it may not be drastic. I’ve been on a weight loss journey since the pandemic but I didn’t start taking it seriously up until last year during the summer. I went from 315 pounds to 211 pounds. The current image I used as the before was around 255 pounds since I avoided the camera at 315 pounds because of how self conscious I was and in the second picture I’m now at 211 pounds. I lost all of my weight through a calorie deficit and just working out 5x a week for an hour a day with videos on YouTube but eating in a calorie deficit is what truly made the weight come off. When I first got into it, I wasn’t making the healthiest choices but I was still eating within my calorie deficit and as I kept losing weight, I began to make healthier alternatives and incorporated more protein with my meals so I could stay full throughout the day and not snack or binge. I still want to lose a good 75 pounds to be around the 130’s since that seems to be around the appropriate weight for my height at 5’8. There are so many things that changed once I lost weight. My bloodwork finally came back normal and I wasn’t within the pre diabetic range, I struggled with insulin resistance so my neck was quite dark and since I’m very pale it was very apparent and as I lost the weight it began to clear up, my face has gotten slimmer and clearer, I can now workout without getting winded so easily, I’m actually treated like a person and not some monster who takes up space, I had a refreshing moment my senior year last year where I moved schools and the guy who bullied the absolute shit out of me for my weight ended up moving to my new school as well and we ended up having a period together and I would always notice him just looking my way but would never talk to me at all but god the karma he got because he ended up gaining a shit ton of weight and always seemed to just avoid me whenever I was near him because I guess he seemed embarrassed.

submitted by /u/Nxqxo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/7oPSaNQ