Monday, April 15, 2024

Long road behind, Long Road ahead

So I'm not sure where else to put this but I also don't want to bother my friends with it as sometimes I feel like there's a limit to how far they'll tolerate my constant weight loss adventure babbling, but I'm kind of in a weird emotional state.

For started, here's my stats. 5'4" SW on 24-Dec-2023: 190 lbs. CW today: 161.5 lbs. GW is about 120lbs. Average weight loss per week has been between 1-2lbs consistently.

So by those stats, I'm on track, and I'm on course for my goal of roughly hitting my target by the end of the year. And yet despite all that, these past couple of weeks I've had this emotion that I'm failing to succeed and that it's not having any effect.

I am writing today to ask everyone honestly... how to handle the emotions of the middle of the journey. Knowing how far you've come, but still seeing how long you have to go. Early journey was admittedly full of joy as I started to finally dip after years of false starts but now it's hitting the chore phase.

I vary my meals constantly and have allowed for a healthy mix of all kinds of food, including treating myself to pizza and other fried favourites when I balance my calorie counts, so its not like I'm really depriving myself of any joy other than maintaining a target calorie range per day and making sure I'm doing a healthy amount of exercise (5 days a week out of seven, aiming for about 40 minutes of exercise those five days)

And honestly, I'm not even feeling emotions about not being able to eat like I used to, in fact the reverse. I am elated that I've gained the self control to manage my food intake and keep it reasonable. But the emotions of doing the math and seeing 4 months behind me and potentially 8 ahead of me just... it's giving me almost a desire to give up because I feel like it's so much more work ahead.

Somewhere in there I think was a point? but I may have lost it.

TL:DR In the middle of a very long journey and the journey ahead is daunting and giving me feelings of wanting to throw in the towel.

submitted by /u/spacegothprincess
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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