Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Screw Freelee The Banana Girl!

I’m just honestly realizing what I’ve been dealing with. It’s honestly not until the last 2 years or so that I ever actually felt satiated and normal. I’ve been plateaued for about a year, except for a 12 pound weight loss stint being low carb, and I retained about 5-7 pounds of that weight loss.

With some research and review of my symptoms, I’m 100% sure that I’m having blood sugar issues and that’s why my weight hasn’t gone down despite being in a 500-1000 daily calorie deficit. (Yes, I measured everything down to the gram).

I was so burnt out that I ate a bunch of sugary sweets, which I haven’t done in a very long time, as they were brought from a guest visiting and some goody bags from a party my partner went to recently. I felt so off, and the entire following week I was constantly ravenous, no matter how much I ate.

I’ve decided to go much lower with my carb intake, really up my protein intake, and use stuff that helps to stabilize blood sugar. I created a protocol and started following it 2 days ago and I feel SO MUCH BETTER. Way less lethargy. A lot more energy, less brain fog. Huge difference. My waist has been smaller when I wake up, and I can feel my body mobilizing the fat now (idk about you, but I can always feel it. It’s like a feeling of energy all over my body). So, I’m going to stick with this for a bit and see what happens, so wish me luck! But yeah, the whole Freelee the banana girl thing? Idk if you know who she is, but…

I was thinking about it, trying to understand what went wrong, and I remembered that I went vegan and started following her “diet” when I was 19, and was a strict vegan for 5 years. If you know anything about her, you’d know that she promotes a high carb diet where you eat incalculably massive quantities of food. I’m talking 10 bananas, 10 mangos, or 4.5 cups of rice or potatoes in one sitting. No matter how much I ate, I would be hungry in 20 minutes-an hour. Being told I don’t even need to THINK about protein because the WHO said only 3-5% of cals need to come from protein. So, now, knowing what I know now, I’m realizing that for FIVE YEARS of my life, my blood sugar was going crazy and wildly unstable, constantly hungry, eating a pound of pasta at night. And get this—turns out I have celiac! And half of the vegan meat substitutes are 100% pure gluten. So I would eat an entire package of gluten “sausages” in one sitting because I’d become accustomed to such high quantities and was being told that high carb was a good thing. I went from 145 pounds to 200 pounds in those 5 years, and I think it messed with my blood sugar hard core and caused a whole lot of health issues that I’m now having to pick up the pieces. So, I’m mad that I’m in this situation in the first place, thanks to my naïveté combined with the banana b**** and her HORRIBLE advice. Pretty much the opposite of what someone needs to lose weight.

But, at least now I’m seeing through it and I can actually do something about it, but that woman is an absolute abomination to the internet in every way.

submitted by /u/Accomplished_Sail326
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/znl5wIV

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