Thursday, April 25, 2024

Doctor downplayed my weight loss because I had a baby

I got my feelings really hurt when I was at my kids well check visit a few days ago and because I have three small children I’ve become rather familiar with their pediatrician who made the comment “looks like mommy has lost some weight” it made me super happy to hear until I told them very proudly I was up to 50lbs of weight loss and it got down played because “50lbs seems like a lot until you add in that you had a baby x amount of months ago because the weight just seems to fall off” It in fact did not fall off after I had my premature son via c section and sat in the nicu eating my feeling. I gained 30lbs after he was born in addition to the pregnancy weight. I was close to 300lbs where I’ve average 240 most of my adult life bouncing between 230 (lowest prior to this ) and 250. Currently I’m 219lbs which is the smallest I’ve been in a decade and still losing by working my ass off (literally I’ve lost 13.5 inches from my hips) and eating a large calorie deficit. It’s a battle because my mom suffered from ED and I constantly have to tell myself to calm down and it’s ok to take a rest day. I have to keep myself in check because I’ll push myself even harder in an attempt to burn more calories from work out than I ate that day and rush myself to under 200lbs. It’s a battle to do this correctly and keep myself healthy so I can be healthier and for a very well trusted medical professional to downplay it… really hurt.

submitted by /u/lunaraekatiemae
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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