Sunday, April 7, 2024

Worried about weight loss, loose skin, and disordered eating habits

Bear with me this will be long but I'll try to be as concise as I can be:

I am a 5'5 25f, maintained about a 65 pound weight loss that started when I was 19, for almost 5 years with maybe a 20lb fluctuations in between while still staying at a healthy bmi.

However this past year I got into a relationship and gained 50 pounds and I'm dreading going through the weight loss process again. I'm 185 lbs now and just dying to shed at least 40.

However I'm worried that my loose skin is going to be really bad and im not gonna bounce back the way I did as a teen.

I'm also worried about sticking to my plan, which includes eating 1400-1600 calories a day. I work a pretty active job and walk a lot, the thing is my partner is a chef, im a foodie, and we both really enjoy cooking meals together and going out to eat to try new things.

I'm sad to think about losing that aspect of our relationship as it's a huge source of enjoyment and bonding for us. So I need ideas on how to replace that...

I'm just dreading the 5 months ahead in which I'll have to eat like a rabbit but I know I can do it and I know it's necessary.

TW; numbers

The last time I did this though I fell into some really disordered eating patterns and was not eating anywhere near enough to sustain my lifestyle. About 800 cals a day.

It's how I lost 65lbs in the span of like 6 months. I actually ended up developing a binging problem because my body was so starved. I did manage it to reign it in and prevent myself from gaining all the weight back.

My concern is my inability to sustain a balance. It seems like I'm either overly disciplined and harsh about my food intake, leaving no wiggle room at all. Stepping on the scale 5+ times a day and shit talking myself to stay motivated.

Or I just don't give a fuck and eat whatever I want which is way too much.

I'm not a binge eater though, that only happened temporarily as a result of my under eating.

But again it seems like any time I try to give myself wiggle room for the sake of my sanity, I just end up falling off the wagon. It's so frustrating

If anyone could offer some encouragement, tips and tricks, and any advice, I would really appreciate it.

submitted by /u/yumions
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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