Friday, April 5, 2024

How often to adjust calorie deficit?

Hey y’all, happy Friday!

For the billionth time, I’m trying to start a weight loss journey and eat healthier. I am currently a 5’6 27F who weighs 255 lbs. I’ve been tracking my calories this week and the average is around 2,700, which does make sense given my weight, unfortunately. I’ve tracked extensively before, but I admittedly tend to give up on days that I go over so this was a cool experiment.

Numbers breakdown

Current calories consumed: ~2,700 calories per day

Maintenance: ~2,200 calories per day

Ideal calorie deficit: ~1,700 calories per day

I can never keep up with diets so I’m trying to do this as sustainably as possible (without taking 10 years lol). Would it make the most sense to lower calories by around 100 calories per week or maybe biweekly until I’m at a better point for weight loss (around 1,700 calories per day)? What have other folks done when they’re trying to be slow & steady?

That being said, I’m definitely eating a lot of high calorie foods, which I can try to avoid in day-to-day life. I’m wondering if I should decrease calories by 500 to start with, which would be my maintenance calories (2,200 calories), and then slowly lower after that? I could give myself a month at 2,200 and then lower by 50 weekly or 100 biweekly or something until I’m at around 1,700?

I have a bad habit of undereating one day, which leads me to be ravenous the next, eating 3,000+ calories. To a point, I need to master the basics of eating 2-3 times a day, not eating in the late evening, etc. so forming healthier habits is also going to be a priority for the first few weeks/months.

I want to be sustainable, but I’m also motivated by results so I’m a little worried that going to 2,600 -> 2,500 -> 2,400, etc. won’t lead to any change in weight, which may crush my motivation a little bit. I’m in it for the long haul either way, but want to set myself up for success. Please let me know your thoughts or what worked for you. Thank you!

submitted by /u/SeaworthinessNo6781
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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