Wednesday, April 10, 2024

3 Month Check In

Made post three months ago to start off my weight loss effort. TLDR did not lose weight but lessons learned, need to stay on top of CICO and tracking of calories.

Getting back on the loseit wagon today. Would appreciate any additional tips others may have. Posting here to give myself a bit more accountability.

- CICO works but only if you are consistent with it (well duh). When I started with MyFitnessPal, it was fairly easy to use and helped me truly see calories and food volume. The biggest thing that helped me with CICO is the simple act of quickly asking myself, do you really want to eat XYZ understanding that it will take me over the daily calorie limit. I was losing pound to two pounds a week consistently for about a month or two. It was working well. Where I failed was complacency/consistency. After using the app for a bit, I started feeling confident that I had a process down and stopped tracking. It was a slippery slope as I started slipping in an extra cookie here and there, getting a second helping for dinner, increasing my snack amount in a tiny bit. The moment I stopped tracking is where it all fell apart.

- CICO and MyFitnessPal helped me heavily reduce my alcohol intake. Was a person who was having 2-3 drinks a night out of habit while cooking. When I started tracking the calories, I began thinking through, would you prefer a bit more of dinner or have that extra drink? The drinking is now reduced to 0-1 drink a night.

- I stopped CICO tracking on big exercise days. I'm an avid cyclist and would have big days on the bike (6-10 hours). On these days, I told myself that these are to be cheat days and I should go nuts on food and not track. The following day, I would still have high than normal hunger and then I would tell myself its okay to not track again. This became a pattern and added to the lack of tracking mentioned above.

As of this morning, I am back on MyFitnessPal and using my lessons learned to start up again.

submitted by /u/Kirbacho
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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